Events 2013
Panel discussion: Human rights and the EU’s refugee policy
after “Lampedusa”: A research perspective
Date: 09.12.2013 | Time: 16:00 | Invitation [pdf]
Theatersaal” of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)
Sonnenfelsgasse 19, 1010 Vienna (1st floor)
Größere Kartenansicht
The Lampedusa tragedy, in which more than 300 migrants drowned, has intensified discussions on refugee protection and border control policies within Europe. Is the EU doing enough to protect lives at sea? What are the human rights challenges in the EU’s policies?
This public event will discuss these questions from a research perspective. How do different academic disciplines and policy-oriented research view the human rights’ situation in these sensitive policy areas? Which kind of contribution can research make to tackle current challenges and strengthen human rights in the EU?
Panel discussants:
Florian Trauner (Platform European Integration Research, University of Vienna): a political science perspective
Manfred Nowak (Head, Research Platform Human Rights in the European Context, University of Vienna): a law perspective
Christoph Reinprecht (Head, Research Platform Migration and Integration Research, University of Vienna): a sociological perspective
Morten Kjaerum (Director, EU Agency for Fundamental Rights): policy research and advice
Moderation: Eva Bachinger, Salzburger Nachrichten
Welcome: Gerda Falkner (Head, Platform and Institute for European Integration Research, University of Vienna)
APA Announcement
Workshop: Access to leniency file in EU competition law enforcement: Public v. private enforcement considerations
Date: 04.12.2013 | Time: 17:00-19:30 | Invitation [pdf]
Haus der Europäischen Union, Wipplingerstraße 35, 1010 Vienna
The enforcement of EU competition law has been characterized during the last decade by the parallel development of “public” and “private” enforcement. This parallel system of enforcement has “entered into crisis” following the CJEU´s ruling in Pfleiderer. The CJEU left the national courts the delicate task of balancing public v. private enforcement considerations when deciding whether a damaged consumer/competitor could access the leniency file held by the NCA. In June 2013, the CJEU ruled once more on this issue in the case Donau Chemie, following a request for a preliminary ruling submitted by the Austrian Cartel Court. Simultaneously, the EU Commission has issued a new draft Directive aimed at harmonizing the EU Member States´ rules on this issue.
The workshop will discuss the issue of access to the leniency file by potential plaintiffs, in light of the new EU Commission draft Directive, as well as the recent CJEU ruling in Donau Chemie. In particular, the roundtable will debate public v. private enforcement considerations in granting access to the leniency file, by comparing the view of academics, practicing lawyers and public enforcers.
Georg Pfeifer, Head, Information Office of the European Parliament in Austria
Josef Aicher, Law Faculty, University of Vienna
Gerda Falkner, Institute for European Integration Research (EIF),
University of Vienna
Marco Botta, Institute for European Integration Research (EIF),
University of Vienna
Josef Azizi, Law Department, University of Vienna
Florian Schuhmacher, DLA Piper Weiss-Tessbach Rechtsanwälte; Institute for
Civil and Business Law, Vienna University of Economics and Business
Peter Stockenhuber, Law Department, University of Vienna
Theodor Thanner, Director General Austrian Competition Authority
The European Union is under pressure: various crises on economic, financial, political, social and legitimacy levels have led to criticisms of the European integration project and even disintegration proposals of various kinds.
However, disintegration has not yet received a lot of scholarly attention. Under what conditions do the existing theories on European integration expect it to occur? How can it be conceptualized and applied to different fields of study? How can it be measured in the light of many co-existing dynamics and different policy areas?
This inter-departmental workshop will consider different approaches concerning EU (dis)integration and will debate historic and current conflicts within the EU from various disciplinary perspectives.
APA Announcement
Inter-departmental Workshop: European Integration – and Disintegration?
