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Centre for European Integration Research (EIF)


Our Mission:

The Centre for European Integration Research (EIF) is dedicated to
research and teaching in the field of European integration.

Our special emphasis is on the policies of the European Union and on their comparison. This includes, inter alia:

digitalisation-related policies

foreign, security, and defence policy
  • Patrick Müller, Senior Researcher
  • David Gazsi, Post-Doc

border control, energy, and climate change policies
  • Peter Slominski, Senior Researcher

economic and monetary integration
  • Magnus Schoeller, Project Leader

and judicial politics of the EU.
  • Henning Deters, Project Leader


Originally, EIF was the „Institut für Europäische Integrationsforschung“ (EIF) within the Austrian Academy of Sciences. After moving into the University of Vienna in 2012, EIF was initially a Research Platform connecting four different Departments of the University. In 2019, EIF became a Research Centre within the Department of Political Science of the University of Vienna.


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