
Cooperations within the University of Vienna

Faculty of Social Sciences

Ulrich Brand, Faculty of Social Sciences
Commentator: “How and why international organizations develop mechanisms for the protection of human rights“
Commentator: "The Rise of the European Consolidation State"

Jörg Flecker, Faculty of Social Sciences
Commentator: "The Rise of the European Consolidation State"

Yuri Albert Kyrill Kazepov, Faculty of Social Sciences
Commentator: “Reforming the EU's Economic and Monetary Union from a 'social investment perspective': Mission possible?”

Sophie Lecheler, Faculty of Social Sciences
Commentator: "The Increasing Institutional Power of the European Parliament and EU Policy Making: How much New Intergovernmentalism?"

Josef Melchior, Faculty of Social Sciences
Commentator: “The new intergovernmentalism and institutional change in EU governance”
Commentator: “The Increasing Institutional Power of the European Parliament and EU Policy Making: How much New Intergovernmentalism?”
Commentator: "The Court of Justice of the European Union and the EU's Policy Process"

Tina Olteanu, Faculty of Social Sciences
Commentator: “Triumph and Crisis of the Liberal International Order: Insights from the EU”

Barbara Prainsack, Faculty of Social Sciences
Cooperation on IPW Lecture: Die EU vor der Gefahr eines Blackouts? 27. 4. 2021

Christoph Reinprecht, Faculty of Social Sciences
Commentator: “Human rights and the EU’s refugee policy after “Lampedusa”: Perspectives of academics and practitioners“

Sieglinde Rosenberger, Faculty of Social Sciences
Co-organizer of the Vienna Debate on European Integration: "The European Union and Turkey: Cooperation and/or Conflict"
Co-organizer of the workshop: „Österreichische und europäische Perspektiven zum Thema Abschiebung“

Birgit Sauer, Faculty of Social Sciences
Moderation and commentator: “Breaking Male Dominance in the EU: Mission Possible?”

Etienne Schneider, Faculty of Social Sciences
Presenter: EIF Lunchtime Seminar, Feb. 11, 2024

Dieter Segert, Faculty of Social Sciences
Commentator: „EU Enlargement 2004, 10 Years after: Politics and Law“

Alice Vadrot, Faculty of Social Sciences
Cooperation on IPW Lecture: Die EU vor der Gefahr eines Blackouts? 27. 4. 2021


Faculty of Economics

Gerhard Clemenz, Faculty of Economics
Commentator: „Private enforcement of EU competition law - Actions for damages between ECJ and national courts“

Oliver Fabel, Director of the Faculty of Economics
Commentator: “Breaking Male Dominance in the EU: Mission Possible?”

Thomas Gehrig, Faculty of Economics
Panelteilnehmer: “The European Union’s Banking Union: What has been achieved?”
Commentator: „The Future of the Euro: Incremental or systematic reform?“

Monika Mühlböck, Faculty of Economics
Commentator: “Back to the Future? Franco-German Bilateralism in post-Brexit EU Politics”

Franz Wirl, Faculty of Economics
Commentator: „Die EU nach dem Pariser Klima-Abkommen - Vorreiterposition trotz interner Handlungsblockaden?“


Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies

Thomas Angerer, Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies
Commentator: “Back to the Future? Franco-German Bilateralism in post-Brexit EU Politics”

Carsten Burhop, Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies
Commentator: “European Integration – and Disintegration?”

Andrea Komlosy, Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies
Commentator: “Triumph and Crisis of the Liberal International Order: Insights from the EU”

Maria Mesner, Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies
Commentator: “Breaking Male Dominance in the EU: Mission Possible?”

Oliver Jens Schmitt, Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies
Commentator: “European Integration – and Disintegration?”


Faculty of Law

Josef Aicher, Faculty of Law
Commentator: “Workshop: Access to leniency file in EU competition law enforcement: Public v. private enforcement considerations”

Josef Azizi, Faculty of Law
Commentator: “Workshop: Access to leniency file in EU competition law enforcement: Public v. private enforcement considerations”
Commentator: "The Court of Justice of the European Union and the EU's Policy Process"

Daniel Ennöckl, Faculty of Law
Commentator: „Die EU nach dem Pariser Klima-Abkommen – Vorreiterposition trotz interner Handlungsblockaden?“

Thomas Jaeger, Faculty of Law
Commentator: "The Increasing Institutional Power of the European Parliament and EU Policy Making: How much New Intergovernmentalism?"

Alina-Maria Lengauer, Faculty of Law
Discussant: Public lecture and inter-departmental workshop: A Cornerstone of EU Enlargement Policy; The Energy Community Ten Years After
Podiumstatement: „Workshop: Forschung zur europäischen Integration und zum EU-Recht an der Universität Wien: Europarecht, ELI und EIF im Gespräch“
Panelteilnehmerin: “The European Union’s Banking Union: What has been achieved?”
Commentator: „The Future of the Euro: Incremental or systematic reform?“

Wolfgang Mazal, Faculty of Law
Commentator: “In the shadow of the law: EU social policy between the ECJ and politics“

Robert Rebhahn, Faculty of Law
Discussant: "The EU in Crisis: Effects in different policy areas"

Alexander Somek, Faculty of Law
Commentator: “Triumph and Crisis of the Liberal International Order: Insights from the EU”

Peter Stockenhuber, Faculty of Law
Commentator: “Workshop: Access to leniency file in EU competition law enforcement: Public v. private enforcement considerations”
Commentator: „Private enforcement of EU competition law - Actions for damages between ECJ and national courts“

Verica Trstenjak, Faculty of Law
Podiumstatement: „Workshop: Forschung zur europäischen Integration und zum EU-Recht an der Universität Wien: Europarecht, ELI und EIF im Gespräch“
Commentator: „EU Enlargement 2004, 10 Years after: Politics and Law“
Commentator: “The new intergovernmentalism and institutional change in EU governance”

Christiane Wendehorst, Faculty of Law
Opening statement and moderation: „Workshop: Forschung zur europäischen Integration und zum EU-Recht an der Universität Wien: Europarecht, ELI und EIF im Gespräch“

Michaela Windisch-Graetz, Faculty of Law
Commentator: “European Integration – and Disintegration?“