
News 2012

3 December 2012: Opening Symposium at University of Vienna

The Institute for European Integration Research has been incorporated into the University of Vienna as an interdepartmental research and teaching platform. The institute celebrated its conclusion into the university with a Symposium on the 3rd of December. In his official greeting, Rector Heinz W. Engl, welcomed the expansion of the research capacity at the University of Vienna from which all students may benefit.



30 November 2012: Austrian Day of Political Science: EIF-Panel

During the annual conference of Austrian political scientists, the EIF presented its ongoing collaborative research project with the topic "EU Policies in a Global Perpective: Shaping or Taking International Regimes?".

Convention program (pdf)


5 October 2012: Award Ceremony, House of Commons

Marcin Dabrowski, postdoc researcher at EIF, receives the 2012 Routledge Early Career Award for his paper ‘Europeanizing Sub-national Governance: Partnership in the Implementation of European Union Structural Funds in Poland’. It was published in the journal ‘Regional Studies’, volume 45, issue 1 and published online first at:

Taylor&Francis Online


17 - 28 September 2012: Vistiting Professor Sciences Po

Gerda Falkner is a Visiting Professor at the renowned Paris Institute of Political Science, Sciences Po in Paris. This is a joint event with LIEPP, a multidisciplinary research center specialized in the field of public policy evaluation.
During her stay, EIF’s Director lectured on current problems of European integration: "Non-Compliance on multiple levels: The EU's Achille's Heel?"


3 - 5 September 2012: Major International Conference

The UK-based University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) held a conference in Passau, Germany. Five EIF staff members participated: Ariadna Ripoll Servent and Florian Trauner chaired two panels and presented papers in the field of EU justice and home affairs, covering specifically Europol, and asylum issues. Zdenek Kudra spoke about IMF – EU relations and, on a second panel, about EU banking and accounting regulations. Vessela Hristova’s presentation discussed the extent to which the EU tolerates national diversity in the regulation of the Internal Market and Marco Botta’s paper covered state aid control in the Western Balkans.


1 April 2012: EIF moves to University of Vienna!

The Institute for European Integration Research has now transferred to the University of Vienna. As a “research platform”, it will collaborate closely with the faculties of social sciences, law, economics, and with the faculty of historical and cultural studies. The EIF team is looking forward to this new chapter of its work!

Related reports:

Newsletter Universität Wien, April 2012

Pressemeldung Universität Wien, März 2012

Pressemeldung OEAW, Februar 2012


1 March 2012: Academy Structural Plan adopted

The Austrian Academy of Sciences adopted its plan for structual reform 2012 - 14. The Institute for European Integration Research (EIF) is considered amongst the units with very good / excellent performance. Explicitly mentioned are its successful reform since 2008 as well as the high international level of its mostly English publications, e.g. with Oxford University Press or with journals in the Social Sciences Citation Index.




