Events 2009
Methodological dimensions of the RECON democracy models
A workshop on methodology and empirical analysis as part of RECON's work package 3 on Representation
and Institutional Make-up.
Date: 18.12.2009 | Programme
and Abstracts
The goal of this workshop is to bring together young scholars engaged in empirical research
in the framework of the RECON programme. The workshop will act as a bridge between the different
work packages, and focuses on the empirical dimension of the research conducted in each of
them. In particular, it invites researchers to present the methodological framework of their
work including issues of operationalisation, methodological techniques and data analysis.
The workshop will allow researchers to learn from each others’ experience and best practices
and highlight how the same or similar data can be used in different ways and for different
research purposes.
Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema
Kriterien der Exzellenz in den Sozialwissenschaften:
Disziplinäre Perspektiven
Mit dieser ersten Veranstaltung startet die geplante Reihe zu „Exzellenz und Evaluierung“ des
Zentrums Sozialwissenschaften der ÖAW.
Date: 15.12.2009 | Time: 14:00 - 17:00 | Invitation
Seminarraum 1,
Wohllebengasse 12-14,
1040 Wien
Geplant sind Statements aus bzw. zu den verschiedenen im Zentrum vertretenen Fachrichtungen
durch die Leitenden der verschiedenen Einrichtungen. Dazu kommen Beiträge aus fachnahen anderen
Disziplinen im Rahmen der ÖAW
Developing a policy against organised crime:
The EU as internal and external actor
Research Seminar held by Helena Carrapico,
European University Institute
Date: 28.10.2009 | Time: 14:00 |
Institut für europäische Integrationsforschung
Strohgasse 45/DG,
1030 Wien
The presentation will cover three aspects:
- Overview of the policy itself: Historical background, legal basis, goals, decision-making procedures
and instruments of the EU's anti-organised crime policy
- The EU's discourse and the internal dimension
- The external dimension of the EU's approach
The European Union and "New Modes of Governance":
How important are they?
Date: 19.10.2009 | Time: 17:00 | Einladung
Public lecture by Renaud Dehousse
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Sitzungssaal 1. Stock
Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2,
1010 Wien
in Kooperation mit der Diplomatischen Akademie, Wien
Date: 22.09.2009 | Time: 19:00 | Invitation
Festsaal der Diplomatischen Akademie, Wien
Favoritenstraße 15a,
1040 Wien
coming soon
MEP Activity and Explanations of Performance Variation
Research Seminar held by Manos Sigalas,
Institute for European Integration Research
Date: 06.07.2009 | Location: on
The theoretical part of the paper reviews the different meanings of the concept of representation
and concludes that good representation does not mean doing simply what the represented want,
but rather working in their name and for their interests. It follows, that MEPs who are active
in their duties offer better services than MEPs who fail to show the same level of commitment.
The empirical part examines the level of MEP activity in terms of reports, votes, questions and
speeches in the plenary and the importance of different explanatory factors. The findings show
that MEPs of the smaller European political groups have a preference for questions and speeches,
but not because they produce fewer reports than their colleagues in the larger parties. Experienced
MEPs are generally more active than the newly elected, while younger MEPs, those aiming for a
career in the EP and the ones elected on open ballots resort quite easily to questions or speeches.
Finally, rapporteurships are less likely to be trusted to Eurosceptic MEPs, but other than that
Eurosceptic attitudes do not undermine performance in the EP.
Regulatory integration in EU financial markets
Research Seminar held by Zdenek Kudrna,
Institute for European Integration Research
Date: 29.06.2009 | Location: on
This paper reviews the process of regulatory integration in financial markets of the European
Union. It shows that the regulatory framework for the single market in financial services has
evolved in stages reflecting the evolution EU integration modes; from market opening to attempts
on harmonization, to reliance on mutual recognition. The slow progress induced EU to innovate
its decision-making processes by introducing Lamfalussy procedure in 2001. The new procedure
speed up adoption of new regulations and is being adapted to ensure consistent enforcement across
all EU jurisdictions. The next round of challenges to regulatory integration will stem from weak
crisis management mechanisms that have been highlighted by the current crisis.
Legitimationsprobleme der EU "Integration durch Recht":
Die EU, der EuGH, und Österreich
Einleitender Vortrag von Fritz W. Scharpf
(Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, Köln)
Date: 22.06.2009 | Zeit: 18:00 | Invitation
Theatersaal der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Sonnenfelsgasse 19/I, 1010 Wien
Kontroversielle Entscheidungen haben den EuGH jüngst zunehmend in die Kritik gebracht. Fritz
W. Scharpf argumentiert, dass politische Entscheidungen auf EU-Ebene breiten Konsens voraussetzen,
weil die Regierungen sie gegenüber ihren eigenen BürgerInnen vertreten können sollen – was im
Fall des EuGH so nicht immer gilt und letztlich auch die Grundlagen der mitgliedstaatlichen Legitimität
unterminieren könnte.
Diese These wird einleitend ausgeführt und in der Folge anhand österreichischer Fallbeispiele
kontroversiell diskutiert werden: Als wie legitim können wichtige EuGH-Urteile in Österreich
angesehen werden? Welche Herausforderungen im positiven oder negativen Sinne ergeben sich daraus
in den Augen einschlägiger Expertinnen und Experten aus Wissenschaft und Politik?