Date: 28.10.2013 | Time: 17:00 | Invitation [pdf]
Dachgeschoss des Juridicums, Schottenbastei 10-16, 1010 Vienna
Plan [pdf] und directions
Annegret Eppler (University of Tübingen) and Henrik Scheller (University of Potsdam)
„Driving and braking forces: Conceptualizing EU disintegration“
The European Union is under pressure: various crises on economic, financial, political, social and legitimacy levels have led to criticisms of the European integration project and even disintegration proposals of various kinds.
However, disintegration has not yet received a lot of scholarly attention. Under what conditions do the existing theories on European integration expect it to occur? How can it be conceptualized and applied to different fields of study? How can it be measured in the light of many co-existing dynamics and different policy areas?
This inter-departmental workshop will consider different approaches concerning EU (dis)integration and will debate historic and current conflicts within the EU from various disciplinary perspectives.
Michaela Windisch-Graetz (Department of Labour Law and Law of Social Security, University of Vienna): Sozialintegration von Unionsbürgern: Desintegrative Tendenzen?
Carsten Burhop (Department of Economic and Social History, University of Vienna): Ökonomische Desintegration im 20. Jahrhundert / Economic disintegration in the 20th century
Oliver Jens Schmitt (Chair, Department of Eastern European History, University of Vienna): Integration and Disintegration in South East Europe
Moderator: Gerda Falkner (Head, Institute and Platform for European Integration Research, University of Vienna)
APA Announcement
Public lecture and inter-departmental workshop - Breaking Male Dominance in the EU: Mission Possible?
Date: 21.10.2013 | Time: 17:00 | Invitation [pdf]
Seminarraum „Alte Kapelle“ (Institut für Ethik und Recht in der Medizin)
Campus of the University, Hof 2.8, Spitalgasse 2-4, 1090 Vienna
Lecture: Drude Dahlerup (University of Stockholm)
„Women's political representation and male dominance - theoretical and conceptual challenges”
Workshop: Recent examples of stagnation in women’s political representation, as reported by D. Dahlerup for eight countries, challenge our notions of continuous progress towards gender equality.
The European Union’s role in prohibiting discrimination and establishing equality will be presented: EU directives regarding equal treatment, ECJ jurisprudence, recent controversies regarding women’s representation on company boards, etc.
The workshop will also consider the real-world economic effects of equality legislation and make a comparison between the EU and the US.
Legal perspectives:
Elisabeth Holzleithner (Faculty of Law,
University of Vienna)
Political science perspectives:
Birgit Sauer (Faculty of Social Sciences,
University of Vienna)
Economic perspectives:
Oliver Fabel (Dean, Faculty of Economics,
Business and Statistics, University of Vienna)
Historical perspectives and the US:
Maria Mesner (Faculty of
Historical and Cultural Studies, University of Vienna)
Birgit Sauer (Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Vienna)
Gerda Falkner (Institute for European Integration Research (EIF)
University of Vienna)
Presentation Drude Dahlerup (pdf)
APA Announcement
Diskussionsveranstaltung - Macht das Europäische Parlament einen Unterschied? Einblicke in die EU Justiz- und Innenpolitik
Date: 17.06.2013 | Time: 17:00 | Invitation [pdf]
Campus of the University of Vienna, Aula, Hof 1.11, 1090 Vienna
Plan [pdf] und directions
Als Antwort auf das viel diskutierte Demokratiedefizit der EU wurde die Rolle des Europäischen Parlaments sukzessive gestärkt. Hatte es früher nur ein begrenztes Mitspracherecht in vielen Politikfeldern, können die EU-Mitgliedstaaten inzwischen das Europäische Parlament nicht mehr ignorieren. Aber was sind die Auswirkungen von mehr Parlamentarismus auf EU-Ebene? Macht das Europäische Parlament einen Unterschied?
