
Prof. Dr. Gerda Falkner
Media Contributions (selection)

20 September 2024: Interview for Wiener Zeitung

EIF's head Gerda Falkner contributed background information on interest representation of the Austrian Laender in Brussels.


13 August 2024: Contribution to London School of Economics Blog

Obendiek, A., Falkner, G., Heidebrecht, S., & Seidl, T. (2024). Digital sovereignty in the EU – separating rhetoric from reality. Available here.


1 August 2024: Blog Contribution to Newspaper Der Standard

Heidebrecht, S., Falkner, G., Obendiek, A. & Seidl, T. (2024). Digitale Souveränität: Rhetorik und/oder politische Realität? Der Standard vom 01.08.2024, Politikwissenschaftsblog. [Digital Sovereignty: Rhetoric and/or political reality? Political Science Blog in the Austrian Newspaper Der Standard, 1 August 2024] Available here.


12 January 2024: Online media and democracy in Europe

EIF Director Gerda Falkner was interviewed for the magazine of the German Böckler Stiftung for a special issue on how to strengthen democracy and educate citizens to that effect.


9-10 May 2022: Reflections on the human will

Gerda Falkner provided background information on how digitalisation influences our free will for a broader reflection on the human will on Ö1 (Austrian Public Radio).


18 December 2021: Digitalisation as one major challenge of our times

Austrian daily newspaper "Die Presse" featured an interview with EIF's director Gerda Falkner. Although it seems harsh to confront people with yet another big task in difficult times, ending the now ubiquitous data collection by private economic actors and the micro-targeting or nudging of citizens seems key to making our democracies future-proof, she argues.


10 December 2021: How Big Data affects democracy

Gerda Falkner, head of EIF, was invited to the Edition Zukunft-podcast of the newspaper Der Standard to explain the consequences of constant data collection for individual citizens as well as democracy overall. Listen to the podcast here (in German).


17 June 2021: The importance of back-ups

Considering that we live in the "age of the cyber-attack" (The Guardian) and possibly even a "new era of information warfare"(Financial Times), EIF's Head Gerda Falkner recently warned that Europe urgently needs a "Joint Cyber Unit" worthy of its name, as well as updates and upgrading of its relevant regulations. Universities and public infrastructures should try to have their data securely backed up: offline. Read her recommendations in the Wiener Zeitung.


25 May 2021: Commentary in the Wiener Zeitung

Gerda Falkner urges the public and officials to learn lessons from the ransomware attack that paralysed the IT systems of the Irish health services and additionally compromised the servers holding highly confidential health and employment records. Read her analysis in the Wiener Zeitung.


11 May 2021: Coverage of public lecture

At an international conference on Technology Assessment, Gerda Falkner spoke on the necessity of integrating perspectives from different scientific fields to assure that digitalisation does not erode democracy and set the path towards digital dictatorship. Her contribution was covered in a variety of outlets: ORF [Austrian Public Broadcast]; Kronen Zeitung (online); Drei News (online); Extradienst (online).


23 October 2019: JCMS-Blog

A blog contribution by Gerda Falkner was published on the JCMS-Blog, entitled After the EP Elections 2019: Mind the populists’ divisions concerning EU policies!


10 April 2019: APA Interview

Interview with Austria's national news agency "Austria Presse Agentur" (APA) on the upcoming elections to the European Parliament and, in the particular, the splits between populist radical right parties concerning EU policies and their reform.


14 January 2019: What unites Europe?

EIF's Director discussed about what actually (dis-)unites Europe, in the frame of #SEMESTERFRAGE @univie in the Auditorium Maximum of the University of Vienna, with prominent speakers such as former Chancellor Franz Vranitzky, Maja Haderlap, and Martin Kocher. Gerda Falkner argued that a functioning European Union seems all the more important in a globalised world undergoing a digital revolution with its profound effects on the media and on democracy, with China, Russia, the US, and unregulated digital media giants as the otherwise sole dominant players. Video online here.


