- Editorials 1997 - 2013
- Editorial Policies
- Journal History
EIoP is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary E-journal in the field of European integration research. "European integration research" is to be understood in a broad sense. Scholarly contributions from all relevant disciplines are welcome, e.g. from legal studies, political science, economics, sociology, and history. EIoP has been published since 1997 under the auspices of ECSA Austria. From Vol. 11 (2007) onwards, EIoP is, among other indices, included in the ISI Social Sciences Citation Index.
EIoP was launched in 1996 on the initiative of Michael Nentwich (founding editor) and Gerda Falkner. She was the founding political science editor and became the journal’s editor-in-chief by 2009. EIoP was set up under the auspices of the Austrian European Community Studies Association. ECSA Austria is an interdisciplinary scientific organisation promoting research in the field of European integration and disseminating information about European integration. Thomas Eilmansberger† and Gabriele Tondl kindly agreed to be section editors for law and economics.
Patrick Scherhaufer joined the team in 2006 and was responsible for re-launching the journal website under the OJS (Open Journal System) system. He managed the journal office until 2009 and his continued support has been beneficial to EIoP for many years. Support by the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration is also gratefully acknowledged since EIoP has always been and is still running on a server generously provided there. Until August 2013, EIoP profited from co-funding under the EU’s Lifelong Learning Program (PRI0527/21400).
Since then, all daily work is being continued at the Institute for European Integration Research (EIF) at the University of Vienna. In fact, this Institute has contributed the lion’s share of the resources needed to run the journal since 2008. Zoe Lefkofridi lent her support as a political science co-editor (autumn 2011 to autumn 2013), Guido Schwellnus and Florian Trauner acted as special issue co-editors in late 2014 and early 2015.
Gratefully mentioned is, finally, the support by a number of high-ranking academics and leading members of ECSA Austria who agreed to be on the Journal’s advisory board: Prof. Dr. Stefan Griller, Prof. Dr. Fritz Breuss, Prof. Dkfm. Gerhard Fink, Prof. Dr. Gunter Tichy, as well as Prof. Dr. Josef Aicher, Prof. DDDr. Waldemar Hummer, Prof. Dr. Hubert Isak, Prof. Dr. Heinrich Schneider, Prof. Dr. Manfred Straube, and Prof. Dr. Rolf Steininger.
European Integration online Papers | ISSN 1027-5193
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