
Dr. Guido Schwellnus

Articles in peer reviewed journals

Botta, Marco and Guido Schwellnus (2014): ‘Enforcing state aid rules in EU candidate countries: a qualitative comparative analysis of the direct and indirect effects of conditionality’. Journal of European Public Policy. DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2014.964289.

Balázs, Lilla and Guido Schwellnus (2014): “Decoupled Empowerment: Minority Representation and the Implementation of Language Rights in Romania”. Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe 13(2): 104-131. Available online: http://www.ecmi.de/fileadmin/downloads/publications/JEMIE/2014/Balazs.pdf.

Mikalayeva, Liudmila, Guido Schwellnus and Lilla Balázs: ‘The Revocation of Minority Protection Rules in New EU Member States: Language and Education Policy in Slovakia and Latvia’. L'Europe en Formation – Journal of Studies on European Integration and Federalism No.364, Summer 2012, 379-400.

Schwellnus, Guido, Liudmila Mikalayeva and Lilla Balázs (2012): ‘Project Report: A Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Minority Protection Rules in Ten New EU Member States’. European Yearbook of Minority Issues Vol 9, 2010, 113-139.

Schwellnus, Guido, Lilla Balázs and Liudmila Mikalayeva (2009): ‘It Ain’t Over When It’s Over: The Adoption and Sustainability of Minority Protection Rules in New EU Member States’, in: Frank Schimmelfennig and Florian Trauner (eds): ‘Post-accession compliance in the EU’s new member states’. European Integration online Papers Special Issue 2, Vol. 13, Art. 24, http://eiop.or.at/eiop/texte/2009-024a.htm.

Schwellnus, Guido (2009): ‘The Domestic Contestation of International Norms: An Argumentation Analysis of the Polish Debate Regarding a Minority Law’. Journal of International Law and International Relations 5:1, 123-154.

Schwellnus, Guido (2006): ‘Reasons for constitutionalization: non-discrimination, minority rights and social rights in the Convention on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights’. Journal of European Public Policy 13:8, 1265-1283.

Schimmelfennig, Frank, Berthold Rittberger, Alexander Bürgin and Guido Schwellnus (2006): ‘Conditions for EU constitutionalization: a qualitative comparative analysis’. Journal of European Public Policy 13:8, 1168-1189.

Schwellnus, Guido (2006): ‘Looking Back at Ten Years of EU Minority Conditionality vis-à-vis Central and Eastern European Candidate States’. European Yearbook of Minority Issues Vol 4, 2004/05, 321-340.

Lerch, Marika and Guido Schwellnus (2006): ‘Normative by Nature? The Role of Coherence in Justifying the EU’s External Human Rights Policy’. Journal of European Public Policy 13:2, 304-321.


Chapters in edited volumes

Schwellnus, Guido (2014): ‘Social Rights: The EU and the International Labour Organization (ILO)’, in: Gerda Falkner and Patrick Müller (eds): EU Policies in a Global Perspective: Shaping or taking international regimes? London: Routledge, 93-110.

Schwellnus, Guido (2012): ‘Sozialkonstruktivismus’, in: Hans-Jürgen Bieling and Marika Lerch (eds): Theorien der europäischen Integration: Eine Einführung. 3rd revised edition. Wiesbaden: Springer VS-Verlag, 273-294.

Schimmelfennig, Frank and Guido Schwellnus (2011): ‘Die supranationale Ebene: innenpolitische Konsequenzen des EU-Beitritts’, in: Florian Grotz and Ferdinand Müller-Rommel (eds): Regierungssysteme in Mittel- und Osteuropa: Die neuen EU-Staaten im Vergleich, Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag, 281-302.

Schwellnus, Guido (2009): ‘Anti-discrimination legislation’, in: Bernd Rechel (ed.): Minority Rights in Central and Eastern Europe. London: Routledge, 32-45.

Schimmelfennig, Frank and Guido Schwellnus (2007): ‘Politiktransfer durch politische Konditionalität. Der Einfluss der EU auf die Nichtdiskriminierungs- und Minderheitenschutzgesetzgebung in Mittel- und Osteuropa’, in: Katharina Holzinger et al. (eds.): Transfer, Diffusion und Konvergenz von Politiken (PVS-Sonderheft 38), Wiesbaden, VS-Verlag, 271-296.

Lerch, Marika and Guido Schwellnus (2006): ‘Normative by Nature? The Role of Coherence in Justifying the EU’s External Human Rights Policy’, in: Helene Sjursen (ed.) Civilian or Military Power? European Foreign Policy in Perspective. London: Routledge, 136-153.