30 October 2018: Interview for the Wiener Zeitung

The head of the Institute, Gerda Falkner, ist asked about the partial retirement of Angela Merkel and its effect on European Integration.


15 October 2018: Ö1 Campus Radio

Gerda Falkner is a guest at the debate "Never again war in Europe! Is the peace project EU in jeopardy?" as part of the series STANDPUNKT (= point of view), a project embedded in the Austrian Presidency of the European Council in the course of the "Week of Media Competence", organized by the editorial board Bildungsministerium, by ORF and KURIER, located at the upper-Austrian Kulturquartier in 4020 Linz.
Gerda Falkner (Head of the Institute for European Integration Research of the University of Vienna) will be joined by Gottfried Haber (Head of the Research Department of Economic and Financial Politics at the University for Continuing Education in Krems), Thomas Roithner (Privatdozent for Political Science at the University of Vienna, peace researcher and journalist), and Andre Wolf (Content- and Social Media Coordinator at "Mimikama-association for information on abuse of the Internet", Blogger of the year 2017).
The reporting will be published in the online version of KURIER, on oe1.orf.at and in "Ö1 Campus" Radio.


12 July 2018: Op-ed in uni:view magazine

Gerda Falkner contributed an article to the magazine of the University of Vienna entitled "Europe: Presidency in difficult times". Take a look on medienportal.univie.ac.at.


2 July 2018: Interview for the "Standard"

In an interview with journalists from the Austrian newspaper "Der Standard" Gerda Falkner, the head of the EIF, explains the main issues that will pose a challenge for the Austrian presidency on the European Council. Take a look on derstandard.at.


27 June 2018: Interview with "PULS 4"

The biggest private Austrian broadcasting company, PULS 4, asks Gerda Falkner for her input on the current summit of the heads of state and government of the European Union member states for the evening news.


20 June 2018: Interview with the Swedish Radio

The head of the EIF, Gerda Falkner, answers questions regarding the Austrian presidency on the European Council for an article of the public radio company of the Kingdom of Sweden. Take a look on sverigesradio.se.


18 June 2018: Statement for "Report Plus"

Gerda Falkner, head of the EIF, gives a statement, parallel with Stefan Brocza, an expert on European law, regarding the Austrian presidency on the European Council to an Austrian economic journal. Take a look on report.at.


18 May 2018: Interview for the Broadcast "Wissenschaftsradio"

The head of the EIF-Institute, Gerda Falkner, is interviewed extensively on topics such as the Austrian Council Presidency in the second half of 2018 or the current challenges the European Union faces. On the lighter side feature her music request for the summer and a sound bite of Austrian celebrity Alfons Haider. She has been preceded in this series by climatologist Helga Kromp-Kolb and environmental medicine researcher Hans Peter Hutter. Take a listen on soundcloud.com.

27. April 2018: Interview für die Austria Presse Agentur

Die Leiterin des EIF gibt ein Hintergrundinterview zur Sozialpolitik und der Zukunft Österreichs in der EU für die APA anlässlich des 'Austria 2018 Centenary Symposium: Debating the legacy of the 1918 proclamation of the Austrian Republic'.


12. Oktober 2017: Kommentar in "Der Standard

Droht politische Gestaltungsmacht zugleich nach unten wie nach oben zu diffundieren und damit insgesamt zu schwinden? Gerda Falkner trägt zur Debatte um "Tribalisierung" und Sezessionismus von Landesteilen und deren Wirkung auf die EU bei. Online auf derstandard.at.


06. April 2017: ORF Interview

Im Interview für die Zeit im Bild 2 informiert Gerda Falkner über die Auseinandersetzungen auf EU-Ebene in Hinblick auf Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit in Ungarn und Polen sowie über die beschränkten politischen Handlungsspielräume bei der praktischen Durchsetzung der grundlegenden Werte
der Europäischen Union.