Diese Veranstaltung diskutiert diese Fragen für die EU Justiz- und Innenpolitik. Sowohl der Kampf gegen organisierte Kriminalität und internationalen Terrorismus als auch die Bemühungen, eine gemeinsame Asyl- und Immigrationspolitik zu schaffen, haben dieses Politikfeld zu einem der dynamischsten und wichtigsten der EU werden lassen. Hat das Europäische Parlament die Balance zwischen „Freiheit“ und „Sicherheit“ in der EU verändert? Welcher Akteur ist die EU im Bereich innerer Sicherheit geworden?
Begrüßung: Gerda Falkner, Leiterin des Instituts für europäische Integrationsforschung
Eröffnung: Florian Trauner und Ariadna Ripoll Servent
Ergebnisse des Projekts „Die Rolle der supranationalen Institutionen in der
EU Justiz- und Innenpolitik“ finanziert vom Austrian Science Fund (FWF): P 23341-G11
Ulrike Lunacek, Vizepräsidentin der Grünen Fraktion im Europaparlament und stv. Mitglied im Ausschuss für bürgerliche Freiheiten, Justiz und Inneres
Robert Strondl, Generalmajor, Vorsitzender des Verwaltungsrates der EU-Grenzschutzagentur
Frontex (2008-2012)
Wolfgang Wagner, Professor für Internationale Sicherheit an der Freien Universität Amsterdam
Moderation: Eric Frey, Der Standard
Forschung zur europäischen Integration und zum EU-Recht an der Universität Wien: Europarecht, ELI und EIF im Gespräch
Date: 15.04.2013 | Time: 17:00 | Invitation [pdf]
Dachgeschoss des Juridicums, Schottenbastei 10-16, 1010 Vienna
Plan [pdf] und directions
Die Abteilung für Europarecht des Instituts für Europarecht, Internationales Recht und Rechtsvergleichung widmet sich schwerpunktmäßig der Forschung und Lehre im Fach Europarecht und befasst sich mit den rechtlichen Aspekten der europäischen Einigung. Das European Law Institute (ELI) ist eine europaweit agierende, unabhängige Non-Profit Organisation, die sich mit ihren ca. 650 und bald bis zu 3.000 Mitgliedern aus ganz Europa für eine hohe Qualität des Rechts in Europa einsetzt. Das Institut für europäische Integrationsforschung (EIF) verfolgt als interfakultäre Plattform der Universität Wien das Ziel, europabezogene Themen in Forschung und Lehre aus einer interdisziplinären Perspektive heraus zu fördern.
Diese drei Institutionen stellen einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Europaforschung in Österreich dar. An diesem Abend wollen wir über die jeweiligen Schwerpunkte sprechen und die überschneidenden Themenfelder diskutieren.
Grußworte: Susanne Weigelin-Schwiedrzik, Vizerektorin der Universität Wien
Gerda Falkner, Institut für europäische Integrationsforschung (EIF)
Alina-Maria Lengauer, Institut für Europarecht, Internationales Recht und Rechtsvergleichung, Abteilung Europarecht
Verica Trstenjak, Institut für Europarecht, Internationales Recht und Rechtsvergleichung, Abteilung Europarecht
Christiane Wendehorst, European Law Institute (ELI)
In the shadow of the law: EU social policy between the ECJ and politics
Public lecture by Dorte Sindbjerg Martinsen ,
Department of Political Science
University of Copenhagen
Date: 18.03.2013 | Time: 17:00 | Invitation [pdf]
Campus of the University of Vienna, Aula, Hof 1.11, 1090 Vienna
Plan [pdf] and directions
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The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has long been famous for its central, at times controversial, role in European integration. However, how politics respond to legal integration in the concrete processes of policy-making, i.e. in the daily legislative processes, remains rather unexplored. This lecture analyses the policy-making dynamics of social Europe where the ECJ has at times interpreted the scope of European law beyond what member states intended. It examines how the case law of the Court is subsequently responded to by the decision-makers of the European Union, i.e. the Commission, the Council of Ministers and the EP. Does the case law of the Court substantiate further steps of integration or do decision-makers respond by over-ruling the Court?