
Georg Plattner, MA (prae-doc)

Plattner, Georg (forthcoming): EU Policies and Populist Radical Right Parties’ Programmatic Claims: Foreign Policy, Anti-Discrimination, and the Single Market. In: Journal of Common Market Studies [co-authored with Gerda Falkner]

Plattner, Georg (forthcoming): EU Policies in Times of Populist Radical Right Euroscepticism: Which Future? In: Clara Rauchegger and Anna Wallermann (eds.): The Eurosceptic Challenge: National Implementation and Interpretation of EU Law. London: Hart Publishing. [co-authored with Gerda Falkner]

Blog contribution: The Radical Right Chewbacca Defence: Why it does not matter if the radical right is lying to the working class that voted them into power in the blog of the Centre for Analysis of the Radical Right, April 20th, 2019

Blog contribution: Back with a vengeance? One year with the radical right in government in Austria in the segment Can Europe make it? of openDemocracy, January 17th, 2019

EU Policies in Times of Populist Radical Right Euroscepticism: Which Future? Paper presented at the SPSA Annual Conference & Dreiländertagung: “The End of the West? Liberal Orders under Pressure”. Zürich, 14-16 February 2019. [co-authored with Gerda Falkner]

Plattner, Georg (2018): Geeint gegen Europa?: (In-) Kohärenz populistisch-rechtsradikaler Parteien in ihren Forderungen zur Reform verschiedener EU-Politikfelder. In: Juridikum: Zeitschrift für Kritik, Recht, Gesellschaft, 4/18. Wien.

Conference Paper: Plattner, Georg (2018): Populist Radical Right Parties and EU Policies: How (in-) coherent are their demands? Paper presented at the 4th Prague Populism Conference ‘Current Populism in Europe: Culture, History, Identity’. Goethe Institute Prague, 21–22 May 2018. [co-authored with Gerda Falkner]

Conference Paper: Plattner, Georg (2018): Populistisch-rechtsradikale Parteien und ihre Forderungen zur Reform von EU-Politikfeldern: Ein einheitlicher Block? Paper presented at the Tag der Politikwissenschaft Conference held by the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Politikwissenschaft. Innsbruck, 29-30 November 2018. [co-authored with Gerda Falkner]

Falkner, Gerda and Georg Plattner (2018): Populist Radical Right Parties and EU Policies: How coherent are their claims? EUI Working Papers RSCAS 2018(37). Read online here.

Conference Paper: Plattner, Georg (2017): EU Are Dead to Us. Policy (In-) Congruence of Populist Radical Right Parties. Paper presented at the London School of Economics (LSE) Graduate Conference ‘Populism Left, Right, and Centre’. LSE London, 3 November 2017.

Conference Paper: Plattner, Georg (2016): Fear of a 'third Intifadah' - Interpreting the latest Wave of Anti-Israeli Violence. Paper presented at the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference 2016. Charles University Prague, 7-10 September 2016.

Plattner, Georg (2016): Israel-Palästina 2017. In: Direktion für Sicherheitspolitik (Hg.): Sicherheitspolitische Jahresvorschau 2017. Wien.

Plattner, Georg (2016): Der Nahe Osten wird zur globalen Herausforderung. In: ISS Aktuell 1/2016. Wien.

Plattner, Georg (2015): Der Israelisch-Palästinensische Konflikt 2016. In: Direktion für Sicherheitspolitik (Hg.): Sicherheitspolitische Jahresvorschau 2016. Wien.

Plattner, Georg (2015): After Lausanne: Perspectives on the New Iran. Online: < http://www.cgsrs.org/files/files/publications_8.pdf>. CGSRS Policy Paper.

Plattner, Georg (2015): Warsaw 1989 or Tehran 1979? The Consequences of the "ArabSpring" for the Security of Israel and Israeli Options in the Middle East Conflict. Saarbrücken.

Plattner, Georg (2015): Der Nahe Osten zwischen Machtpolitik und Terrorherrschaft. In: ISS Aktuell 2/2015, 39-43. Wien.

Plattner, Georg (2014): Warschau 1989 oder Teheran 1979? Die Konsequenzen des "Arabischen Frühlings" für die Sicherheit Israels. In Wiener Blätter zur Friedensforschung 161, Dezember/4/2014, 27-47. Wien.

Braumandl-Dujardin, Wolfgang; Plattner, Georg (2014): Flächenbrand im Nahen Osten. In: ISS Aktuell 4/2014, 32-36. Wien.

Plattner, Georg (2013): Türkei, Israel-Palästina, Hegemonie im Nahen Osten. In: Direktion für Sicherheitspolitik (Hg.): Sicherheitspolitische Jahresvorschau 2014. Wien.

Iwanowski, Andrej; Plattner, Georg; Staudinger, Martin (2012): Der Mann mit der Maschinenpistole. In profil 41/2012, 74-78.

Plattner, Georg; Staudinger, Martin (2012): Verbündet und Verhasst. In profil 31/2012, 51-53.

Fink, Anna-Giulia; Plattner, Georg (2012): Willkommen in der Zukunft! In profil 30/2012, 52-55.

Fink, Anna-Giulia; Plattner, Georg; Szyszkowitz, Tessa; Treichler, Robert (2012): Schrecken ohne Ende. In profil 30/2012, 44-48.





Curriculum Vitae