max. two per person
For further publications please see the respective lists of the Team.
Deters, Henning, and Andreas Corcaci. 2024. Shaping EU policy in regional parliaments: a configurational analysis of the Posted Workers Directive in Germany. Regional & Federal Studies, online first, DOI: 10.1080/13597566.2024.2373724
Deters, Henning. 2024. The Changing Unpolitics of Covid‐19 Vaccine Procurement. Politics and Governance, Vol. 12, Art. 8230, 1-16.
Falkner, Gerda; Heidebrecht, Sebastian; Obendiek, Anke; Seidl, Timo: Special issue edition: Journal of European Public Policy, Special Issue on "Digital Sovereignty: Rhetoric and Reality". 2024, Vol. 31, Issue 8.
Falkner, Gerda; Heidebrecht, Sebastian; Obendiek, Anke; Seidl, Timo: Introduction to Special issue: "Digital Sovereignty: Rhetoric and Reality". in: Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 31, Issue 8, 2024, pp. 2099-2120.
Müller, Patrick: Hungary's Populist Government and the Contestation of EU Foreign Policy Co‐Operation at the United Nations: Dogs That Bark Do Not Bite? Journal of Common Market Studies (2024). Online first: [with Carla Monteleone and Tatiana Coutto]
Schoeller, Magnus: “Managing Constraint: Frugal Opposition to European Fiscal Solidarity”, Journal of European Public Policy 31:10 (2024), 3275-3298, with D. Bokhorst.
Schoeller, Magnus: “Explaining the Leadership Vacuum - Germany, the completion of the Banking Union and arms deliveries to Ukraine”, EIF Working Paper 1/2024 (March 2024), Vienna, with Olof Karlsson and Emil Hildebrand.
Seidl, Timo: (2024). Charting the Contours of the Geo-Tech World. Geopolitics, 29(5), 2033–2045. Article
Slominski, Peter: Hungary, the EU and Russia’s War against Ukraine: The Changing Dynamics of EU Foreign Policymaking, in: Claudia Wiesner and Michèle Knodt (eds.), The War against Ukraine and the EU. Facing New Realities, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024, 111-131, (with P. Müller)
Supranational Self-empowerment through Bricolage: The Role of the European Commission in EU Security and Defence, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 62(6), 1672-1691, 2024, DOI: 10.1111/jcms.13564 (with P. Müller and W. Sagmeister)
Deters, Henning. 2023. Von Anpassung zur Mitgestaltung? Die Rolle deutscher Landesparlamente bei der Reform der Entsenderichtlinie in: Sarah Meyer (ed.). Europapolitik durch die subnationale Brille - Regionalparlamente und Bürger:Innen im EU Mehrebenensystem. Krems: University of Krems Press, pp. 99–142.
Donnelly, Shawn; Ríos Camacho, Elena; Heidebrecht, Sebastian (2023): Digital sovereignty as control: the regulation of digital finance in the European union. Journal of European Public Policy, 31(8), 2226-2249. Available here.
Heidebrecht, Sebastian (2023). From Market Liberalism to Public Intervention: Digital Sovereignty and Changing European Union Digital Single Market Governance. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies. Available here.
Heidebrecht, Sebastian (2023). Platform Accountability in the European Union: The Cases of Data Protection and Digital Services Regulation. Politique européenne, 81, 142-168. Available here.
Meissner, Katharina (2023): The transformation and design of EU restrictive measures against Russia. With Chiara Graziani in: Journal of European Integration, vol. 45(3): 377-394
Meissner, Katharina (2023): EU Parliaments in a post-constitutionalizing stage: Competitors or Allies? With Ben Crum in: The Journal of Legislative Studies, Vol. 31, Issue 1, 313-330.
Müller, Patrick: Konvergenz der Krisen, in: Risikolandschaft Österreich 2023, Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung (2023).
Müller, Patrick (2023): Austrian Foreign Policy and key Debates on EU Foreign Policy, Austrian Journal of Political Science 51(4), 19-25.
Schoeller, Magnus: “Leadership Aspirations versus Reality: Germany’s Self-Concept in Europe”, International Affairs 99:4 (July 2023), 1615-1634.
Schoeller, Magnus and Heidebrecht, Sebastian: “Continuity despite Crises: Germany's Euro Policy in the Light of the Pandemic, War and Inflation”, Journal of European Public Policy, 31(9) (May 2023), 2509-2533.
Seidl, Timo and Schmitz, Luuk (2023) 'Moving on to not fall behind? Technological sovereignty and the ‘geo- dirigiste’ turn in EU industrial policy.' Journal of European Public Policy, 1-29. Article
Seidl, Timo (2023) 'Commodification and Disruption. Theorizing Digital Capitalism.' Weizenbaum Journal of the Digital Society 3(1). Article
Slominski, Peter: Supranational Self-empowerment through Bricolage: The Role of the European Commission in EU Security and Defence, Journal of Common Market Studies, 2023, DOI: 10.1111/jcms.13564 (with P. Müller and W. Sagmeister)
Slominski, Peter: Østerrikes EU-medlemskap: institusjonelle og politiske implikasjoner, Internasjonal Politikk, Vol. 81(4) 2023, 562–574, DOI: 10.23865/intpol.v81.5980 [Institutional and Policy Implications of Austria’s EU Membership, International Politics, Vol. 81(4) 2023, 562–574] (with J. Pollak)
Deters, Henning, and Federica Zardo. 2022. The european commission in Covid-19 vaccine cooperation: leadership vs coronationalism? In Journal of European Public Policy, 30(6): 1051-1071. Falkner, Gerda: Digitale Demokratie oder Digitale Diktatur? Warum disziplinäre Perspektiven verknüpft werden sollten, in: Bogner, Alexander; Decker, Michael; Nentwich, Michael und Scherz, Constanze (Hg.): Digitalisierung und die Zukunft der Demokratie. Beiträge aus der Technikfolgenabschätzung. Berlin: Nomos, 2022, pp. 173-188, open access. Heidebrecht, Sebastian and Schoeller, Magnus: “The Austrian-German Relationship in EMU Reform: From Asymmetric Partnership to Increased Independence”, German Politics 31:2 (May 2022), 240-262. Meissner, Katharina (2022): How to sanction international wrongdoing? The design of EU restrictive measures In: Review of International Organizations, vol. 18(1):61-85 Meissner, Katharina (2022): Reaching beyond foreign policy? EU sanctions at the intersection of development, trade and Common Foreign and Security Policy With Clara Portela. Special Issue of Politics and Governance, vol. 10(1) Müller, Patrick: Populist Capture of Foreign Policy Institutions: The Orbán Government and the De-Europeanization of Hungarian Foreign Policy, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 61 (2022), No. 2, pp. 397-415 [with David Gazsi].
