Univ.-Prof. Dr. Patrick Müller, PD MA
Books and Editorships
- The Domestic Challenge to EU Foreign Policy-Making: From Europeanisation to de-Europeanisation? Special Issue of the Journal of European Integration, Vol. 43 (2021), No. 5 [with Karolina Pomorska and Ben Tonra].
- The Global Turn to Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading: Experiments, Innovation, Actors, Drivers, and Consequences, Global Environmental Politics 2017 (2017 special issue) [with Katja Biedenkopf, Jorgen Wettestad, and Peter Slominski].
- The Europeanization of Austria’s External Relations [co-edited with Heidi Maurer], special issue of the Austrian Journal of Political Science Vol. 45 (2016)
- EU Policies in a Global Perspective: Shaping or taking international regimes?, New York: Routledge (2014) [edited with Gerda Falkner].
- EU Foreign Policymaking toward the Middle East Conflict – The Europeanization of National Foreign Policy, New York: Routledge, 2011.
Articles in Peer-reviewed Journals
- Towards an integrated approach to EU foreign policy? Horizontal spillover across the humanitarian–development and the security–migration interfaces. Journal of European Public Policy (2024). Online first: https://doi.org/10.1080/13501763.2024.2368256 [with Julian Bergmann]
- Hungary's Populist Government and the Contestation of EU Foreign Policy Co‐Operation at the United Nations: Dogs That Bark Do Not Bite? Journal of Common Market Studies (2024). Online first: https://doi.org/10.1111/jcms.13706 [with Carla Monteleone and Tatiana Coutto]
- Contested but Resilient: Accounting for the Endurance of the European Union's Foreign Policy. Journal of Common Market Studies (2024). Online first: https://doi.org/10.1111/jcms.13686 [with Oriol Costa, Ana E. Juncos and Helene Sjursen]
- Supranational Self‐Empowerment Through Bricolage: The Role of the European Commission in EU Security and Defence. Journal of Common Market Studies, 62(6) (2024), pp. 1672-1691. [with Peter Slominski and Wolfgang Sagmeister]
- Ungarn, der EU-Rechtstaatlichkeitsmechanismus und Russlands Krieg gegen die Ukraine: die politische Geiselnahme außenpolitischer Entscheidungen. integration, 46(3) (2023), pp. 259-273 [with Peter Slominski]
- Austrian Foreign Policy and key Debates on EU Foreign Policy, Austrian Journal of Political Science, 51(4) (2022), pp. 19-25 .
- Shrinking the space for civil society: (De)Politicizing the obstruction of humanitarian NGOs in EU border management, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Vol. 48 (2022), No. 19, pp. 4774-4792 [with Peter Slominski]
- Populist Capture of Foreign Policy Institutions: The Orbán Government and the De-Europeanization of Hungarian Foreign Policy, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 61 (2022), No. 2, pp. 397-415 [with David Gazsi].
- Spillover Dynamics and Inter-Institutional Interaction between CSDP and AFSJ: Moving towards a more Joined-up EU External Migration Policy? Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Vol. 49 (2022), No. 12, pp. 3005-3023 [with Julian Bergmann].
- Austria and the Global Compact on Migration: the ‘populist securitization’ of foreign policy, Comparative European Politics, Vol. 19 (2021), No. 6, pp. 760-778 [with Charlott Gebauer].
- Failing forward in the EU's common security and defense policy: the integration of EU crisis management. Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 28 (2021), No. 10, pp. 1669-1687 [with Julian Bergmann].
- The Domestic Challenge to EU Foreign Policy-Making: From Europeanisation to de-Europeanisation? Journal of European Integration, Vol. 43 (2021), No. 5, pp. 519-534 [with Karolina Pomorska and Ben Tonra].
- Populism meets EU Foreign policy: the de-Europeanization of Poland´s Foreign policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Journal of European Integration, Vol. 43 (2021), No. 5, pp. 569-586 [with Joanna Dyduch].
- Breaking the legal Link but not the Law? The Externalization of Migration Control through Orchestration in the Central Mediterranean, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 28 (2021), No. 6, pp. 801-820 [with Peter Slominski]
- Orchestrating Peace by Proxy: Exploring the Effectiveness of the EU’s Mediation Support in South Sudan, European Security, Vol. 29 (2020), No. 2, 149-169 [with Julian Bergmann]
- Normative Power Europe and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: The EU’s Peacebuilding Narrative meets Local Narratives, European Security, Vol. 28 (2019), No. 3, pp. 251-267.
- Legal framing and the EU’s External Relations: how NGOs shaped the Negotiations for an IsraelEuropol Cooperation Agreement, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 26 (2019), No. 6, pp. 906-926 [with Peter Slominski].
