February 2025: New team member at EIF
We warmly welcome our newest member at EIF: David Gazsi. He has obtained a post-doctoral position linked to the professorship of Patrick Müller. He has recently completed his PhD at King’s College London. For more details on his research and experience, see his personal section: https://eif.univie.ac.at/gazsi/index.php
December 2024: Post doctoral position at EIF
A post doctoral position starting from February 1st, 2025, is now open for applications. It is directed at post-doctoral researchers in the field of European Integration e. g. with a focus on digitalisation. Professor Gerda Falkner will be the supervisor in charge. For more details please see the full announcement. The deadline for applications is January 9th, 2025.
November 2024: Job opening at EIF
A post doctoral position starting from January 7th, 2025, is now open for applications. Its main focus will be International Relations of the European Union under the supervision of Professor Patrick Müller. For more details please see the full announcement. The deadline for applications is December 4th, 2024.
June 2024: Disruptive Innovation seed money for Timo Seidl
The Austrian Academy of Science (ÖAW) supports young researchers with small grants to carry out research considered as disruptive innovation. Timo Seidl succeeded through several rounds of evaluations and will now start his study TRANSFORM, fully titled Advancing ideational social science through transformer-based (language) models: a pilot study on the imagined futures of Web3.
May 2024: Special Issue on Digital Sovereignty
Following a conference on Digital Sovereignty in April 2022, an international group of researchers has contributed to a Special Issue entitled Digital Sovereignty - Rhetoric and Reality published by the Journal of European Public Policy (Vol. 31, Iss. 8). The Special Issue was coordinated, edited and introduced with a framework paper by the Vienna Working Group on Digital Europe, comprised of Gerda Falkner, Sebastian Heidebrecht, Anke Obendiek and Timo Seidl.
April 2024: Peter Slominski launches new project
A project application by Peter Slominski was successful with the Austrian Science Funds (FWF). The project will deal with the Accountability of the EU Agency Frontex in EU Border Management. Starting in June 2024 and running for two years, it will also present an opportunity for our post-doctoral researcher Magnus Schoeller who will work with Peter on the subject, bringing his experience with rigorous process tracing to the table.
March 2024: Gerda Falkner offers mentoring in postdoc:muv
The Department of Organizational Culture and Gender Equality offers an English-language mentoring programme for female postdocs at the University of Vienna, in which EIF's Head will support female postdocs in the realization of their professional goals. The three-semester programme includes the career support formats "mentoring" and "coaching", supplemented by topic-specific training.
December 2023: Peter Slominski honoured with Lupac prize
Margaretha Lupac bequeathed her fortune to the Austrian Parliament which has used it for a foundation to finance prizes for commitments to democracy or science. One of this year's recipients for the science prizes is EIF's own Peter Slominski who has been honoured for his life's accomplishments. Read the official notice (in German) here.
November 2023: JEPP's 'jolly good reads'
Celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Journal of European Public Policy (JEPP), editors Jeremy Richardson and Berthold Rittberger selected one article from each year. Gerda Falkner's "Modes of governance: towards a conceptual clarification", co-authored with Oliver Treib and Holger Bähr, was selected for 2007 (Journal of European Public Policy, 14:1, 1–20. DOI:10.1080/135017606061071406). EIF's Director is particularly proud of the "hub-and-spokes model", i. e. the multi-dimensional conceptualisation of modes of governance in Figure 1 - an effort to bring order to the chaos of "new modes of governance" debates.
September 2023: Working Paper “Ending the Digital Wild West?”
In the newest addition to our EIF Working Paper Series, Dominik Rubeš compares regulatory efforts and regimes in the digital realm of the European Union and the United States of America. You can read his paper here: https://eif.univie.ac.at/workingpapers/index.php.
March till June 2023: Presentations at International Conferences
Between January and May, 2023, EIF staff have attended the following international conferences with own paper presentations:
March 2023: Recording EU Digital Policy and Democracy available
Last autumn, Gerda Falkner (Head of EIF) held a lecture on EU Digital Policy and Democracy in the series Practicing Democracy in the Digital Age organised by the Research Platform Governance of Digital Practices. The recording is now available online.
February 2023: English Publication on Migration
In 2019, our doctoral student Kevin Fredy Hinterberger published his German thesis in which he analysed the different systems of regularising irregular migrants in Austria, Germany and Spain, and their interdependence with EU law. His thesis has now been translated thanks to financing by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and been published open access.