Müller, Patrick: Spillover Dynamics and Inter-Institutional Interaction between CSDP and AFSJ: Moving towards a more Joined-up EU External Migration Policy? Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Vol. 49 (2022), No. 12, pp. 3005-3023 [with Julian Bergmann]. Obendiek, A. S. (2022). Data Governance: Value Orders and Jurisdictional Conflicts. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Obendiek, A. S. (2022) "What Are We Actually Talking About? Conceptualizing Data as a Governable Object in Overlapping Jurisdictions", International Studies Quarterly, 66/1 (March 2022). Schoeller, Magnus: “Centrifugal Forces in a Hegemonic Environment: The Rise of Small-State Coalitions in the Economic and Monetary Union”, European Political Science Review 14:1 (February 2022), 1-17. Schoeller, Magnus and Falkner, Gerda: “Acting in the Shadow of German Hegemony? The Role of Small States in the Economic and Monetary Union (Introduction to the Special Issue)“, German Politics 31:2 (May 2022), 197-217. Seidl, Timo (2022) 'Investing in the Knowledge Economy: the Comparative Political Economy of Public Investments in Knowledge-based Capital.' European Journal of Political Research 62(3), pp. 924-944. Article | Replication Materials Seidl, Timo (2022) 'The Politics of Platform Capitalism: A Case Study on the Regulation of Uber in New York.' Regulation & Governance 16(2), pp. 357-374. Article | Working Paper | Replication Materials Slominski, Peter: Frontex’s Consultative Forum and Fundamental Rights Protection: Enhancing Accountability Through Dialogue?, European Papers, Vol. 7(1) 2022, 195-214, DOI: 10.15166/2499-8249/554 (with C. Loschi) Slominski, Peter: The EU hotspot approach in Italy: strengthening agency governance in the wake of the migration crisis?, Journal of European Integration, Vol. 44(6) 2022, 769-786, DOI: 10.1080/07036337.2022.2047186 (with C. Loschi) Deters, Henning. 2021. “Policy Making” In Environmental Policy in the EU: Actors, Institutions and Processes, eds. Andrew Jordan and Viviane Gravey, fourth edition. London: Routledge Deters, Henning and Falkner, Gerda: Remapping the European Agenda-Setting Landscape. in: Public Administration, 2021, Vol. 99(2), pp. 290-303. Falkner, Gerda: "The digital revolution and our democratic lives: meeting the challenges" in: Maria João Rodrigues, François Balate (eds.), Our European Future: Charting a Progressive Course in the World, London Publishing Partnership, London, 2021, pp. 209-215. Heidebrecht, Sebastian (2021): Technocratic governance at the centre of the European Economic and Monetary Union. Exploring the accountability of expert-based decision-making in the European Central Bank, in: Arcuri, Alexandra/Coman-Kund, Florin (eds.): Technocracy and the Law: Accountability, Governance and Expertise, London: Routledge, pp. 109-130. Meissner, Katharina (2021): Requesting trade sanctions? The European Parliament and the Generalised Scheme of Preferences. In: Journal of Common Market Studies, 59(1): 91-107 Müller, Patrick: Failing forward in the EU's common security and defense policy: the integration of EU crisis management. Journal of European Public Policy, 2021, 28(10), pp. 1669-1687 [with Julian Bergmann]. Müller, Patrick: The Domestic Challenge to EU Foreign Policy-Making: From Europeanisation to de-Europeanisation? Journal of European Integration, Vol. 43 (2021), No. 5, pp. 519-534 [with Karolina Pomorska and Ben Tonra]. Schoeller, Magnus: “Preventing the Eurozone Budget: Issue Replacement and Small State Influence in EMU“, Journal of European Public Policy 28:11 (November 2021), 1727-1747. Seidl, Timo (2021) 'The discursive construction of digitalization: a comparative analysis of national discourses on the digital future of work'. European Political Science Review, 13(3), pp. 391-409. [with Matteo Marenco] Article Slominski, Peter (ed.): The Role of EU Agencies in the Eurozone and Migration Crisis. Impact and Future Challenges, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan 2021 (European Administrative Governance) (co-edited with J. Pollak) Slominski, Peter: Interagency Relations and the EU Migration Crisis: Strengthening of Law Enforcement Through Agencification?, in: Johannes Pollak/Peter Slominski (eds.), The Role of EU Agencies in the Eurozone and Migration Crisis. Impact and Future Challenges, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan 2021, 205-227 (with C. Loschi) Falkner, Gerda: Applying, Enforcing and Implementing European Union Rules. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2020. Falkner, Gerda: EU Policies and Populist Radical Right Parties’ Programmatic Claims: Foreign Policy, Anti-Discrimination, and the Single Market. In: Journal of Common Market Studies, 2020, Vol. 58(3), pp. 723-739. [co-authored with Georg Plattner]
Meissner, Katharina: Bilateralism in an Interregional World? From EU Negotiations with MERCOSUR to a Bilateral Strategic Partnership with Brazil. In: Julien Chaisse (ed.): Sixty Years of European Integration and Global Power Shifts: Perceptions, Interactions and Lessons. Hart Publishing, 269-287. Müller, Patrick: Orchestrating Peace by Proxy: Exploring the Effectiveness of the EU’s Mediation Support in South Sudan, European Security, Vol. 29 (2020), No. 2, 149-169 [with Julian Bergmann] Schoeller, Magnus: “Tracing Leadership: The ECB's 'Whatever It Takes' and Germany in the Ukraine Crisis“, West European Politics, 43:5 (April 2020), 1095-1116. Deters, Henning: "European Environmental Policy at 50. Five Decades of Escaping Decision Traps?", Environmental Policy and Governance, 2019, 29(5): 315-325.
Deters, Henning: "Agenda Dynamics in the European Politics of Land: Explaining the Soil Protection Gap.", The Politics of Land, ed. Tim Bartley. Research in Political Sociology, 2019, vol. 26: 97-120.
Falkner, Gerda and Plattner, Georg: EU Policies in Times of Populist Radical Right Euroscepticism: Which Future? In: Clara Rauchegger and Anna Wallermann (eds.): The Eurosceptic Challenge: National Implementation and Interpretation of EU Law. London: Hart Publishing, 2019, pp. 7-26.
Falkner, Gerda: The EU's Social Dimension, in: Michelle Cini and Nieves Pérez-Solórzano Borragán (eds.), European Union Politics, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2019. Meissner, Katharina: “Cherry picking in the design of trade policy: Why regional organizations shift between inter-regional and bilateral negotiations", Review of International Political Economy, 26(5): 1043-1067. Meissner, Katharina and Schoeller, Magnus: "Rising despite the Polycrisis? The European Parliament's Strategies of Self-Empowerment after Lisbon", Journal of European Public Policy 26:7 (June 2019), 1075-1093.
Müller, Patrick: Normative Power Europe and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: The EU’s Peacebuilding Narrative meets Local Narratives, European Security, Vol. 28 (2019), No. 3, pp. 251-267. Müller, Patrick and Slominski, Peter: Legal framing and the EU’s External Relations: how NGOs shaped the Negotiations for an Israel-Europol Cooperation Agreement, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 26 (2019), No. 6, pp. 906-926, Schoeller, Magnus: Leadership in the Eurozone: The Role of Germany and EU Institutions, London: Palgrave Macmillan (Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics), 2019.
Schoeller, Magnus: “Driving Informal Institutional Change: The European Parliament and the Reform of the Economic and Monetary Union“, Journal of European Integration 41:3 (May 2019), 277-292, with A. Héritier.
Zardo, Federica: "Negotiating the Rules of the Game in Euro-Mediterranean Relations", L'Europe en Formation, 2019, Vol. 388, Issue 1, pp. 149-164.
Deters, Henning: The EU’s Green Dynamism: Deadlock and Change in Energy and Environmental Policy. Colchester: ECPR Press 2018. Deters, Henning: “Policy Coherence by Subterfuge? Arenas and Compromise-Building in the EU Energy Efficiency Policy.”. Environmental Policy and Governance, 2018, 28(5): 359–368 Falkner, Gerda: A causal loop? The Commission's new enforcement approach in the context of non-compliance with EU law even after CJEU judgments. in: Journal of European Integration, 2018, Vol. 40(6), pp. 769-784.
Falkner, Gerda: Implementation and enforcement of EU policies, in: Laurie Buonanno and Nikolaos Zahariadis (eds.), Handbook of European Public Policy, Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2018, pp. 323-330. Meissner, Katharina: “Putting Power into Practice: Administrative and Political Capacity Building in the European Parliament's Committee for International Trade", Public Administration, vol. 96(3): 561-577. With Evelyn Coremans Meissner, Katharina: “Commercial Realism and EU Trade Policy: Competing for Economic Power in Asia and the Americas”. Routledge (Routledge/UACES Contemporary European Studies) Müller, Patrick: Une Liaison Transnationale: Exploring the Role of NGOs in EU Foreign Policy-making towards the ICC, Comparative European Politics (2019), Vol. 17(5), p. 696-713 [with Oriol Costa].