- Une Liaison Transnationale: Exploring the Role of NGOs in EU Foreign Policy-making towards the ICC, Comparative European Politics, Vol. 17 (2019), No. 5, pp. 696-713 [with Oriol Costa].
- Perceptions of the EU's role in the Ukraine-Russian and the Israeli-Palestinian conflicts: A biased mediator?, International Negotiation, Vol. 23 (2018), No. 2, pp. 299-318 [with Ole Egström, Natalia Chaban, Michéle Knodt, Sharon Pardo].
- Local Perceptions of the EU’s Role in Peacebuilding: The Case of Security Sector Reform in Palestine, Contemporary Security Policy, Vol. 39 (2017), No. 1, pp. 119-141 [with Yazid Zahda].
- The Global turn to GHG Emission Trading: International Diffusion or Islands of Experimentation?, Global Environmental Politics, Vol. 17 (2017), No. 3, pp. 1-11 [with Katja Biedenkopf, Peter Slominski, and Jorgen Wettestad]. **The Politics of Learning: Developing an Emission Trading Scheme in Australia, Global Environmental Politics, Vol. 17 (2017), No. 3, pp. 51-68 [with Peter Slominski].
- The Role of Law in EU Foreign Policymaking: Legal Integrity, Legal Spill-over, and EU’s of Differentiation towards Israel, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 55 (2017), No. 4, pp. 871-88 [with Peter Slominski].
- Harmonizing Internationally to Harmonize Internally: Accounting for Global Exits from the EU’s Decision Traps, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 55 (2017), No. 4, pp. 815-31 [with Zdenek Kudrna].
- The Europeanization of Austrian Foreign Policy – a Pragmatic EU Member, Austrian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 45 (2016), No. 2, pp. 1-9. [with Heidrun Maurer].
- Europeanization and Multilateral Cooperation: Austria’s Participation in the Salzburg Forum and in Central European Defence Cooperation, Austrian Journal of Political Science,Vol. 45 (2016), No. 2, pp. 23-34.
- EU foreign policy: No major breakthrough despite multiple crises, Journal of European Integration, Vol. 23 (2016), No. 6, pp. 814-832.
- Third Country Agency in EU Rule Transfer: Linking the EU Emission Trading System with Norway, Switzerland and Australia, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 23 (2016), No. 6, pp. 814-32 [with Peter Slominski].
- The Middle East Quartet and Informal Security Governance: Survival of the Unfittest? International Peacekeeping, Vol. 21 (2014), No. 4, pp. 464-480.
- Synopsis of EIF Project ‘EU Policies in a Global Perspective’, EIF Working Paper, No. 1/2014 [with Gerda Falkner]. Der Nahost-Friedensprozess am Scheideweg: Zwei-Staaten Regelung oder Ein-Staaten Realität, International: Die Zeitschrift für Internationale Politik, II/2014.
- EU-Global Interactions: Policy Export, Promotion, Protection and Import, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 21 (2014) (8), pp. 1102-1119 [with Zdenek Kudrna and Gerda Falkner]
- Agree Now - Pay Later: Escaping the Joint Decision Trap in the Evolution of the EU Emission Trading System, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 20 (2013), No. 10, pp. 1425-1442 [with Peter Slominski].
- Europe’s Foreign Policy and the Middle East Peace Process – the Construction of EU Actorness in Conflict Resolution, Perspectives on European Politics and Society, Vol. 14 (2013), No.1.
- The Europeanization of France’s Foreign Policy towards the Middle East Conflict: from Leadership to EU-accommodation, European Security, Vol. 22 (2013), No. 1.
- Dimensions and Mechanisms of the Europeanization of Member State Foreign Policy: State of the Art and New Research Avenues. Journal of European Integration, Vol. 34 (2012), No. 1 pp. 19-35 [with Nicole Alecu de Flers].
- The Europeanization of Germany’s Foreign Policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: between EU-Adaptation and National Projection, Mediterranean Politics, Vol. 16 (2011), No. 3, pp. 385-403.
- Applying the Concept of Europeanization to the Study of Foreign Policy: Dimension and Mechanisms, EIF Working Papers WP 05 (2009) [with Nicole Alecu de Flers].
- Les États-Unis, l’Europe et Annapolis, Politique étrangère, (2009), No. 1, pp. 147-16
Book chapters (*peer review)
- Hungary, the EU and Russia’s War Against Ukraine: The Changing Dynamics of EU Foreign Policymaking. In: Claudia Wiesner and Michèle Knodt (eds.), The War against Ukraine and the EU. Facing New Realities, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024, 111-131. [with Peter Slominski]
- Schwächung der europäischen Integration durch gezielte Angriffe und Zwangsausübung. In: Riskobild 2024, Wien: Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung (2024).
