December 2020: Gerda Falkner has joined expert panel
The head of EIF has been invited to participate as a non-affiliated member in the Expert Group on the Future of Europe, a panel created by the Foundation for European Progressive Studies in the context of the Conference on the Future of Europe. This conference is tasked with delivering proposals for the future of European integration and democracy from 2020 through 2022.
November 2020: The EIF Working Paper series has gained another contribution
David Leopoldi-Wieshaupt has written on The need for ethical algorithms: The European approach to Artificial Intelligence, dealing with a very salient topic in the ever faster growing digital sphere.
September 2020: New research agenda on Digitalisation
Autumn 2020 will see the start of a new research focus led by Gerda Falkner, dedicated to the role of the EU in shaping the gradually advancing process of digitalisation and its implications for democracy and society. In total, four new members will help carry the weight of this research, starting in 2020 and 2021 – three of whom are on a post-doc level.
On September 1st we have welcomed Sebastian Heidebrecht, a graduate of the University Duisburg-Essen, in one of the post-doc positions. He will, over the coming years, dissect the varieties of digitalisation in the member states and observe the progress of the digital single market of the EU. Elke Schraik has concurrently started her position as a doctoral candidate under the supervision of Gerda Falkner and will focus her work on EU policies tackling digital divides in a broader sense, meaning policies not only addressing differences in access and use of the digital media between regions, countries and people, but also policies addressing the competition for global digital leadership, in particular with respect to the US and China.
July 2020: Two new Working Papers published in the EIF series
Elaine Fahey, from City University of London, discusses Institutionalising EU Cyber Law: Can the EU institutionalise its many subjects and objects? in her paper, as a follow-up to the Vienna Lecture on the European Union she held at EIF in November 2019.
EIF's own Magnus Schoeller presents the result of the project he worked on for the past two years under the supervision of Gerda Falkner in his paper Free Riders, Allies or Veto Players? Preferences and Strategies of Smaller Creditor States in the Euro Area.
May 2020: Gerda Falkner joins the advisory board of the EFSOLAW project
EFSOLAW stands for Effects of EU soft law across the multilevel system and aims to advance understanding of the performance of the EU multilevel system through a longitudinal analysis of the nature and effect of soft law. It consists of a German and a French Team of Researchers and is funded by the Freie Universität Berlin, Sciences Po Grenoble, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and Agence Nationale de la Recherche.
March 2020: Gerda Falkner at Outreach Event
EIF’s Head, Gerda Falkner, discusses European Integration in a “politician meets scholar” event with Austria’s former Vice Chancellor and science minister, Erhard Busek on 3. 3. 2020.