Schoeller, Magnus: “The Rise and Fall of Merkozy: Franco-German Bilateralism as a Negotiation Strategy in Eurozone Crisis Management”, Journal of Common Market Studies 56:5 (July 2018), 1019-1035. Schoeller, Magnus: “Leadership by Default: The ECB and the Announcement of Outright Monetary Transactions”, Credit and Capital Markets / Kredit und Kapital 51:1 (March 2018), 73-91. Slominski, Peter: How do Member States Return Unwanted Migrants? The Strategic (non-)Use of Europe during the Migration Crisis, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 56(1) 2018, 101-118, DOI: 10.1111/jcms.12621 (with F. Trauner) Zardo, Federica: "Friends will be friends? External-domestic interactions in EU-Tunisia and EU-Morocco security cooperation after the uprisings", International Politics, Vol. 55, Issue 1, pp. 1-19. [with Cavatorta, F.] Click to show/hide
EIF teamwork and further publications
Articles in refereed journals indexed in the SSCI
Journal articles (peer-reviewed)
European integration is in a time of crisis. This has a profound impact on different EU policies. The Institute for European Integration Research has therefore led a major collaborative project uniting international and internal colleagues in the quest for developing a theory how and when crisis may induce policy breakthrough as opposed to stalemate. The team compared the effects of the recent financial, economic and neighbourhood crises on the EU’s main policy domains, including financial market integration, trade, health, migration, research, energy, foreign and state aid policies.
The results of this projects have been published in one of the major journals in the field, the Journal of European Integration (included in the Social Sciences Citation Index, SSCI): Link to special issue. They have later also been published as a book with Routledge, Abingdon and New York: Link to book.
Gerda Falkner's article covering the main findings of the project has "open access" for all: Link to open access.
EIF's collaborative research project 2012-13 brought together leading international scholars (Carsten Daugbjerg, Dirk De Bièvre, Katharina Holzinger, Arlo Poletti, Christilla Roederer-Rynning, Thomas Sommerer) and EIF staff to study the EU’s role in shaping global policies. Findings edited by Gerda Falkner and Patrick Müller (2014), Abingdon and New York: Routledge. Flyer and available for order here.
EIF's collaborative research project 2009-11 brought together leading international scholars (Arthur Benz, Philipp Genschel, Miriam Hartlapp, Katharina Holzinger, Dorte Sindbjerg Martinsen, Christilla Roederer-Rynning, Fritz W. Scharpf, Susanne K. Schmidt) and EIF staff to study stalemate and breakthrough in European integration. Findings edited by Gerda Falkner (2011), The EU's Decision Traps. Comparing EU Policies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Schoeller, Magnus (2020) Governing Finance in Europe: A Centralisation of Rulemaking? With Adrienne Héritier. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Zardo, Federica (2020) "Joint Ownership in EU-Tunisia Relations - Power and Negotiation." London: Palgrave Macmillan (Palgrave Series: The European Union in International Affairs).
Schoeller, Magnus (2019) Leadership in the Eurozone: The Role of Germany and EU Institutions, London: Palgrave Macmillan (Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics).
Meissner, Katharina and Schoeller, Magnus (2019) "European Parliament Ascendant: Parliamentary Strategies of Self-Empowerment in the EU" With Adrienne Héritier and Catherine Moury. Palgrave Macmillan (European Administrative Governance).
Deters, Henning (2018) The EU’s Green Dynamism: Deadlock and Change in Energy and Environmental Policy. Colchester: ECPR Press.
Meissner, Katharina (2018) "Commercial Realism and EU Trade Policy: Competing for Economic Power in Asia and the Americas" Routledge (Routledge/UACES Contemporary European Studies).
Falkner, Gerda (2017) EU policies in times of crisis: Mechanisms of change and varieties of outcomes (ed.), Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
Trauner, Florian; Ripoll Servent, Ariadna (eds., 2015) Policy change in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice - How EU institutions matter. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
Falkner, Gerda and Müller, Patrick (eds., 2014) EU Policies in a Global Perspective: Shaping or taking international regimes?, Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
Slominski, Peter and Pollak, Johannes (2012) Das politische System der EU. Wien: facultas/WUV (UTB) (2. erweiterte und aktualisierte Auflage).
Alecu, Nicole de Flers (2011) EU Foreign Policy and the Europeanization of Neutral States. Comparing Irish and Austrian foreign policy. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
Trauner, Florian (2011) The Europeanisation of the Western Balkans. EU justice and home affairs in Croatia and Macedonia. Manchester University Press: Manchester.
Müller, Patrick (2011) EU Foreign Policymaking toward the Middle East Conflict – The Europeanization of National Foreign Policy. Abingdon and New York, Routledge.
Rajkovic, Nikolas M. (2011) The Politics of International Law and Compliance. Serbia, Croatia and The Hague Tribunal. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
Falkner, Gerda (2020) EU Policies and Populist Radical Right Parties’ Programmatic Claims: Foreign Policy, Anti-Discrimination, and the Single Market. In: Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 58(3), pp. 723-739. (with Georg Plattner)
Müller, Patrick and Slominski, Peter (2020) Breaking the legal link but not the law? The externalization of EU migration control through orchestration in the Central Mediterranean, Journal of European Public Policy (2020), DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2020.1751243
Schoeller, Magnus (2020) Preventing the Eurozone Budget: Issue Replacement and Small State Influence in EMU, Journal of European Public Policy online first, DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2020.1795226."
Schoeller, Magnus (2020) Germany, the Problem of Leadership, and Institution-Building in EMU Reform, Journal of Economic Policy Reform 23:3, 309-324.
Schoeller, Magnus (2020) Tracing Leadership: The ECB's 'Whatever It Takes' and Germany in the Ukraine Crisis, West European Politics, 43:5, 1095-1116.
Slominski, Peter (2020) Reforming me softly – how soft law has changed EU return policy since the migration crisis, West European Politics, online first. DOI: 10.1080/01402382.2020.1745500 (with F. Trauner)
Zardo, Federica and Loschi, Chiara (2020) EU-Algeria (non)Cooperation on Migration: A Tale of two Fortresses, Mediterranean Politics, online first. DOI: 10.1080/13629395.2020.1758453
Deters, Henning (2019) European Environmental Policy at 50. Five Decades of Escaping Decision Traps? In: Environmental Policy and Governance, 29(5): 315-325.
Meissner, Katharina (2019) Brexit under scrutiny in EU member states: What role for national parliaments in Austria and Germany? In: Politics and Governance, vol. 7(3): 279-290
Meissner, Katharina (2019) Cherry picking in the design of trade policy: Why regional organizations shift between inter-regional and bilateral negotiations In: Review of International Political Economy, vol. 26(5): 1043-1067.
Meissner, Katharina and Schoeller, Magnus (2019) Rising despite the polycrisis? The European Parliament's strategies of self-empowerment after Lisbon in: Journal of European Public Policy, vol. 26(7): 1075-1093
Meissner, Katharina (2019) The paradox of human rights conditionality in EU trade policy: When strategic interests drive policy outcomes With Lachlan McKenzie in: Journal of European Public Policy, vol. 26(9): 1273-1291.
Meissner, Katharina (2019) Leveraging Interregionalism: EU Strategic Interests in Asia, Latin America and the Gulf Region In: International Politics, vol. 56(3): 359-374
Müller, Patrick (2019) Normative Power Europe and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: The EU’s Peacebuilding Narrative meets Local Narratives, European Security, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 251-267.
Müller, Patrick and Slominski, Peter (2019) Legal framing and the EU’s External Relations: how NGOs shaped the Negotiations for an Israel Europol Cooperation Agreement, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 26 (2019), No. 6, pp. 906-926,
Schoeller, Magnus (2019) “Driving Informal Institutional Change: The European Parliament and the Reform of the Economic and Monetary Union“, Journal of European Integration 41:3, 277-292, with Adrienne Héritier.
Zardo, Federica (2019) Negotiating the Rules of the Game in Euro-Mediterranean Relations, L'Europe en Formation, Vol. 388, Issue 1, pp. 149-164.
