2010 prize of the Journal of European Public Policy:
The Journal of European Public Policy (JEPP) is one of the leading journals world-wide in the field of European integration studies. Its 2010 prize for the "most downloaded article not in a Special Issue" was attributed to EIF's director for a paper on ‘Models of Governance: Towards a Conceptual Clarification’ in JEPP Volume 14, Issue 1, pages 1-20 (co-authored with O. Treib und H. Bähr).
The Institute for European Integration Studies continues its series of lectures on the European Union.
27 October 2010, 17h00
Transposition of EU Directives in New Member States:
Can Departmental Oversight Improve Performance?
Radoslav Zubek (Oxford University)
8 November 2010, 17h00
Evolutionary Dynamics of the EU System: The European Council as a Motor of the Member States’ Fusion Process
Wolfgang Wessels (Universität zu Köln)
22 November 2010, 17h00
All but Membership? The EU’s Relations with its Neighbours
Sandra Lavenex (Universit ät Luzern) and Dirk Lehmkuhl (Universität St. Gallen)
September 2010: EU-funded project consortium
LISBOAN is an "Erasmus Academic Network" in the European Commission´s Lifelong Learning Programme, managed by the Jean Monnet Chair of the University of Cologne under Wolfgang Wessels. Its aim is to link European integration studies across the globe, and EIF's participation will once again foster the international integration of the Institute.
August 2010: New collaborative project
The “Canada-Europe Transatlantic Dialogue” will seek transnational solutions to 21st century problems by joining research forces across the Atlantic. This "Strategic Knowledge Cluster" is funded by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada for the period 2008-2015. EIF is one of the selected European partners and can profit from participation in the transatlantic dialogue events, each year focusing on a different topic, and various smaller workshops and events offered to link leading Europeanists from across Canada with European colleagues.
The Institute of European Integration Research launches its series of lectures on the European Union :
8 June 2010, 17h00
The European Union in
search of political identity and legitimacy
Vivien Schmidt (Boston University)
9 June 2010, 16h00
NATO & ESDP: Institutional
arrangements and political realities
Jolyon Howorth (Yale University)
21 June 2010, 17h00
Financial Services Regulation
in the European Union:
"New Politics" after the Crisis?
Lucia Quaglia (University of Sussex, UK)
February 2010: Oxford University Press offers book contract
The EIF's collaborative research project on the EU's “joint-decision trap”, bringing together EIF staff and experts from international partner institutions including the Max Planck Society, the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, Universities of St. Gallen, Bremen and Konstanz, has resulted in a book to be published by the Oxford University Press in 2011.
January 18, 2010: Initiation of a new innovative database
The database for EU policy implementation by Dimiter Toshkov — published with the EIF’s support and now available on our website — condenses knowledge of this specific area. The affiliated working paper (to be published soon) transcends state-of-the-art of research in EU studies by highlighting controversies and consensus, as well as indicating avenues for further research. The aim of this database and working paper is to offer orientation in an increasingly complex research field.
This work is an important addition to related EIF activities, such as the journal Living Reviews in European Governance, which is produced in co-operation with the Max Planck Society of Germany. A number of the EIF’s activities strive for excellence in terms of both innovation and consolidation of research, as well as for the combination of strict quality control and free access to the output.