December 2019: Job Openings at EIF
In the area of EU and digitalization studies, 3 postdoc positions (duration: 6 years!) and one predoc position (4 years) have been advertised at the University of Vienna. These positions will strengthen the Centre for European Integration Research (EIF)’s new focus on the role of the European Union in (co-)shaping the digital revolution.
September 2019: Beginning of a new Project
The Project What determines EU sanctions? Design choice and exemptions has started in September. Its funding comes from the Austrian Science Fund as part of a Lise-Meitner-stipend and it is directed by Katharina Meissner. Gerda Falkner serves as mentor.
May 2019: EIF member to direct ECPR Workshop
Katharina Meissner will direct one workshop of the ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, namely on 'Designing Sanctions: The European Union in Regional and International Affairs' at Sciences Po Toulouse in France next year. The workshop, co-organized and co-directed with Clara Portela, seeks to provide a systematic investigation into and perspective on the varying designs of EU sanctions and their implications.
February 2019: EIF's Director at the European University Institute
During the second part of her stay as a Robert Schuman Fellow, from 1 to 15 February 2019, Gerda Falkner will - inter alia - contribute to the conference on "Germany and European (Dis-)Integration" and comment on a panel with Douglas Webber, Brigid Laffan, Fritz Scharpf, and Ulrich Krotz, at the Robert Schuman Centre of the European University Institute, Florence.
January 2019: Reorganisation
The Institute for European Integration Research has been included in the University of Vienna's Department for Political Science and will henceforth be called Centre for European Integration Research (EIF). Work will continue as before and a new cohort of one pre- and three post-doctoral fellows shall be admitted in 2020.