Deters, Henning (2018) Policy Coherence by Subterfuge? Arenas and Compromise-Building in the EU Energy Efficiency Policy. Environmental Policy and Governance, 28(5): 359–368
Falkner, Gerda (2018) A causal loop? The Commission's new enforcement approach in the context of non-compliance with EU law even after CJEU judgments. in: Journal of European Integration, Vol. 40(6), pp. 769-784.
Hinterberger, Kevin Fredy (2018) A Multi-Level Governance Approach to Residence Rights of Migrants and Irregular Residence in the EU, European Journal of Migration and Law, Vol. 20, pp. 182-204.
Meissner, Katharina (2018) Putting Power into Practice: Administrative and Political Capacity Building in the European Parliament's Committee for International Trade, With Evelyn Coremans in: Public Administration, vol. 96(3): 561-577.
Meissner, Katharina (2018) Resorting to bilateralism: The EU, MERCOSUR, and the Strategic Partnership with Brazil In: Journal of European Integration, vol. 40(1): 51-66
Schoeller, Magnus (2018) “The Rise and Fall of Merkozy: Franco-German Bilateralism as a Negotiation Strategy in Eurozone Crisis Management”, Journal of Common Market Studies, online first, DOI: 10.1111/jcms.12704.
Slominski, Peter (2018): How do Member States Return Unwanted Migrants? The Strategic (non-)Use of Europe during the Migration Crisis, Journal of Common Market Studies, with Florian Trauner, Vol. 56(1) 2018, 101-118.
Zardo, Federica (2018) Friends will be friends? External-domestic interactions in EU-Tunisia and EU-Morocco security cooperation after the uprisings, International Politics, with Cavatorta, F., Vol. 55, Issue 1, pp. 1-19.
Schoeller, Magnus (2017): Providing political leadership? Three case studies on Germany's ambiguous role in the eurozone crisis, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 24 (1), pp. 1-20.
McKenzie, Lachlan and Meissner, Katharina (2017): Human Rights Conditionality in European Union Trade Negotiations: the case of the EU-Singapore FTA, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 55(4), pp. 832-849.
Biedenkopf K., Müller P., Wettestad J., and Slominski P.: A Global Turn to Greenhouse Gas Emissions-Trading? – Experiments, Actors and Diffusion, In: Global Environmental Politics, Vol. 17(3), pp. 1-11.
Müller, Patrick and Slominski, Peter (2017): The Politics of Learning: Developing an Emissions Trading Scheme in Australia, Global Environmental Politics, Vol. 17(3), pp. 51-68.
Falkner, Gerda (2016): The EU's problem-solving capacity and legitimacy in a crisis context: A virtuous or vicious circle?, West European Politics, special issue edited by Brigid Laffan "Europe's Union in Crisis: Tested and Contested", Vol. 39(5), pp. 953-970.
Falkner, Gerda (2016): The EU’s current crisis and its policy effects: Research design and comparative findings, Journal of European Integration, Vol. 38 (3), pp. 219-235.
Slominski, Peter and Müller, Patrick (2017): The Role of Law in EU Foreign Policy-Making: Legal Integrity, Legal Spillover, and the EU Policy of Differentiation towards Israel, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 55(4), pp. 871-888.
Botta, Marco (2016): Competition policy: safeguarding the Commission’s competences in State aid control, Journal of European Integration, Vol. 38 (3), pp. 265-278, DOI: 10.1080/07036337.2016.1140156, online first: 24 March 2016.
Kudrna, Zdenek (2016): Financial market regulation: crisis-induced supranationalization, Journal of European Integration, Vol. 38 (3), pp. 251-264, DOI: 10.1080/07036337.2016.1140153, online first: 24 March 2016.
Földes, Maria Eva (2016): Health policy and health systems: a growing relevance for the EU in the context of the economic crisis, Journal of European Integration, Vol. 38 (3), pp. 295-309, DOI: 10.1080/07036337.2016.1140757, online first: 24 March 2016.
Trauner, Florian (2016): Asylum policy: the EU’s ‘crises’ and the looming policy regime failure, Journal of European Integration, Vol. 38 (3), pp. 311-325, DOI: 10.1080/07036337.2016.1140756, online first: 24 March 2016.
Müller, Patrick (2016): EU foreign policy: no major breakthrough despite multiple crises, Journal of European Integration, Vol. 38 (3), pp. 359-374, DOI: 10.1080/07036337.2016.1140157, online first: 24 March 2016.
Slominski, Peter (2016): Energy and climate policy: does the competitiveness narrative prevail in times of crisis?, Journal of European Integration, Vol. 38 (3), pp. 343-357, DOI: 10.1080/07036337.2016.1140759, online first: 24 March 2016.
Ulnicane, Inga (2016): Research and innovation as sources of renewed growth? EU policy responses to the crisis. Journal of European Integration, Vol. 38 (3), pp. 327-341, DOI: 10.1080/07036337.2016.1140155, online first: 24 March 2016.
Slominski, Peter and Müller, Patrick (2016): Theorizing third country agency in EU rule transfer: linking the EU Emission Trading System with Norway, Switzerland and Australia, Journal of European Public Policy, DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2015.1066838, Vol. 23(6), 814-832, online first: 25.07.2015.
Botta, Marco, Svetlicinii, Alexandr and Bernatt, Maciej (2015): The assessment of the effect on trade by the national competition authorities of the new member states: another legal partition of the internal market?Common Market Law Review, Vol. 52 (1), pp. 1247-1276.
Falkner, Gerda (2015): Fines against member states: An effective new tool in EU enfringement proceedings?Comparative European Politics, Vol. 14 (1), pp. 36-52.
Kudrna, Zdenek (2015): Governing EU financial market: global constraints on inclusiveness,Comparative European Politics, Vol. 14, pp. 71-88, online first: 09.03.2015, DOI:10.1057/cep.2015.10.
Botta, Marco and Schwellnus, Guido (2015): Enforcing state aid rules in EU candidate countries: a qualitative comparative analysis of the direct and indirect effects of conditionality, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 22(3), pp. 335-352, online first: 01.10.2014, DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2014.964289.
Ulnicane, Inga (2015): Why do international research collaborations last? Virtuous circle of feedback loops, continuity and renewal, Science and Public Policy, published online: 13.10.2014, DOI: 10.1093/scipol/scu060.
Müller, Patrick (2014): Informal Security Governance and the Middle East Quartet: Survival of the Unfittest?, International Peacekeeping, Vol. 21(4), DOI: 10.1080/13533312.2014.951544.
Dabrowski, Marcin (2014): Engineering Multilevel Governance? Joint European Support for Sustainable Investment in City Areas (JESSICA) and the Involvement of Private and Financial Actors in Urban Development Policy, European Urban and Regional Studies, Published online: 10.6.2014, DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2014.914625.
Botta M., Hardsdorf N., Frewein K. (2014), “Poena sine Culpa? Comments on Schenker”, 39, 3, European Law Review: 553-566.
Ripoll Servent, Ariadna/Florian Trauner (2014): Do supranational EU institutions make a difference? EU asylum law before and after communitarization, Journal of European Public Policy, DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2014.906905, Vol. 21(8). pp. 1142-1162.
Rosenberger, Sieglinde and Trauner, Florian (2014): Editorial: Abschiebepolitik – eine sozialwissenschaftliche Annäherung, Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, Vol. 43(2), 141-150.
Slominski, Peter and Trauner, Florian (2014): Die Europäisierung der Abschiebepolitik Österreichs: mehr Handlungsoptionen für staatliche AkteurInnen oder mehr Schutz für Betroffene?, Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, Vol. 43(2), 151–168.
Müller, Patrick, Kudrna, Zdenek and Falkner, Gerda (2014): EU-global interactions: policy export, import, promotion and protection, Journal of European Public Policy. Published online: 22.5.2014, Vol. 21(8), pp. 1102-1119.
Trauner, Florian and Wolff, Sarah (2014): The negotiation and contestation of EU migration policy instruments – a research framework, European Journal of Migration and Law, 16(1), pp. 1-18.