- Konvergenz der Krisen, in: Risikolandschaft Österreich 2023, Wien: Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung (2022).
- EU-Global Interactions: Policy Export, Import, Promotion and Protection. In Tonra, Ben, Whitman, Richard, and Young, Alasdair (Eds.), Foreign Policy of the European Union, Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications (2017) [with Zdenek Kudrna and Gerda Falkner].
- Israel and Palestine. In Schumacher, Tobias, Marchetti, Andreas and Demmelhuber Thomas (Eds.), Routledge Handbook on the European Neighbourhood Policy, New York: Routledge (2017), pp. 347-358 [with Sharon Pardo].
- EU foreign policy: No major breakthrough despite multiple crises. In Falkner, Gerda (Ed.) EU Policies in Times of Crisis: Mechanisms of Change and Varieties of Outcomes, London: Routledge (2017).
- The revised European Neighbourhood Policy and the EU’s Comprehensive Approach Towards the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Not so New, After All. In: Schumacher, Tobias; Bouris, Dimitris (Eds.), The Revised European Neighborhood Policy – Continuity and Change in EU Foreign Policy, Basingstoke: Palgrave (2017), pp. 197-217.
- EU-Strategy in the MENA Region. In Chappel, Laura; Mawdsley, Jocelyn; and Petrov, Petar (Eds.) The EU, Strategy and Security Policy: Regional and Strategic Challenges, London: Routledge (2016), pp. 51-68 [with Wolfgang Mühlberger].
- The EU as a Policy Exporter? The Conceptual Framework. In: Falkner, Gerda; Müller, Patrick (Eds.), EU Policies in a Global Perspective: Shaping or Taking International Regimes?, New York: Routledge, (2014), [with Gerda Falkner].
- Nuclear Non-Proliferation Policy: The EU as an Emerging International Actor? In: Falkner, Gerda; Müller, Patrick (Eds.), EU Policies in Gerda Falkner and Patrick Müller (eds.) a Global Perspective: Shaping or Taking International Regimes?, New York: Routledge, (2014).
- Comparative Analysis: The EU as a Policy Exporter? In: Falkner, Gerda; Müller, Patrick (Eds.), EU Policies in a Global Perspective: Shaping or Taking International Regimes?, New York: Routledge, (2014), [with Gerda Falkner].
- The EU's Foreign and Security Policy: Incremental Upgrading of Common Interests and the Effects of Institutionalised Cooperation. In: Falkner, Gerda (Ed), The EU's Decision Traps. Comparing Policies; Oxford: Oxford University Press (2011), pp. 162-180 [with Nicole Alecu de Flers and Laura Chappell].
- Europeanization Within and Beyond the EU: a Conceptual Overview. In: Ratka Edmund; Spaiser, Olga (Eds.), Understanding European Neighbourhood Policies: Concepts, Actors, Perceptions; Baden Baden: Nomos (2012), S. 37-53.
- From Madrid to Camp David: Europe, the US, and the Middle East Peace Process in the 1990s. In: Mauer, Victor; Möckli, Daniel (Eds.), European-American Relations and the Middle East: From Suez to Iraq; London: Routledge (2011), pp. 108-124 [with Claire Spencer].
- Economic Instruments and EU Conflict Resolution. In: Avraham Sela and Alfred Pijpers (Eds.),Strengthening the Forces of Moderation in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict – The Role of the European Union after the Gaza War. The Hague: Clingendael Institute (2009), pp. 43-53.
- EU Climate Policy in a Changing Geopolitical Environment, From Protean Power to Adaptive Governance in EU Peacebuilding: Engaging Hybrid Actors in a Fragmented EU Neighbourhood, paper presented at: The Protean Power of Europe: contributors’ workshop, Leiden University, 9. December 2022, organized by Prof. Daniel Thomas and Prof. Karolina Pomorska.
- Hostage-Taking in EU Foreign Policy Negotiations: The Case of Hungary and EU Foreign Policy towards the Ukraine War, Workshop of the Annual Conference of the Arbeitskreis Europäische Integration, Schader Stiftung and Erasmus+, Darmstadt, 8. December 2022. [with Michele Knodt]
- Annual Meeting of the Advisory Committee for Strategy and Security Policy of the Scientific Commission at the Federal Austrian Ministry for Defence, Federal Austrian Ministry for Defence, Stift Kaserne, Vienna, 10. November 2022.
