
Regularisations of Irregular Migrants
A Comparative Analysis of Germany, Austria and Spain


According to the latest reliable statistics from 2008, approximately 1% of the European population is irregular. At that time, between 1.9 and 3.8 million migrants were spread across the 27 EU Member States. This illustrates the topic's major importance, which has without doubt even further increased in recent years.

Moreover, the fight against 'illegal immigration' is one of the top priorities of the European Union. Irregular residence and regularisations shall be analysed in the context of relevant laws on multiple levels, both from a conceptual and an empirical viewpoint.

Director: Gerda Falkner (Profile)
Supervisor: Theo Öhlinger, Faculty of Law (Website)
Pre-doctoral researcher: Kevin Fredy Hinterberger (Profile)
Funding: Austrian Academy of Sciences (Website)
Duration: 2017-2019



Hinterberger, Kevin Fredy: Regularisierungen irregulär aufhältiger Migrantinnen und Migranten. Deutschland, Österreich und Spanien im Rechtsvergleich. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag 2020