Trauner, Florian and Manigrassi, Emanuele (2014): When visa-free travel becomes difficult to achieve and easy to lose: the EU Visa Free Dialogues after the EU’s experience with the Western Balkans, European Journal of Migration and Law, 16(1), pp. 123-143.
Lefkofridi, Zoe, Wagner, Markus and Willmann, Johanna (2014): Left-Authoritarians and Policy Representation in Western Europe: Electoral Choice across Ideological Dimensions, West European Politics, Vol. 37(1), pp. 65-90.
Dabrowski, Marcin (2014): EU cohesion policy, horizontal partnership and the patterns of sub-national governance: insights from Central and Eastern Europe, European Urban and Regional Studies, Vol. 21(4), pp. 364-383.
Lefkofridi, Zoe and Katsanidou, Alexia (2014): Multilevel representation in the European Parliament, European Union Politics, Vol. 15(1), pp. 108-131.
Falkner, Gerda (2013): The JCMS Annual Review Lecture "Is the European Union Losing Its Credibility?, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 51 Annual Review, pp. 13-30.
Botta, Marco (2013): Commission Acting as Plaintiff in Cases of Private Enforcement of EU Cometition Law: Otis. Common Market Law Review Vol. 50, Issue 4, pp. 1105-1118.
Kudrna, Zdenek and Gabor, Daniela (2013): Political risk, crisis and foreign-owned banks in New Member states. Europe Asia Studies, 65 (3), 548-566.
Slominski, Peter (2013): The Power of Legal Norms in the EU's External Border Control, International Migration, Vol 51 (6), pp. 41–53.
Müller, Patrick and Slominski, Peter (2013): Agree Now - Pay Later: Escaping the Joint Decision Trap in the Evolution of the EU Emission Trading System. Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 20 (10), pp. 1425-1442.
Ariadna Ripoll Servent (2013): Holding the European Parliament Responsible: Policy Shift in the Data Retention Directive from Consultation to Codecision, Journal of European Public Policy, 20(7), pp. 972-987.
Trauner, Florian and Deimel, Stephanie (2013): The impact of EU migration policies on African countries: the case of Mali, International Migration, 51(4), pp. 20-32.
Dabrowski, Marcin (2013): Europeanizing sub-national governance: partnership in the implementation of EU Structural Funds in Poland. Regional Studies. 47(8), pp. 1363-1374.
Lefkofridi, Zoe and Casado-Asensio, Juan (2012): European Vox Radicis: Representation & Policy Congruence on the Extremes. Comparative European Politics 11:93-118.
Dabrowski, Marcin (2012): Shallow or deep Europeanisation? The uneven impact of EU cohesion policy on the regional and local authorities in Poland, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 30(4), pp. 730-745. Abstract here
Trauner, Florian (2012): The European Parliament and agency control in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. West European Politics, Bd. 35 (4), pp. 784-802.
Kudrna, Zdenek (2012): Cross-Border Resolution of Failed Banks in the European Union after the Crisis: Business as Usual. Journal of Common Market Studies, Bd. 50 (2), pp. 283-299.
Müller, Patrick (2011): The Europeanization of Germany’s Foreign Policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: between EU-Adaptation and National Projection. Mediterranean Politics, Bd. 16 (3), pp. 385-403.
Saatçioğlu, Beken (2011): Revisiting the Role of Credible EU Membership Conditionality for EU Compliance: The Turkish Case. Uluslararası İlişkiler, Bd. 8 (31), pp. 23-44.
Falkner, Gerda (2018): A causal loop? The Commission's new enforcement approach in the context of non-compliance with EU law even after CJEU judgments. in: Journal of European Integration, 2018, Vol. 40(6), pp. 769-784.
Schoeller, Magnus (2018): "Leadership by Default: The ECB and the Announcement of Outright Monetary Transactions", Credit and Capital Markets / Kredit und Kapital, Vol. 51(1), pp. 73-91.
Falkner, Gerda (2017): "Die EU in Zeiten der Krise: Herausforderungen für die Forschung", Politix (Zeitschrift des Instituts für Politikwissenschaft an der Universität Wien), No. 41, pp. 61-65.
Schoeller, Magnus, Guidi, Mattia and Karagiannis, Yannis (2017): "Explaining Informal Policy-Making Patterns in the Eurozone Crisis: Decentralized Bargaining and the Theory of EU Institutions", International Journal of Public Administration, Vol. (40)14, pp. 1211-1222.
Zardo, Federica (2017): "Migration, mobility and the challenge of co-ownership. Exploring EU-Tunisia post-revolutionary agenda", European Foreign Affairs Review, Vol. 22(1), pp. 75-89.
Ulnicane, Inga (2016): Grand Challenges’ concept: A Return of the ‘Big Ideas’ in Science, technology and Innovation Policy? International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy, Vol.11, No.1/2/3, pp. 5-21.
Falkner, Gerda (2016): Austria in the European Union, Contemporary Austrian Studies, Vol. 25(1), pp. 99-110.
Ciric, Ruzica and Botta, Marco (2015): Enforcement of State Aid Law in the area of general economic interest in EU candidate countries, European State Aid Law Review, Vol. 14(2), pp. 1-11.
Ulnicane, Inga (2015): Broadening Aims and Building Support in Science, Technology and Innovation Policy: The Case of the European Research Area. Journal of Contemporary European Research, 11(1), pp. 31-49.
Chou, Meng Hsuan and Ulnicane, Inga (eds.) (2015): New Horizons in the Europe of Knowledge. Special issue, Journal of Contemporary European Research, Vol. 11(1), pp. 1-152.
Balázs, Lilla and Guido Schwellnus (2014): Decoupled Empowerment: Minority Representation and the Implementation of Language Rights in Romania. Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe, Vol. 13(2), pp. 104-131.
Dabrowski, Marcin (2014): EU cohesion policy: how to deliver more tangible results?, Regional Insights, 4(2), p.3.
Slominski, Peter and Pollak, Johannes (2014): The Silence of the Shepherds: How the Austrian Parliament Informs its Citizens on European Issues, Journal of Legislative Studies, Vol. 20(1), pp. 109-124,
DOI: 10.1080/13572334.2013.871488.
Is the EU a non-compliance community? Towards "compliance for credibility" and EU action for the protection of democracy in Europe, Les Cahiers européens de Science Po, 01/2013, pp. 1-58. Available online at Science Po (pdf)
Dabrowski, Marcin (2013): Financial Engineering Instruments and Multi-level Governance: Thawing the ice between the public and private actors in urban development policy, Regions, Vol. 29(1), pp. 25-27.
Müller, Patrick (2013): The Europeanization of France’s Foreign Policy towards the Middle East Conflict: from Leadership to EU-accommodation, European Security, Vol. 22(1), pp. 113-128 (electronic version first, 23. October 2012).
Carrapico, Helena and Trauner, Florian (2013): Europol and its impact on EU policy-making on organised crime: analysing governance dynamics and opportunities, Perspectives on European Politics and Society, Vol. 14(3), 357-371.
Botta, Marco (2013): Case C-17/10, Toshiba and Others v. Úřad pro ochranu hospodářské soutéže: "Testing" the Decentralization of Competition Law Enforcement. European Law Review, Vol. 38(1), pp. 107-117.
Botta, Marco (2013): State Aid Control in South-East Europe, the Endless Transition. European State Aid Law Quarterly, Vol. 1 (1), pp. 85-96.
Mikalayeva, Liudmila, Guido Schwellnus and Lilla Balázs (2012): The Revocation of Minority Protection Rules in New EU Member States: Language and Education Policy in Slovakia and Latvia. L'Europe en Formation – Journal of Studies on European Integration and Federalism No.364, Summer 2012, 379-400.
Dabrowski, Marcin (2012): Towards strategic regional development planning in Central and Eastern Europe?, Regional Insights, Vol. 3(2), pp.6-8.
