Events 2016
EIF Lunchtime Seminar
Muddling through overlapping partnership frameworks for migration and mobility: a comparative assessment throughout the Mediterranean - Input Statement by Federica Zardo
Date: 21.11.2016 | Time: 12:00
Seminar Room of the Institute for European Integration Research, Strohgasse 45/DG, 1030 Vienna.
EIF Lunchtime Seminar
National Parliaments and EU economic policy since the Eurozone crisis - Input Statement by Katrin Auel
Date: 7.11.2016 | Time: 12:00
Seminar Room of the Institute for European Integration Research, Strohgasse 45/DG, 1030 Vienna.
EIF Lunchtime Seminar
Power, preferences and the European Parliament in EU trade policy - Input Statement by Katharina Meissner
Date: 24.10.2016 | Time: 12:00
Seminar Room of the Institute for European Integration Research, Strohgasse 45/DG, 1030 Vienna.
Vienna Lecture on the European Union: The Rise of the European Consolidation State (with Prof. Wolfgang Streeck)
Date: 20.06.2016 | Time: 16:00 (!) |
Campus of the University of Vienna, Aula, Hof 1.11, 1090 Vienna
Plan [pdf] and Directions
Lecture: Wolfgang Streeck (Director Emeritus, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies)
The rise of the consolidation state follows the displacement of the classical tax state by the debt state, a process that began in the 1980s in all rich capitalist democracies. Consolidation is the contemporary response to the fiscal crisis of the state envisaged as early as the late 1960s, when postwar growth had come to an end.
Both the long-term increase in public debt and the current global attempts to bring it under control were intertwined with the financialization of advanced capitalism and its complex functions and dysfunctions.
The ongoing shift towards a consolidation state involves a deep rebuilding of the political institutions of postwar democratic capitalism and its international order. This is the case in particular in Europe where consolidation coincides with an unprecedented increase in the scale of political rule under European Monetary Union and with the transformation of the latter into an asymmetric fiscal stabilization regime. The lecture focuses on the developing structure of the new consolidation regime and its consequences for the relationship between capitalism and democracy.
Ulrich Brand (Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science)
Jörg Flecker (Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology)
Gerda Falkner (Institute and Platform for European Integration Research, University of Vienna)
Vienna Lecture on the European Union: Die EU nach dem Pariser Klima-Abkommen – Vorreiterposition trotz interner Handlungsblockaden?
Date: 30.05.2016 | Time: 17:00|
Campus of the University of Vienna, Aula, Hof 1.11, 1090 Vienna
Plan [pdf] und Directions
Vortrag: Oliver Geden (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin)
Die Europäische Union nimmt für sich zu Recht in Anspruch, in der internationalen Klimapolitik eine Vorreiterposition einzunehmen. Sie setzt sich seit zwei Jahrzehnten für ein starkes UN-Klimaregime ein, die bislang in der EU erreichten Emissionsminderungen und die EU-Zielvorgabe für 2030 werden von kaum einem anderen Industriestaat erreicht.
Doch schon kurz nach dem diplomatischen Durchbruch beim Pariser Klimagipfel sieht sich die EU wieder mit den Mühen der Ebene konfrontiert. Die in der EU-Klimapolitik ideologisch geprägten Differenzen zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten verringern sich keineswegs. Wichtige Gesetzgebungsverfahren kommen nicht voran. Es ist nicht einmal sicher, ob die EU in der Lage sein wird, die im Pariser Abkommen angelegte Verschärfung des eigenen Klimaziels zu beschließen.
Können die Europäer ihre Emissionsminderungen zukünftig noch auf einem Niveau halten, das im Einklang mit der Klimawissenschaft steht? Ist die EU etwa auf dem Weg, vom klimapolitischen Vorreiter zum Nachzügler zu werden? Oder zeigt sich in der EU lediglich als erstes, dass der umfassende transformative Anspruch der Klimapolitik notwendigerweise dann an Grenzen stoßen muss, wenn sie vom marginalisierten Politikfeld zum Mainstream wird?
Begrüßung: Gerda Falkner (Leiterin, Institut für europäische Integrations- forschung)
Kommentare: Franz Wirl (Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Universität Wien)
Daniel Ennöckl (Institut für Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht, Universität Wien)
Moderation: Peter Slominski (Institut für europäische Integrations-forschung)
Public lecture and inter-departmental workshop: A Cornerstone of EU Enlargement Policy - The Energy Community Ten Years After
Date: 14.03.2016 | Time: 17:00|
Konferenzraum, Haus der Europäischen Union
Wipplingerstraße 35, 1010 Vienna
Public lecture and inter-departmental workshop: A Cornerstone of EU Enlargement Policy - The Energy Community Ten Years After
By joining the Athens process and signing a legally binding Treaty in 2005, the EU Member States and EU candidate countries from Western Balkans established the Energy Community. Ten years after its establishment, the Energy Community is a pan-European organisation which also includes Moldova
and Ukraine, since 2010 and 2011 respectively, while Georgia is currently conducting accession negotiations. The Energy Community aims at liberalising the electricity and gas markets of its Contracting Parties in line with the EU acquis in the field. Similarly to the European Coal and Steel Community, the Energy Community Treaty represents a milestone in the process of political
reconciliation among the countries of Western Balkans after the wars that affected this region in 1990s. In addition, compliance with the Energy Community acquis represents a key accession criterion that EU candidate countries have to comply. Therefore, the Energy Community could be considered a
cornerstone of the EU enlargement policy.
On the occasion of the recent tenth year’s anniversary of the Energy Community, the workshop aims at gathering academics and public enforcers to discuss the achievements of the Energy Community in the past decade and the challenges ahead in the coming years. In particular, the workshop aims at discussing from a political science and legal perspective the future role of the Energy Community in the context of EU enlargement and external energy policies.
Welcome: Prof. Dr. Gerda Falkner, Head of the Institute for European Integration Research, University of Vienna
José Luis Martins, Counsellor, EU Delegation to the International Organisations in Vienna
Lecture: Prof. Dr. Roman Petrov, Head of Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, Jean Monnet Chair in European Union Law, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
Discussion: Nicholas Cendrowicz, Head of Sector ‘Centre of Thematic Expertise for connectivity, agriculture, environment and regional development’, DG NEAR -
Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, European
Dr Dirk Buschle, Deputy Director and Head of Legal Department, Energy
Community Secretariat
Prof. Dr Alina Lengauer, Head of European Law Department, Member of the
Board, Jean Monnet Professor for European Law (ad personam), University of Vienna
Moderation: Dr. Marco Botta, Researcher, Institute for European Integration Research, University of Vienna