
Dr. Guido Schwellnus

Evaluation Summer Semester 2013

SE 400001 Seminar für DissertantInnen: Qualitativ-Vergleichende Analyse (QCA) – Grundlagen und Anwendung konfigurativ-vergleichender Methoden

Dr. Guido Schwellnus

Das Seminar dient der vertiefenden Aneignung und Systematisierung von Methoden der vergleichenden Politikwissenschaft. Ausgehend von Mills klassischen Methoden des Vergleichs (Konkordanz- und Differenzmethode) werden die logischen Grundlagen konfigurativer Methoden erarbeitet, insbesondere der Qualitatitiv-Vergleichenden Analyse (QCA) nach Charles Ragin. Verschiedene QCA-Varianten (crisp-set, multi-value und fuzzy-set) werden ebenso behandelt wie forschungspraktische Probleme, z.B. die Kalibrierung von Daten. Der Kurs beinhaltet praktische Anwendungen und eine Einführung in den Umgang mit den Computerprogrammen fs/QCA und Tosmana.


SE 210120 M5b: Contemporary Policies of the European Union – Conflict and Compromise

Prof. Dr. Gerda Falkner, Dr. Guido Schwellnus

In order to deepen the understanding of European Integration, this seminar offers an overview of different EU policies such as economic (e.g. the internal market, trade, economic and monetary union), agricultural, environmental or social policies. It discusses the regulatory content of the policies, the decision-making processes leading to their adoption and their implementation, as well as their effects in the member states.


SE 210118 M5a: Denkschulen zur europäischen Integration und ihrer Krisen – Interessen, Ideen, Machtkonstellationen

Prof. Dr. Gerda Falkner, Dr. Guido Schwellnus

Das Seminar bietet einen Überblick über Theorien der europäischen Integration. Behandelt werden Integrationstheorien zur Erklärung der Integration und ihres Verlaufs (z.B. Intergouvernmentalismus, Neo-Funktionalismus), Ansätze zur Analyse der Europäischen Union als politisches System und ihrer Auswirkungen (z.B. Multi-Level Governance, Europäisierung), sowie normative Theorien, welche die Grundlagen der Legitimität europäischen Regierens kritisch hinterfragen. Zudem werden Ansätze zur Erklärung der aktuellen Krise der EU vorgestellt.



Evaluation Winter Semester 2013/14

SE 210101 M3b: Multiculturalism and Minority Protection

Dr. Guido Schwellnus

The seminar introduces into theoretical concepts regarding the protection of national, ethnic and linguistic minorities in modern societies. It addresses several central theoretical debates within political theory: ethnic, cultural and civic concepts of the nation, the liberalism-communitarianism debate, and liberal multiculturalism as a ‘via media’ between group-specific rights and the priority of the individual. In addition, the connection to legal concepts such as non-discrimination, individual and collective minority rights shall be discussed and applied to cases related to the protection of national minorities and indigenous peoples.


SE 210113 M5a: Conflicts over Europe

Dr. Guido Schwellnus

The course examines in depth several interlinked challenges currently facing the EU: 1. Democracy and the EU: Is the EU democratic? 2. Political Parties and the Politicization of the EU: Is the time of the EU as an elite-driven project over? 3. The euro and the sovereign debt crisis: How is the crisis reshaping EU and national politics and institutions? 4. The institutional setup for a EU of 28 member states: The central question of this part of the course is whether the EU needs more or less flexibility? 5. Enlargement and the Boundaries of the EU: With more countries wanting to join the club, where does the EU draw the line?








Curriculum Vitae