30. März 2017: Interview für "Die Zeit"

EIFs Leiterin gibt ein Hintergrundinterview zur EU-Politik Österreichs für die deutsche Wochenzeitung "Die Zeit".


29. November 2016: Interview for Italian RAI2

EIF's Director was interviewed by the Italian RAI2 format Pagella Politica about her work on the implementation problems with EU law and the EU Commissions policies regarding infringement proceedings against member states.


24. August 2016: TV-Interview

Gerda Falkner analysiert für "Schau TV" (Wien, Niederösterreich, Burgenland) die Herausforderungen, die durch die Migrationspolitik-Krise 2015/16 für die europäische Integration entstanden sind.


14. Juli 2016: Stellungnahme in "Report Plus"

EIFs Leiterin beantwortet Journalistenfragen eines österreichischen Wirtschaftsmagazins zum Brexit und seinen Auswirkungen auf den Finanzplatz London oder die Eurozone.


24. Juni 2016: Gerda Falkner im ORF-Studio "Runder Tisch" zum Brexit und Kommentar im uni:view

Großbritannien hat mit ca. 52 : 48% für einen EU-Austritt gestimmt. EIFs Leiterin kommentiert die Folgen dessen für die europäische Integration noch am selben Tag im Hauptabendprogramm des österreichischen staatlichen Fernsehens (Runder Tisch im Rahmen einer ZiB Spezial, ORF 2) sowie in uni:view, der online Zeitung der Universität Wien.


19. Mai 2016: Interview für den Forschungsnewsletter der Universität Wien

Auf der Website und im Forschungsnewsletter der Universität Wien präsentiert die Leiterin des EIF die Ergebnisse des Projekts "EU-Politik in Zeiten der Krise".

Link zu uni:view


07. April 2016: Interview mit Fernsehsender ATV

Für die Hauptnachrichten des Senders wurde Gerda Falkner, Leiterin des EIF, zur Mehrheit in der niederländischen Volksbefragung gegen das Assoziierungsabkommen der EU mit der Ukraine befragt.


22. März 2016: Kommentar in uni:view

Auf Einladung der Abteilung Kommunikation und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit des Rektorats der Universität Wien kommentiert die Leiterin des Instituts für Europäische Integrationsforschung, Gerda Falkner, das Abkommen der EU mit der Türkei zur Rückführung von Flüchtlingen. Neben zahlreichen praktischen und menschrechtlichen Herausforderungen stellt sich zunehmend eine grundlegende Frage: wenn die gemeinsame Wertegrundlage verloren geht, kann dann die zwischenstaatliche Zusammenarbeit überhaupt fruchtbar bleiben?

uni:view: Die EU in der Wertekrise: Von den offenen Fragen des Türkei-Deals


06. März 2016: Gerda Falkner im ORF-Studio "Im Zentrum"

Gemeinsam mit u.a. Österreichs Vizekanzler Reinhold Mitterlehner und Johannes Voggenhuber diskutiert die Leiterin des Instituts für europäische Integrationsforschung bei Ingrid Thurnher live über: Politcoup oder Sündenfall – Österreichs Flüchtlingspolitik auf dem europäischen Prüfstand.


03. März 2016: Gastbeitrag der Leiterin des Instituts für europäische Integrationsforschung in uni:view

Gerda Falkner, die Leiterin des Instituts für Europäische Integrationsforschung der Universität Wien, beschreibt in ihrem Gastbeitrag einen facettenreichen "Package Deal", der die konstruktive Zusammenarbeit in der EU retten könnte.

uni:view: Nach dem Gipfel ist vor dem Gipfel: Die EU am Scheideweg?


03 March 2016: EIF's Director on German radio

Gerda Falkner was interviewed for the political magazine "Bayern 2-radioWelt" of the German radio station "Bayerischer Rundfunk". Will the EU desert Greece with the refugees? If so, which would be the consequences for European integration?


18 February 2016: Gerda Falkner on Puls 4 News

EIF's Director was interviewed for the private TV Channel Puls 4: How will European integration continue after the weekend's summit?


