
Claims to Reform EU Policies: How Coherent are Political Party Families?


Beyond parties’ general attitude of support towards European Integration (most importantly, the Euro-scepticism of populist radical right parties, PRRPs), little is known about their views regarding specific EU activities. How much do they agree or disagree when it comes to reforming EU policies?

In the frame of this broader agenda (directed by Gerda Falkner) we have created a novel dataset of programmatic statements to discuss how (in-) coherent the demands of different PRRPs within the European Union actually are from a policy-comparative perspective. Initial findings have been published as a Working Paper at the European University Institute (view here).

The PhD project of Georg Plattner focuses on a selection of parties: The German Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), the Austrian Freiheitlichen Partei Österreichs (FPÖ), the Finnish Perussuomalaiset (PS) and the British United Kingdom Indepence Party (UKIP). Furthermore, the three groups that host the parties are included: The European Conservatives and Reformists Group (ECR), the Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy Group (EFDD) and the Europe of Nations and Freedom Group (ENF).

Director: Gerda Falkner (Profile)
Pre-doctoral researcher: Georg Plattner (Profile)
Duration: 2016-2019



EU Policies and Populist Radical Right Parties’ Programmatic Claims: Foreign Policy, Anti-Discrimination, and the Single Market. In: Journal of Common Market Studies, 2020, Vol. 58(3), pp. 723-739. [Gerda Falkner, Georg Plattner]

EU Policies in Times of Populist Radical Right Euroscepticism: Which Future? In: Clara Rauchegger and Anna Wallermann (eds.): The Eurosceptic Challenge: National Implementation and Interpretation of EU Law. London: Hart Publishing, 2019, pp. 7-26. [Gerda Falkner, Georg Plattner]

Contribution to the JCMS-Blog, entitled After the EP Elections 2019: Mind the populists’ divisions concerning EU policies! (The Journal of Common Market Studies is the most ancient top journal in the area of EU research) [Gerda Falkner]