Svetlicinii, Alexandr and Botta, Marco (2012): Article 102 TFEU as a Tool of Market Regulation, European Competition Journal, Vol. 8(3), pp. 473-496.
Trauner, Florian and Carrapico, Helena (2012): The external dimension of EU justice and home affairs after the Lisbon Treaty: analyzing the dynamics of expansion and diversification. European Foreign Affairs Review, Bd. 17, Special Issue 2012, pp. 165-182.
Alecu de Flers, Nicole and Müller, Patrick (2012): Dimensions and Mechanisms of the Europeanization of Member State Foreign Policy: State of the Art and New Research Avenues. Journal of European Integration Vol. 34(1), pp. 19-35.
Slominski, Peter (2012): The Ambiguities of Legalization and the EU’s Strategy of Extraterritorial Border Control, in: European Foreign Affairs Review, Vol. 17 (special issue) 2012, 19-34.
Lefkofridi, Z., Giger, N. and Kissau, K (eds). 2012: Special Issue on 'Inequality and Representation in Europe'. Representation, Vol. 48(1): 1-11.
Lefkofridi, Zoe and Horvath, Ken (2012): Migration Policy Issues and Representation in European Liberal Democracies. Representation , Vol. 48(1): 29-45.
Ripoll Servent, Ariadna and Alex MacKenzie (2012): The European Parliament as a ‘Norm Taker’? EU-US Relations after the SWIFT Agreement, European Foreign Affairs Review, 17 (Special Issue), pp. 71–86.
Botta, Marco (2011): AG Kokott´s Opinion in the Case Toshiba: Towards an Extreme Decentralization of the EU Competition Policy Enforcement? Österreichische Zeitschrift für Kartell- und Wettbewerbsrecht (6), pp. 203-208.
Botta, Marco (2011): Merger Remedies Imposed by the Competition Authorities of the Emerging Economies. World Competition, Bd. 2(34), pp. 321-338.
Carrapico, Helena (2011): Organized crime legislation in the European Union. Harmonization and approximation of criminal law, national legislations and the EU framework decision on the fight against organised crime. Global Crime - Special Issue: Spatial Mobility and Organised Crime, Bd. 12(3), pp. 233-235.
Casado-Asensio, Juan and Lefkofridi, Zoe (2011): Representation in the European Union: Congruence between Citizens and Elites in the European Parliament’s Two-level Setting. Perspectives on European Politics & Society, Bd. 12(2), pp. 161-179.
Chappell, Laura (2011): Differing Member State Approaches to the Development of the EU Battlegroup Concept: Implications for CSDP. European Security, Bd. 18(4), pp. 417-439.
Dabrowski, Marcin (2011): Regional Development Agencies in Central and Eastern European Countries: the case of Hungary. Regions, Bd. 284(1), p. 15.
Dabrowski, Marcin (2011): What Future for Cohesion Policy? An Academic and Policy Debate. Regions (282), p. 15.
Ripoll Servent, Ariadna; MacKenzie, Alex (2012, online: 2011) Is the EP still a Data Protection Champion? The Case of SWIFT. Perspectives on European Politics and Society, Bd. 12(4), pp. 390-406.
Falkner, Gerda (2020) Applying, Enforcing and Implementing European Union Rules. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Schoeller, Magnus (2020) “Governing Finance in Europe: A Centralization of Rulemaking?”, in: A. Héritier and M. Schoeller (eds) (2020), Governing Finance in Europe: A Centralization of Rulemaking?, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1-30, with A. Héritier.
Schoeller, Magnus (2020) “MiFID II between European Rule-Making and National Market Surveillance: The Case of High-Frequency Trading”, in: A. Héritier and M. Schoeller (eds) (2020), Governing Finance in Europe: A Centralization of Rulemaking?, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 32-51, with J. Karremans.
Schoeller, Magnus (2020) “Driving Informal Institutional Change: The European Parliament and the Reform of the Economic and Monetary Union”, in: E. Bressanelli and N. Chelotti (eds) (2020), The European Parliament in the Contested Union: Power and Influence Post-Lisbon, Abingdon: Routledge, 13-28, with A. Héritier [reprint of same-titled article in Journal of European Integration 41:3, 277-292].
Falkner, Gerda (2019) The EU's Social Dimension, in: Michelle Cini and Nieves Pérez-Solórzano Borragán (eds.), European Union Politics, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Schoeller, Magnus (2019) “Rising despite the Polycrisis? The European Parliament’s Strategies of Self-Empowerment after Lisbon”, in: J. Zeitlin and F. Nicoli (eds) (2019), The European Union beyond the Polycrisis? Integration and Politicization in an Age of Shifting Cleavages, Abingdon: Routledge, with K. Meissner [reprint of same-titled article in Journal of European Public Policy 26:7, 1075-1093].
Falkner, Gerda (2018) Kontrolle der Umsetzung und Anwendung des EU-Rechts: Reformerfordernisse in Zeiten der Krise? in: Jaeger, Thomas (Hg.): Europa 4.0? Die EU im Angesicht politischer und technologischer Herausforderungen, Jan Sramek Verlag, Vienna, pp. 271-291.
Falkner, Gerda (2018): Implementation and enforcement of EU policies, in: Laurie Buonanno and Nikolaos Zahariadis (eds.), Handbook of European Public Policy, Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 323-330.
Meissner, Katharina (2018) Regional security in the twenty-first century’s South America: Economic, energy, and political security in MERCOSUR and UNASUR In: Pawel Frankowski and Artur Gruszczak (eds.): Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Regional and Global Security. Palgrave Macmillan, 61-85
Meissner, Katharina (2018) The EU and Brazil Going Strategic: A Qualitative Analysis of the EU-Brazil Strategic Partnership against the Background of the EU-MERCOSUR Negotiations. In: Jesús Baigorri, Jürgen Elvert and Enrique Moradiellos (eds.): Historia, memoria e integración europea desde el punto de vista de las relaciones transatlánticas de la UE / History, Memory and European Integration from the Point of View of EU Transatlantic Relations. Peter Lang, Cuadernos de Yuste (2018)
Falkner, Gerda (2017): EU-global interactions: policy export, import, promotion and protection. In: Ben Tonra, Richard Whitman, Alasdair Young, Foreign Policy of the European Union, SAGE London [with Patrick Müller and Zdenek Kudrna]. Previously published in Journal of European Public Policy Vol. 21(8), 2014, pp. 1109-1119.
Meissner, Katharina (2017): MERCOSUR. In: Krapohl, Sebastian (ed.), Regional Integration in the Global South: External Influence on Cooperation in ASEAN, MERCOSUR and SADC, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 147-178.
Slominski, Peter (2017): Energy and climate policy: does the competitiveness narrative prevail in times of crisis? In: Falkner, Gerda (ed.), EU Policies in Times of Crisis (based on special issue: Journal of European Integration, Vol. 38 (3). Falkner, G. (ed.). Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 125-139.
Ulnicane-Ozolina, Inga (2017): Research and innovation as sources of renewed growth? EU policy responses to the crisis. In: Falkner, Gerda (ed.), EU Policies in Times of Crisis (based on special issue: Journal of European Integration, Vol. 38 (3). Falkner, G. (ed.). Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 109-123.
Falkner, Gerda (2017): The EU’s current crisis and its policy effects: Research design and comparative findings. In: EU Policies in Times of Crisis (based on special issue: Journal of European Integration, Vol. 38 (3). Falkner, G. (ed.). Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 1-17.
Di Peri, Rosita and Zardo, Federica (2017): Changing Perceptions of the European Union before and after the Arab uprisings. In: Ceretta, M. and Curli, B. Discourses and Counter-discourses on Europe from the Enlightenment to the EU. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
Zardo, Federica (2017): Whose ownership? Explaining EU-Tunisia policy transfer from a negotiation perspective. In: Hadjiisky, M., Pal, L., Walker, C. (ed.)Beg, Borrow, Steal or Swallow? The Micro-Dynamics and Macro-Effects of Contemporary Policy Transfers, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Ulnicane, Inga (2016): Research Paper on the European Research Area Initiative and Free Circulation of Knowledge. In: C. Salm & T. Zandstra (eds.), European Research Area. Cost of Non-Europe Report. Brussels: European Parliament, pp. 19-50.