- European security since the Ukraine war, Panel Discussion in the Workshop Mega-Regions and European Security, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and Vienna School of International Studies, Vienna, 7. November 2022.
- Hostage-Taking in EU Foreign Policy Negotiations: The Case of Hungary and EU Foreign Policy towards the Ukraine War, Workshop on EU Studies and the War in Ukraine, Fulda, 2-3. November 2022. [with Michele Knodt]
- Contestation, Politicization and (de)Europeanization: Exploring the New Realities of EU Foreign Policy, presentation at COST Action ENTER final conference, 5-6. October 2022, Darmstadt. [with Oriol Costa]
- EU-Außenpolitik in einer Welt im Wandel, Panel Die internationale Unordnung entwirren: Ein EU-weiter Kurs der Aktion, 24. August 2022, Europäisches Forum Alpbach.
- The EU’s Protean Power in Conflict Resolution, presentation at the Workshop Adapting to the Unforeseen: The Protean Power and Weakness of Europe, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, 6-9. July 2022 [with Sharon Lecocq].
- Geopolitische Entwicklungstrends, Präsentation auf der Podiumskiskussion: Österreichs Verteidigungspolitik in einer zunehmend unsicheren Welt - Risikolandschaft Österreich 2022, Veranstalter: Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung (BMLV), 7. April 2022, Raiffeisen-Forum, Friedrich-Wilhelm-Raiffeisen-Platz, 1020 Wien.
- Co-host of COST ENTER Workshop on Norm Contestation and EU Foreign Policy, 14-15. October, virtual event.
- Populist Contestation and EU-coherence at the UN: The case of Hungary, COST ENTER Workshop on Norm Contestation and EU Foreign Policy, 15 October 2021, virtual event [with Carla Monteleone]
- Populism meets EU Foreign Policy: The de-Europeanization of Poland’s Foreign Policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, European Association of Israel Studies, 9th Annual Conference, 12. October 2021, virtual event [with Joanna Dyduch]
- Populism meets EU Foreign Policy: The de-Europeanization of Poland’s Foreign Policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, ECPR General Conference, 30. August 2021, virtual event [with Joanna Dyduch].
- The European Union and Conflict Resolution, Lecture at the Summer School on EU Policy Making organized by VUB-University Brussels, Vienna University and the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, Vienna/online, 12. July 2021.
- Anti-Corruption in the EU's External Relations, Conference of the Jean Monnet Network on Legal and political aspects of fight against corruption and money laundering in the EU and Russia, virtual event, 27. April 2021
- The EU’s Relations with China: a shift in Perceptions? Presentation at Expert Workshop (Expertengespräch) on EU China Relations, Center for Strategic Analysis, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, AIES, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, 22.October 2020.
- The European Union and Conflict Resolution, Lecture at the Summer School on EU Policy Making organized by VUB-University Brussels, Vienna University and the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, Vienna/online, 6. July 2020.
- The EU’s Engagement in the Western Balkans during the Covid-19 crisis and beyond, Introduction and Moderation, Online event on Diplomacy, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna/online, 4. June 2020.
- European Foreign Policy, Populism and the Corona Crisis, Presentation for the online event ‘Diplomacy – Your Questions, Our Answers’, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, Vienna/online, 30. April 2020.
- European Integration in Times of Multiple Challenges, Online Lecture at the University of Bilbao (UPV/EHU), 20-12. April 2020.
- EU Foreign Policy in Times of Populism: an Introduction, COST Action ENTER Public Event, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, 27. February 2020.
- Populism meets EU Foreign Policy: The de-Europeanization of Poland´s Foreign Policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, presentation for WG 5 Workshop of COST Action Enter, 28. February 2020 [with Joanna Dyduch]
- The de-Europeanization of EU Foreign Policy: a Conceptual Framework, presentation for WG 5 Workshop of COST Action Enter, 28. February 2020 [with Karolina Pomorska and Ben Tonra]
- Foreign Policy Analysis and EU Foreign Policy, Lecture in the Training Programme on “Diplomacy and International Affairs” For Saudi-Arabian Students from the Prince Saud Al-Faisal Institute of Diplomatic Studies (IDS), Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, 10-11.2.2020.
- The De-Europeanization of National Foreign Policy: Findings from Poland and Hungary, Lecture, Corvinus University of Budapest, 25. November 2019.
- EU Foreign Policy in a Changing International Environment, Workshop of the Youth Association for a Greater Europe, Wiener Institut für int. Wirtschaftsvergleiche, Vienna, 29. October 2019.