25 January 2016: One page interview with Gerda Falkner in the Austrian daily newspaper "Kurier"

The Austrian daily newspaper "Kurier" publishes a one page interview with EIF's Director, Gerda Falkner: Austria by the year 2030: What will EU membership look like? Can the current multi-facetted crisis lead to new EU policies, and what can be done to promote this?



6 December 2015: Gerda Falkner on ORF - Hohes Haus

EIF’s Director was interviewed for the ORF 2 television program “Hohes Haus”. The politicians on the live broadcast Sunday 12h00 were President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz and Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann. Among the topics discussed were: the recent pact with Turkey concerning better management of the refugee situation, the simultaneous occurrence of many crises in Europe which threatens to overburden the EU’s system, and an increasing lack of solidarity within the EU caused by tendencies of nationalism and populism.


31 October 2015: Panel discussion on asylum and migration

In a panel discussion organised by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the EIF’s director Gerda Falkner debated on a high-ranking podium the current challenges regarding refugee reception and management in Europe. She presented the reasons why the EU was not yet able to achieve common standards in asylum policy and explained that diverging interests of the member states have led to a situation of “joint-decision trap”.

Media coverage of the event:

APA- Science

Salzburger Nachrichten


23 September 2015: EIF’s Director on ZIB-Magazin

The EU interior ministers have departed from the principle of unanimity in adopting a quota for a distribution of the refugees across countries. On ZIB-Magazin on 23.9. Gerda Falkner explains why this could hardly have been decided otherwise.


August 2015: EIF’s Director on German Radio Orange (Bayern 2)

In a radio report, Gerda Falkner discusses the risks of a diminishing solidarity in Europe and illustrates that only common actions will safeguard European Integration.


20 July 2015: Commentary of Gerda Falkner in „Der Standard“

In a commentary for the “Standard”, the head of the Institute summarises the recent EU negotiations with Greece and considers the outcome to be an acceptable compromise, even though it was not an optimum solution. She urges that problems in Europe should be tackled by the member states together and not in conflict with one another. All member states have to answer for the common monetary union with its systematic deficiency; therefore, it is highly important to jointly counteract caused imbalances.

Link to article in the "Standard"


12 July 2015: Gerda Falkner at ORF broadcasting „Im Zentrum Spezial“

The head of the Institute for European Integration Research, along with Franz Fischler, Johannes Voggenhuber and Friedrich Schneider, discusses the consequences of the special summit of EU heads of state and government live on television with Ingrid Thurnher.

Im Zentrum Spezial


July 2015: EIF's Director on TV

a) debating the Austrian Lower Chamber's reforms regarding speaking rights for elected EP members of Austria: Hohes Haus, ORF 2, Sonntag 5.7.2015, "Europas Stimmen im Bundesrat"

b) evaluating the effects of the Greek referendum on the future of European integration: ZIB Magazin, ORF 1, Montag 6.7.2015


May 8, 2014: EIF in the Ö1 series: „Dimensionen – die Welt der Wissenschaft“

"Kein Land in Sicht?" was the title of the radio report in Ö1 where Gerda Falkner, Patrick Müller and Florian Trauner were interviewed about the obstacles for a coherent EU policy. The success of the EU in different policy fields that have already achieved a global dimension is quite diverse. In the interview, the researchers analysed these differences and obstacles, and also reported the results of the Institute’s collaborative project on the question of EU policy export on a global level (EU Policies in a Global Perspective).


April 24, 2014: Interview with Radio station Ö1

April, 24 2014: Interview with Radio station Ö1 The difficulties and obstacles for coherent EU policies were the focus of an interview conducted by the radio station Ö1 with Gerda Falkner. The recently published comprehensive research project from the EIF about the question of EU policy export to the global level (EU Policies in a Global Perspective) gave deep insight into the challenges of doing so in different policy areas.


