
Dr. Magnus Schoeller
Public Outreach

“Discussing Pax Germanica: The Rise and Limits of German Hegemony in European Integration”, Invited talk at book launch event, Diplomatic Academy, Vienna, 25 November 2024.

“Germany's EMU policy and the Future of the Stability and Growth Pact”, Invited talk at “Recent and Current Reforms in EMU”, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence Workshop, organized by D. Fromage, 22-23 November 2023, Salzburg Centre of EU Studies (SCEUS), University of Salzburg, Austria.

“Where there's a will, there's a way? Germany and the EU leadership quest”, OUPblog, Oxford University Press, 26 October 2023, with O. Karlsson.

“Small States in the E(M)U: How Do They Pursue Their Interests in the Shadow of Franco-German Influence?”, Invited online talk/public lecture, Vilnius University, 15 November 2022 (broadcast online)

“Der Europäische Binnenmarkt Q&A” [The European Single Market Q&A], Democracy Massive Open Online Course, Demokratiezentrum Wien [Democracy Centre Vienna] / Verband Österreichischer Volkshochschulen [Association of Austrian Adult Education Centres], with S. Heidebrecht.

“Germany rejects relaxation of EU fiscal rules”, Interview for online newspaper article in EURACTIV, 3 December 2021. German original version: “Deutschland erteilt Lockerung der EU-Fiskalregeln eine Absage”.

“Expert*innen-Workshop Europabildung”, Expert workshop on EU education, Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung [Federal Institute for Adult Education], 28/29 June 2021.

“Lagarde declines to give date for taper”, Interview for online newspaper article in Central Banking, 14 June 2021.

“Race to succeed Merkel wide open as German election nears”, Interview for online newspaper article in EURACTIV, 18 May 2021.

“L’explosion des dettes publiques européennes” [The explosion of European public debt], Interview for Radio France Internationale witin the broadcast format Éco d’Ici, Éco d’Ailleurs, 19 December 2020.

“Wer übernimmt Europas Ruder?” [Who will take Europe's helm?], Interview for newspaper article / project presentation in Die Presse, 3 October 2020.

“‘It’s not a French-German Europe’: How small creditor states stand up for their interests in the EU“, London School of Economics' EUROPP blog, 30 September 2020.

“New Hansa and Frugal Four: The Role of Small Creditor States in the Economic and Monetary Union“, ÖGfE Policy Brief 2020/18, Vienna, 14 July 2020.

“Europe: Pays-Bas, Autriche, Suède... le 'club des radins' fait de la résistance“ [Europe: Netherlands, Austria, Sweden... the 'club of frugals' is resisting], Interview for magazine article in Challenges, 3 June 2020.

“Zúfalé časy, mimoriadne riešenia. Čo urobí EÚ?“ [Desperate times, extraordinary solutions. What will the EU do?], Interview for newspaper article in Pravda, 26 March 2020.

“Free Riders, Pace Setters, or Veto Players? The Role of Small Creditor States in the Eurozone“, EIF Lunchtime Seminar, Vienna, 4 February 2020.

“Europe after the Elections“, TV debate RTVS Večera s Havranom [Dinner with Havran], 28 May 2019.

“Was wählen wir am 26. Mai? Europawahlen aus der Sicht von Politik, Verwaltung und Wissenschaft“ [What are we voting for on May 26th? EU elections from the perspective of politics, administration and science], Public panel discussion, Vienna, 13 May 2019, with U. Lunacek, L. Ennser-Jedenastik, B. Luggin.

“Das Europäische Parlament und die europäische Gesellschaft” [The European Parliament and European Society], Radio interview Ö1 Punkt eins, 2 May 2019.

“Das Europaparlament: Macht und Ohnmacht der Volksvertretung“ [The European Parliament: Power and Powerlessness of the People’s Representation], Radio interview Ö1 Radiokolleg, 29 and 30 April 2019.

“Europa spricht – Let’s talk about Europe”, Invited talk and book presentation, European Forum Alpbach Network, Vienna, 27 April 2019, with K. Meissner.

“The Political Economy of Monetary Solidarity in Europe”, Vienna Lecture on the EU, Panel discussion, Vienna, 1 April 2019, with W. Schelkle (speaker) and B. Prainsack (discussant).

"Wie mächtig ist Europas Volksvertretung?" [How Powerful is Europe's Popular Representation?], Politikwissenschafts-Blog Standard.at, 25 September 2018, with K. Meissner.

“European Elections 2019: What Role for the European Parliament in Appointing the New Commission President?”, Campus talk (Lunchtime Seminar), Vienna, 4 June 2018, with K. Meissner.

“The European Commission’s Roadmap towards Completing the Economic and Monetary Union: Taking the Lead or Muddling Through?”, Campus talk (Lunchtime Seminar), Vienna, 13 February 2018.





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