- EU Foreign Policy and Populism in Central and Eastern Europe, Lecture, University of Deusto, Bilbao, 19. September.
- Integration in the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy (CSDP) – a Case of Failing Forward?, Workshop at Princeton University (European Union Program), 13. September 2019.
- Normative Power Europe and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: The EU’s Peacebuilding Narrative Meets Local Narratives, UACES Annual Conference, Lisbon, 3. September 2019.
- EU foreign policy in Times of Populism, Conference ‘Elections to the European Parliament and the Future of the EU’, organized by the Tihany Center for Political Analysis, Balatonfüred, Hungary, 31. August 2019.
- The European Union and Conflict Resolution, Summer School on European Policy-Making (jointly organized by Free University of Brussels, Vienna School of International Studies, University of Vienna), 11. July 2019.
- The EU’s Role in Global Environmental Politics: the Case of Emission Trading, Summer Courses, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and Eurobasque, San Sebastian, 4.. July 2019 Lecture.
- De-Europeanization and EU Foreign Policy: a New Research Agenda, WG5-COST ENTER Workshop, University of Porto, 10. July 2019.
- De-Europeanization Dynamics in EU Foreign Policy: the Case of Poland’s Middle East Policy, WG5-COST ENTER Workshop, University of Porto, 10. July 2019.
- Legal Dynamics in External EU Governance, Introduction to the Lecture: The Role of Law in Shaping External Relations by Charles Shamas, Vienna School of International Studies and Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy, 26. June 2019.
- The EU Contested, Participation in Expert Workshop at IBEI, Barcelona, 31. May 2019.
- EU Foreign Policy in Times of Crisis, Ö1 City Science Talk, Austrian Broadcasting Cooperation, 14. May 2019.
- EU Foreign Policy in Times of Multiple-Crises: from Europeanization to De-Europeanization?, Research Seminar, Webster University Vienna, 17. April 2019.
- EU Foreign Policy in Times of Crises: From Europeanization to de-Europeanization? Lecture, COST Action ENTER Spring School, TU Darmstadt, 12. March 2019.
- The Future of EU Foreign Policy, Public event: Die Zukunft Europas: Die europäsische Identität und die politische Landschaft der EU, PanEuropean Movement Austria, 16 February 2019.
Policy Papers, Book Reviews
- Book review of Barbé, Esther (ed), La Unión Europea en las Relaciones Internacionales (Madrid: tecnos, 2014), published in European Review of International Studies, Vol. 3(2016), No. 3.
- The Global Turn to Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading: Experiments, Innovation, Actors, Drivers and Consequences, in: Innovations in Climate Governance (INOGOV) Blogpost, available at: [with Katja Biedenkopf, Jorgen Wettestad, and Peter Slominski].
- Die EU in der globalen Politikgestaltung: Gestaltungspotenziale und Hindernisse, in Europäische Integration – Europäische Identität?, in Brigitte Mazohl (ed), ÖAW: Forschung und Gesellschaft 8, 2014. The EU and Global Governance: Shaping Global Policy in an Evolving World Order, ÖGfE Policy Brief 7, 2014 [with Gerda Falkner]
- Synopsis of EIF project “EU Policies in a Global Perspective”. EIF Working Paper No. 05/2014 [with Gerda Falkner].
- Die EU, die Hamas und die Krise im israelisch-palästinensischen Friedensprozess, SWP-Studie 8/09, März 2009. Saving the Two State Solution – A Transatlantic
- Agenda for the Middle East, SWP Comments C4/2008 [with Muriel Asseburg].
- Palästina-Konferenz in Berlin, Chancen für Sicherheitsreformen der Palästinensischen Autonomiebehörde, SWP-Aktuell 51, Juni 2008. Konfliktregelungsversuche in Nahost nach dem Scheitern des Oslo-Prozesses - von der einseitigen israelischen Abkoppelung zum Annapolis-Friedensprozess. In: Nahost-Dossier zu 60 Jahren Israel, Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, Mai 2008.
- Die Annapolis Konferenz – Grundstein für einen fragilen Friedensprozess, Nahost-Dossier der Heinrich Böll Stiftung, August 2008. Annapolis als Chance für Fortschritt in Nahost – die Internationale Gemeinschaft ist gefragt, 8. August 2008.
- Die Nahostkonferenz in Annapolis – Chance für einen Neuanfang im Friedensprozess?, SWP- Aktuell 59, November 2007. MDG 8/Target12 –
- Development of a non-discriminatory trading system. In: The Millennium Development Goals: Progress Report – Palestinian territories (2005), UN/Palestinian National MDG Steering Committee, Jerusalem, S.51-55.