European integration and diplomatic practice: the case of Austria
Research Seminar held by Kathleen Angers,
Université de Montréal
Date: 15.06.2009 | Location: on
This research project looks at multilateral diplomacy within the European Union (EU). The
objective is to understand the dynamics and implications of European diplomatic corps’ participation
to the EU, focusing on the experience of Austrian diplomats in this regard. The literature on
diplomatic cooperation in the EU has so far portrayed this phenomenon either as one marked by
instrumental rationality on the part of the actors involved, or by the internalization of common
representations such as norms, values, ideas or identities.
Cross-border patient mobility and the Europeanization of Healthcare systems
Research Seminar held by Thomas Kostera,
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Date: 08.06.2009 | Location: on
National healthcare systems represented closed membership spaces until the 1970s, with only
few exit options for European citizens to get medical treatment in other countries. The European
Union has started to challenge the systems’ national boundaries by a series of landmark
rulings by the European Court of Justice regarding cross-border patient mobility. The increased
possibilities for citizens to get medical treatment in other member states and to be reimbursed
by their domestic system have triggered a political process which lasts already ten years: EU
member states fear the loss of control over the consumers of their healthcare systems and find
it difficult to agree upon a European Directive on the issue. Despite member states’ initial
resistance, the Court of Justice’s rulings have to be implemented nationally. Austria is
suggested as a research ground to study possible changes in actors’ preferences and in
the healthcare system due to the political process and the legal implementation.
EU Competition Policy from a Political Science Perspective
Research Seminar held by Gaye Gungor,
European University Institute, Florence
Date: 02.06.2009 | Location: on
Competition policy, a truly supranational policy of the European Community, has been vital
to achieve the “Single market” project. The creation of a single market was not only
about removing barriers to free trade, but also encouraging a more efficient and competitive
industrial environment. Thus it is critical to understand the competition policy, to understand
the European economic integration. While this policy area has been dominated by lawyers and economists
until the early 1990s, creation of competition policy regimes in a number of countries to tackle
with these activities received a great deal of attention from political scientists. They became
interested in the rules and legislation governing these activities, institutions involved, and
particularly in policy processes and outcomes. A political science and public administration
approach, which complements the legal and economic perspectives, is necessary for an adequate
understanding of competition policy.
Die EU als Krisenmanager am Balkan und im Nahen Osten: Strategien, Bilanz und Herausforderungen
Im Rahmen der EIF-Veranstaltungsreihe
"Die EU als Krisenmanager"
Date: 25.05.2009 | Time: 18:00 | Invitation
Location: Theatersaal der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften,
Sonnenfelsgasse 19/I, 1010 Wien
Am Podium:
Markus Kornprobst, Diplomatische Akademie
Gudrun Harrer, Leitende Redakteurin "Der Standard"
Friedhelm Frischenschlager, u.a. ehem. Leitung "Democratisation" der Mission für
den Kosovo der OSCE
Patrick Müller,Institut für europäische Integrationsforschung, ÖAW
Florian Trauner, Institut für europäische Integrationsforschung, ÖAW
Die Stabilisierung der europäischen Nachbarschaft ist eine zentrale außenpolitische
Priorität der EU. Dabei bestehen jedoch wichtige regionalspezifische Unterschiede im EU-Management
von Konflikten und Transformationsprozessen. Diskutiert werden die verschiedenen EU-Strategien
und Instrumente, die am Balkan und im Nahen Osten zum Einsatz kommen:
Was wurde bislang getan?
Was sind die Erfolge bzw. weiterbestehenden Herausforderungen?
Was sind realistische Zukunftsszenarien bzw. weiterführende Handlungsoptionen?
Why Political Elites Convene EU-referendums
Research Seminar held by Rasmus Leander Nielsen,
University of Southern Denmark
Date: 19.01.2009 | Time: 14:00 | Registration
Location: Institute for European Integration Research, Strohgasse 45/DG, 1030 Vienna
The talk will present the main findings of the recently completed study “The Logic
of EU-Referendums”, which examines why political elites convene EU-referendums and thus
instigate yet another veto player about European integration matters.
The main argument forwarded is that EU-referendums are used for strategic reasons to decouple
sensitive EU issues from the domestic political arena, i.e. in order to avoid losing domestic
parliamentary elections and to soothe internal division.
Empirically, 49 referendums pertaining to European integration have been held since the early
1970s and 35 votes in 20 states (plus several aspirations) are analysed here, but in different
tempi. The Danish 1972 accession referendum is examined in an in-depth case-study, as well as
the general historical evolution, the other five Danish EU-referendums, and two recent cases
where Denmark opted not to vote. Then, all other EU-referendums from 1972 to 2008 are briefly
The comparative findings suggest that the promoted analytical framework does not fully explain
all recorded decisions to convene an EU-referendum, especially when referendum-practice becomes ‘matured’ (Denmark
and Ireland), and that e.g. various institutional insights enhance the explanation of specific
cases. However, it is shown that the parsimonious (Downsian) assumptions explain a variety of
cases over time and space. Hence, the study corroborates the supposition that a certain ‘logic
of EU-referendums’ can be identified in a majority of cases, i.e. convening an EU-referendum
is habitually merely a continuation of representative politics by other means.