Falkner, Gerda (2016): The EU's Social Dimension, in: Michelle Cini and Nieves Pérez-Solórzano Borragán (eds.), European Union Politics, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 269-280.
Slominski, Peter and Pollak, Johannes (2016): Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Mitwirkung der Bürgerinnen und Bürger am Willensbildungs- und Entscheidungsprozess der Union, in: Stefan Griller/Arno Kahl/Benjamin Kneihs/Walter Obwexer (Hg.), 20 Jahre EU-Mitgliedschaft Österreichs. Auswirkungen des Unionsrechts auf die nationale Rechtsordnung aus rechtswissenschaftlicher, politikwissenschaftlicher und wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Sicht, Wien: Verlag Österreich, pp. 429-447 (with J. Pollak).
Slominski, Peter (2015): The Silence of the Shepherds: How the Austrian Parliamtent informs its Citizens on European Issues. In Katrin Auel/Tapio Raunio (eds.), Parliamentary Communication in EU Affairs: Connecting with the Electorate?. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 109-124.
Botta, Marco and Svetlicinii, Alexandr (2015): The Right of Fair Trial in Competition Law Proceedings: Quo Vadis the Courts of the New EU Member States?. In Skoczny T., NihoulL P. (eds.), Procedural Fairness in Competition Proceedings. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publisher, 2015, pp. 276-308.
Botta, Marco (2015): Enforcement of State aid rules in the Energy Community: Going beyond Formal Compliance? In Buschle, D., Talus K. (eds.), The Energy Community. Antwerp/Oxford, Intersentia, 2015, pp. 89-110.
Svetlicinii, Alexandr and Botta, Marco (2015): Enforcement of Competition Rules in Regulated Industries: Abuse of Dominance Practices in the New EU Member States, Candidate Countries and Potential Candidates. In: Di Porto F., Drexl J. (eds.), Competition Law as Regulation? Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publisher, 2015, pp. 276-305.
Falkner, Gerda (2015): Patterns of policy-making in European politics and the EU's joint-decision trap: Policies compared. Chapter 38. In: José Magone (ed.), Handbook of European Politics, Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 708 - 722.
Trauner, Florian/Ariadna Ripoll Servent (2015): The analytical framework: EU institutions, policy change and the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. In: Florian Trauner/Ariadna Ripoll Servent: Policy change in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: how EU institutions matter. Abingdon and New York: Routledge 2015.
Falkner, Gerda (2015): Patterns of policy-making in European politics and the EU's joint-decision trap: Policies compared. Chapter 38, in: José Magone (ed.), Handbook of European Politics, Abingdon and New York: Routledge 2015.
Botta, Marco and Svetlicinii, Alexandr (2015): Enforcement of Competition Rules in Regulated Industries: Abuse of Dominance Practices in the New EU Member States, Candidate Countries and Potential Candidates. In Di Porto, F., Drexl, J.(eds.), Competition Law as Regulation? Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing 2015.
Földes, Mária Éva (2014): Addressing equity in health care at the public-private intersection: the role of health rights enforcement in Hungary, in Colleen M. Flood and Aeyal Gross (eds), The Right to Health at the Public/Private Divide: A Global Comparative Study, Cambridge University Press, 208-235.
Lavenex, Sandra and Florian Trauner (2014): A comparative view: understanding and explaining policy change in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. In: Florian Trauner/Ariadna Ripoll Servent: Policy change in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: how EU institutions matter. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
Ripoll Servent, Ariadna/Trauner Florian (2014): Asylum – limited policy change due to new norms of institutional behaviour. In: Florian Trauner/Ariadna Ripoll Servent: Policy change in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: how EU institutions matter, Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
Trauner, Florian (2014): The EU’s readmission policy in the neighbourhood: a comparative view on the Southern Mediterranean and Eastern Europe. In: Ceccorulli, Michela/Nicola Labanca: The EU, Migration and the Politics of Administrative Detention. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 149-166.
Kudrna, Zdenek and Gabor, Daniela (2014): Political risk, crisis and foreign-owned banks in New Member states. In: Martin Myant and Jan Drahokoupil (eds.), Transition Economies after 2008 - Responses to the crisis in Russia and Eastern Europe, Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
Ripoll Servent, Ariadna and Trauner, Florian (2014): What kind of impact is Austria exposed to? Analysing EU aslyum law. In: Julia Dahlvik, Christoph Reinprecht and Wiebke Sievers (eds.), Jahrbuch der Migrations- und Integrationsforschung in Österreich. Vienna: Vienna University Press, 319-334.
Botta, Marco (2013): EU and Global Competition Networks, in: Falkner, Gerda and Müller, Patrick (eds.) EU Policies in a Global Perspective: Shaping or taking international regimes?. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 76-92.
Botta, Marco (2013): The standard of judical review in EU competition law enforcement and its compativility with the right to a fair trial under the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, in: Kerikmäe, Tanel (ed.) Protecting Human Rights in EU: Controversies and Challanges of the Charter of Fundamental Rights. Berlin, Springer, pp. 107-128.
Dabrowski, Marcin (2013): Transport policy: EU as a taker, shaper or shaker of the global civil aviation regime?, in: Falkner, Gerda and Müller, Patrick (eds.) EU Policies in a Global Perspective: Shaping or taking international regimes?. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 130-148.
Falkner, Gerda and Müller, Patrick (2013): Comparative Analysis: The EU as a Policy Exporter?, in: Falkner, Gerda and Müller, Patrick (eds.) EU Policies in a Global Perspective: Shaping or taking international regimes?. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 205-219.
Falkner, Gerda (2013): The EU's Social Dimension, in: Michelle Cini and Nieves Pérez-Solórzano Borragán (eds.), European Union Politics, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 268-280.
Hristova, Vessela (2013): Food Safety: The Resilient Resistance of the EU, in: Falkner, Gerda and Müller, Patrick (eds.) EU Policies in a Global Perspective: Shaping or taking international regimes?. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 58-75.
Hristova, Vessela (2013): Between Politics and Science: Accommodating National Diversity in GMO Regulation, in: Van Asselt, Marjolein, Versluis, Esther and Ellen Vos, (eds). Balancing between Trade and Risk: Integrating Legal and Social Science Perspectives. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 107-127.
Kudrna, Zdenek (2013): EU financial market regulation: protecting distinctive policy preferences, in: Falkner, Gerda and Müller, Patrick (eds.) EU Policies in a Global Perspective: Shaping or taking international regimes?. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 186-204.
Müller, Patrick and Falkner, Gerda (2013): The EU as a Policy Exporter? The Conceptual Framework, in: Falkner, Gerda and Müller, Patrick (eds.) EU Policies in a Global Perspective: Shaping or taking international regimes?. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 1-19.
Müller, Patrick (2013): Nuclear Non-Proliferation Policy: The EU as an Emerging International Actor?, in: Falkner, Gerda and Müller, Patrick (eds.) EU Policies in a Global Perspective: Shaping or taking international regimes?. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 167-185.
Ripoll Servent, Ariadna (2013): The European Parliament and the Returns Directive: The end of radical contestation; the start of consensual constraints, in: Anderson, Bridget; Gibney, Matthew J.; Paoletti, Emanuela (eds.), The Social, Political and Historical Contours of Deportation. New York, Springer, pp. 43-58.
Schwellnus, Guido (2013): Social Rights: The EU and the International Labour Organization (ILO), in: Falkner, Gerda and Müller, Patrick (eds.) EU Policies in a Global Perspective: Shaping or taking international regimes?. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 93-110.
