25 September 2024: Article in Magazine Makronom
The German magazine Makronom published an article by the Vienna Working Group on Digital Europe that provides insights to German speakers on the findings of their Special Issue with the Journal of European Public Policy. You can read the article on the question of digital sovereignty here.
20 September 2024: Interview for Wiener Zeitung
EIF's head Gerda Falkner contributed background information on interest representation of the Austrian Laender in Brussels.
13 August 2024: Contribution to London School of Economics Blog
The London School of Economics features another (see below) blog contribution by the Vienna Working Group on Digital Europe relating to the newly published Special Issue with the Journal of European Public Policy. Entitled "Digital sovereignty in the EU – separating rhetoric from reality", the blog post is available here.
1 August 2024: Blog Contribution to Newspaper Der Standard
Heidebrecht, S., Falkner G., Obendiek, A. & Seidl, T. (2024). Digitale Souveränität: Rhetorik und/oder politische Realität? Der Standard vom 01.08.2024, Politikwissenschaftsblog. [Digital Sovereignty: Rhetoric and/or political reality? Political Science Blog in the Austrian Newspaper Der Standard, 1 August 2024] Available here.
11 July 2024: News (Austrian Magazine)
The Austrian Magazine News asked Sebastian Heidebrecht about the role of the presidency of the European Council for this article (in German).
30 May 2024: Salzburger Nachrichten
Sebastian Heidebrecht was interviewed for an article (in German) on young voters in EU election and the role of digital media.
8 May 2024: Encouraging young people to vote
Sebastian Heidebrecht took part in a debate (in German) for young voters to answer questions about the European Union and its policies in view of the upcoming election to the European Parliament.
12 January 2024: Online media and democracy in Europe
EIF Director Gerda Falkner was interviewed for the magazine of the German Böckler Stiftung for a special issue on how to strengthen democracy and educate citizens to that effect.