Schimmelfennig, Frank, Berthold Rittberger, Alexander Bürgin and Guido Schwellnus (2006): ‘Die Konstitutionalisierung der Europäischen Union: Eine qualitativ-vergleichende Analyse’, in: Berthold Rittberger and Frank Schimmelfennig (eds): Die Europäische Union auf dem Weg in den Verfassungsstaat. Mannheimer Jahrbuch für Europäische Sozialforschung - Band 10. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus, 41-72.

Schwellnus, Guido (2006): ‘Wirken Ursachen als Gründe? Nichtdiskriminierung, Minderheitenrechte und soziale Rechte im Konvent zur EU-Grundrechtscharta’, in: Berthold Rittberger and Frank Schimmelfennig (eds): Die Europäische Union auf dem Weg in den Verfassungsstaat. Mannheimer Jahrbuch für Europäische Sozialforschung - Band 10. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus, 221-247.

Schwellnus, Guido (2006): ‘Double Standards? Minority Protection as a Condition for Membership’, in: Helene Sjursen (ed.): Questioning Enlargement: The EU in search of identity. London: Routledge, 186-200.

Schwellnus, Guido (2005): ‘The Adoption of Non-discrimination and Minority Protection Rules in Romania, Hungary and Poland’, in: Frank Schimmelfennig and Ulrich Sedelmeier (eds): The Europeanization of Central and Eastern Europe. Ithaca/NY: Cornell University Press, 51-70.

Schwellnus, Guido (2005): ‘Sozialkonstruktivismus’, in: Hans-Jürgen Bieling and Marika Lerch (eds): Theorien der europäischen Integration: Eine Einführung. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag, 321-345.

Wiener, Antje and Guido Schwellnus (2004): ‘Contested Norms in the Process of EU Enlargement: Non-Discrimination and Minority Rights’, in: George Bermann and Katharina Pistor (eds): Law and Governance in an Enlarged Europe. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 451-483.


Recent paper presentations and given lectures

Schwellnus, Guido: “Eliminating the Influence of Irrelevant Cases on the Consistency Measure in Fuzzy-Set QCA Paper prepared for the Conference on Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)”, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main, 22-23 November 2013.

Schwellnus, Guido: “Eliminating the Influence of Irrelevant Cases on the Consistency and Coverage of Necessary and Sufficient Conditions in Fuzzy-Set QCA”, 7th ECPR General Conference, Bordeaux, 4-7 September 2013

Schwellnus, Guido: “Pyrrhic Victory or Just Bad Timing? The Influence of ‘Uploading’ EU Social Standards on the Ratification of ILO Conventions“, 20th International Conference of Europeanists, University of Amsterdam, 25-27 June 2013.

Guido Schwellnus: “The EU as a Global Policy Exporter: Social Rights ‒ The EU and the International Labour Organization”, 20th International Conference of Europeanists, University of Amsterdam, 25-27 June 2013.

Schwellnus, Guido: “The Role of Domestic Mobilization for the Adoption of Minority Protection Rules in New EU Member States” (co-authored with Lilla Balázs), Annual Convention of the International Studies Association (ISA), San Francisco, 3-6 April 2013.

Schwellnus, Guido: “Minority Protection as a ‘Hard Case’ for Legalization: Law’s Integrity and the Development of International Minority Protection Regimes”, Annual Convention of the International Studies Association (ISA), San Francisco, 3-6 April 2013.

Schwellnus, Guido: „Social sciences perspectives”. Comment to Dorte Sindbjerg Martinsen: “In the shadow of the law: EU social policy between the ECJ and politics“, Vienna Lecture on the European Union, University of Vienna 18 March 2013


Working papers and reports

Schwellnus, Guido (2005): ‘The Role of Argumentative Coherence in the EU’s Justification of Minority Protection as a Condition for Membership’, in: Helene Sjursen (ed.): Enlargement in perspective. ARENA Report 2/05. Oslo: University of Oslo/ARENA, 247-274.

Wiener, Antje and Guido Schwellnus (2004): ‘Contested Norms in the Process of EU Enlargement: Non-Discrimination and Minority Rights’. Constitutionalism Web-Papers (ConWEB) 2/2004.

Schwellnus, Guido (2001): “‘Much ado about nothing‘? Minority Protection and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights”. Constitutionalism Web-Papers (ConWEB) 5/2001.






Curriculum Vitae