March 11, 2014: Interview for the Austrian magazine REPUBLIK

EIF's Director Gerda Falkner gave an interview for the Austrian magazine REPUBLIK, with a focus on "European Union/How will it continue with the EU?"


November 27, 2013: Ad hoc consultation for TV

EIF's Director Gerda Falkner provided ad hoc expertise to the Austrian television transmitter ATV regarding Germany's announcement to discriminate against citizens of other states in the field of road user charges.


November 13, 2013: Ad hoc consultation for TV

Gerda Falkner provided an ad hoc consultation to the Austrian broadcasting station ATV regarding the EU and the Maltese policy to sell citizenship.


July 11, 2013: Interview with radio station Ö1

The radio station Ö1 conducted an interview with Gerda Falkner regarding the Open Access Journals which are managed at EIF: European Integration online Papers (EIoP) and Living Reviews in European Governance (LREG). The interview was broadcast on August 19, 2013.


October 2012: EIF's Director on ORF regarding the EU crisis

Gerda Falkner was among the experts explaining the various complex terms used in the area of European Integration.


July 9, 2012: Economic Daily, China

Interview with China's leading economics newspaper on the prospects of European Integration and its current crisis.


June 30, 2012: Guest commentator in 'Der Standard'

How was the breakthrough at the June EU summit possible: EIF's Director discusses package dealing strategies in the Austrian daily "Der Standard".

Article (pdf)


June 29, 2012: International Herald Tribune

Telephone Interview with the Berlin Correspondent of The International Herald Tribune, global edition of The New York Times, on the results of the EU summit, Chancellor Merkel's performance, and reactions in Austria.


June 28, 2012: Demokratie und EU-Krise. Ein Dilemma?

A guest in the weekly economics journal "Format" (no. 26/2012, page 15), EIF's director outlines why direct democratic means are inappropriate for solving short-term problems. At the same time, fundamental EU reform including its decision-making procedures seems indispensable for viable long-term solutions.

Article (pdf)


June 17, 2012: EIF's Director on ORF

Gerda Falkner was a guest on the ORF television program, Im Zentrum, on June 17. The episode, "Griechenland- Sargnagel für den Euro?" (Greece- the last nail in the Euro's coffin?), discussed the possible consequences of the pivotal elections in Greece for the Euro and the European Union.


June 20, 2012: EIF's Director interviewed for FORMAT

Gerda Falkner was interviewed on the future of the European Union for the weekly business magazine FORMAT on the 20th of June.


March 2012: EIF's Director on Ö1

The currect problems of the EU in terms of democracy and rule of law were discussed in a radio feature where Gesine Schwan, Anton Pelinka and Gerda Falkner were interviewed (Dimensionen - die Welt der Wissenschaft, "Europa weiter denken", Gestaltung: Tanja Malle, Thursday 8 March 2012).



December 2011: EIF's director on ATV

On 7 December at 21h55, EIF's Director Gerda Falkner appeared on a TV panel discussion on small states' role in the EU and on latest Eurozone crisis developments, with several Austrian top politicians (Christoph Matznetter, Ulrike Lunacek, Heinz-Christian Strache).


November 2011: EIF's director on TV news "ZIB 24"

Die ORF-Ankündigung lautete: "Griechenland und Italien stehen am Abgrund, den politischen Eliten scheint aber dennoch Machterhalt wichtiger als ein geschlossenes Vorgehen. In Griechenland ist den etablierten Parteien ein ausgewiesener Experte als Chef einer Übergangsregierung zu mächtig und in Italien versucht Silvio Berlusconi immer noch seinen Kopf zu retten, während die für Staatsanleihen zu berappenden Zinsen in neue Höhen steigen. Ist das politische System Europas solchen Krisen überhaupt gewachsen? Sollte die EU Wirtschaftshilfe gar an politische Reformen knüpfen oder Sachwalter entsenden? Das fragen wir live im Studio die Chefin des Instituts für europäische Integrationsforschung bei der Akademie der Wissenschaften, Gerda Falkner."








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