Slominski, Peter and Pollak, Johannes (2013): EU Parliaments After the Treaty of Lisbon: Towards a Parliamentary Field?, in: B. Crum/J.E. Fossum (eds.), Practices of Inter-Parliamentary Coordination in International Politics. The European Union and Beyond Colchester: ECPR Press 2013, pp. 143-159.
Trauner, Florian (2013): Migration policy: an ambiguous EU role in specifying and spreading international refugee protection norms, in: Falkner, Gerda and Müller, Patrick (eds.) EU Policies in a Global Perspective: Shaping or taking international regimes?. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 149-166.
Luif, Paul and Trauner, Florian (2013): The Prüm Process: the effects of enhanced cooperation within Europe and with the United States in combating serious crime. In: Holzhacker, Ronald and Paul Luif (eds), Freedom, Security and Justice after Lisbon: Internal and External Dimensions of Increased Cooperation in the European Union. New York: Springer, 101-118.
Trauner, Florian, Kruse, Imke and Zeilinger, Bernhard (2013): Values versus security in the external dimension of EU migration policy: a case study on the readmission agreement with Russia In: Noutcheva, Gergana, Karolina Pomorska and Giselle Bosse (eds), The EU and its neighbours: values vs. security in European foreign policy. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 201-217.
Botta, Marco (2012): The Impact of Multi-Jurisdictional Concentrations on the New Competition Law Jurisdictions, Case Study on Brazil. In WHISH R., TOWLEY C. (eds.), New Competition Jurisdictions: Shaping Policies and Building Institutions. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publisher, 260-287.
Müller, Patrick (2012): Europeanization Within and Beyond the EU: a Conceptual Overview. In: Ratka Edmund; Spaiser, Olga (eds.), Understanding European Neighbourhood Policies: Concepts, Actors, Perceptions, Baden Baden: Nomos, pp. 37-53.
Alecu de Flers, Nicole; Chappell, Laura; Müller, Patrick (2011) The EU's Foreign and Security Policy: Incremental Upgrading of Common Interests and the Effects of Institutionalised Cooperation. In: Falkner, Gerda (Hrsg.), The EU's Decision Traps. Comparing Policies; Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 162-180.
Bähr, Holger; Falkner, Gerda; Treib, Oliver (2011) Social Policy and Environmental Policy: Comparing Modes of Governance. In: Diedrichs, Udo; Wessels, Wolfgang (Hrsg.), The Dynamics of Change in EU Governance: Policy-making and System Evolution; Cheltenham, pp. 103-131.
Falkner, Gerda (2011) In and Out of EU Decision Traps: Comparative Perspectives. In: Falkner, Gerda (Hrsg.), The EU's Decision Traps. Comparing Policies; Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 237-258.
Falkner, Gerda (2011) Introduction: The EU's Decision Traps and their Exits: A Concept for Comparative Analysis. In: Falkner, Gerda (Hrsg.), The EU's Decision Traps. Comparing Policies; Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 1-17.
Kudrna, Zdenek (2011) Financial Market Regulation: A 'Lamfalussy Exit' from the Joint-Decision Trap. In: Falkner, Gerda (Hrsg.), The EU's Decision Traps. Comparing Policies; Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 73-91.
Martinsen, Dorte Sindbjerg; Falkner, Gerda (2011) Social Policy: Problem-Solving Gaps, Partial Exits and Court-Decision Traps. In: Falkner, Gerda (Hrsg.), The EU's Decision Traps. Comparing Policies; Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 128-144.
Pollak, Johannes; Slominski, Peter (2011) Liberalising the EU's Energy Market: Hard and Soft Power Combined. In: Falkner, Gerda (Hrsg.), The EU's Decision Traps. Comparing Policies; Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 92-109.
Ripoll Servent, Ariadna (2011) Point of No Return? The European Parliament after Lisbon and Stockholm. In: Kaunert, Christian; Leonard, Sarah (Hrsg.), Developing European Internal Security Policy: After the Stockholm Summit and the Lisbon Treaty; Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 191-207.
Schimmelfennig, Frank; Schwellnus, Guido (2011) Die supranationale Ebene: innenpolitische Konsequenzen des EU-Beitritts. In: Grotz, Florian; Müller-Rommel, Ferdinand (Hrsg.), Regierungssysteme in Mittel- und Osteuropa: Die neuen EU-Staaten im Vergleich; Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag, pp. 281-302.
Sigalas, Emmanuel; Pollak, Johannes (2011) Parties at the European Level: Do They Satisfy the Condition of Programmatic Convergence?. In: Kröger, Sandra; Friedrich, Dawid (Hrsg.), The Challenge of Democratic Representation in the European Union; Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 23-40.
Trauner, Florian (2011) Increased Differentiation as an Engine for Integration? Studying Justice and Home Affairs. In: Falkner, Gerda (Hrsg.), The EU's Decision Traps. Comparing Policies; Oxford: Oxford Univerity Press, pp. 145-161.
Trauner, Florian; Wolff, Sarah (2011) A European migration policy fit for future challenges. In: Wolff, Sarah; Goudappel, Flora; Zwaan , Jaap de (Hrsg.), Freedom, Security and Justice after Lisbon and Stockholm; The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press, pp. 63-78.
Zeilinger, Bernhard (2011) EU´s External Policy towards Eastern Europe on Migration Issues. In: Bachmann, Klaus; Stadtmüller, Elzbieta (Hrsg.); Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
Schoeller, Magnus (2020) "New Hansa and Frugal Four: The Role of Small Creditor States in the Economic and Monetary Union", ÖGfE Policy Brief 2020/18 (July 2020), Vienna.
Schoeller, Magnus (2020) “Free Riders, Allies or Veto Players? Preferences and Strategies of Smaller Creditor States in the Euro Area“, EIF Working Paper 2/2020 (July 2020), Vienna.
Schoeller, Magnus (2020) “Becoming the 'Parliament of the Eurozone'? How the European Parliament Gained Its Current Oversight Powers in the EMU”, in: M.K. Dionigi (ed.) (2018), Enhancing Parliamentary Oversight in the EMU: Stocktaking and Ways Forward, Copenhagen: Think Tank Europa, 16-19.
Zardo, Federica and Abderrehim, Tasnim: "Migration and Mobility: the challenge of thinking outside the 'crisis box'". In Cohen-Hadria, Emmanuel: The EU-Tunisia Privileged Partnership - What Next? Euromesco Joint Policy Study 10, 2018.
Deters, Henning. 2016. The EU’s Green Dynamism, Decision-making Strategies and the Alignment of Legislative Actors. EIF Working Paper No. 03/2016.
Kudrna, Zdenek: Austria: stable society and crisis-exposed banks. EIF Working Paper No. 01/2015.
Kudrna, Zdenek (Working paper based on the 2014 Vienna debate on European integration between Fritz Scharpf and Henrik Enderlein): The future of the Euro: agreements to disagree and prospective scenarios from the 2014 Vienna debate. EIF Working Paper No. 03/2014.
Falkner, Gerda and Müller, Patrick: Synopsis of EIF project “EU Policies in a Global Perspective”. EIF Working Paper No. 01/2014.
Slominski, Peter (2012): The Silence of the Shepherds - How the Austrian Parliament Informs its Citizens on European Issues, in: K. Auel/T. Raunio (eds.), National Parliaments. Electorates and EU Affairs, Vienna: Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS)/Political Sciences Series, no. 129, April 2012, 170-191 (with J. Pollak),
Botta, Marco (2012): Does the EU Competition Model Satisfy the Needs of the Emerging Economies? Lessons from Countries without a ´Carrot´. In PODSTAWA K., PUCCIO L. (eds.), ´Framework for Economic Development in EU External Relations´. Collective working paper published by the Law Department of the European University Institute (2012). Pages 51-74.
Trauner, Florian (2011) The internal-external security nexus: more coherence under Lisbon? EU ISS Occasional Paper 89.
Sigalas, Emmanuel (2011) When Quantity Matters. Activity Levels and Re-Election Prospects of Members of the European Parliament. RECON Online Working Papers 2011/17.
For the complete lists of publications,
please visit the website of each EIF researcher.