2019: "European Parliament Ascendant: Parliamentary Strategies of Self-Empowerment in the EU" With Adrienne Héritier, Catherine Moury and Magnus G. Schoeller. Palgrave Macmillan (European Administrative Governance)
2018: "Commercial Realism and EU Trade Policy: Competing for Economic Power in Asia and the Americas" Routledge (Routledge/UACES Contemporary European Studies)
International peer reviewed journal articles
2023: The transformation and design of EU restrictive measures against Russia. With Chiara Graziani in: Journal of European Integration, vol. 45(3): 377-394
2023: EU Parliaments in a post-constitutionalizing stage: Competitors or Allies? With Ben Crum in: The Journal of Legislative Studies, doi:10.1080/13572334.2022.2162665 (online first)
Forthcoming: Who Teams Up with the European Parliament? Examining Multilevel Party Cooperation in the European Union. With Guri Rosén in: Government and Opposition, doi: 10.1017/gov.2021.52 (online first)
2022: How to sanction international wrongdoing? The design of EU restrictive measures In: Review of International Organizations, vol. 18(1):61-85
2022: The Unintended Consequences of UN Sanctions: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis. With Patrick Mello in: Contemporary Security Policy, vol. 43(2): 243-273
2022: Introduction to: Reaching beyond foreign policy? EU sanctions at the intersection of development, trade and Common Foreign and Security Policy. With Clara Portela in: Politics and Governance, vol. 10(1): 1-4
2022: Feeble Rules: One Dual-Use Sanctions Regime, Multiple Ways of Implementation and Application? With Kevin Urbanski in: European Security, vol. 31(2): 222-241
2021: Requesting trade sanctions? The European Parliament and the Generalised Scheme of Preferences. In: Journal of Common Market Studies, vol. 59(1): 91-107
2019: "Brexit under scrutiny in EU member states: What role for national parliaments in Austria and Germany?" In: Politics and Governance, vol. 7(3): 279-290
2019: "Cherry picking in the design of trade policy: Why regional organizations shift between inter-regional and bilateral negotiations" In: Review of International Political Economy, vol. 26(5): 1043-1067.
2019: "Rising despite the polycrisis? The European Parliament's strategies of self-empowerment after Lisbon" With Magnus G. Schoeller in: Journal of European Public Policy, vol. 26(7): 1075-1093
2019: "The paradox of human rights conditionality in EU trade policy: When strategic interests drive policy outcomes" With Lachlan McKenzie in: Journal of European Public Policy, vol. 26(9): 1273-1291.
2019: "Leveraging Interregionalism: EU Strategic Interests in Asia, Latin America and the Gulf Region" In: International Politics, vol. 56(3): 359-374
2018: "Putting Power into Practice: Administrative and Political Capacity Building in the European Parliament's Committee for International Trade", With Evelyn Coremans in: Public Administration, vol. 96(3): 561-577.
2018: "Resorting to bilateralism: The EU, MERCOSUR, and the Strategic Partnership with Brazil" In: Journal of European Integration, vol. 40(1): 51-66
2017: "Human Rights Conditionality in European Union Trade Negotiations: The case of the EU-Singapore FTA" With Lachlan McKenzie in: Journal of Common Market Studies, 55(4): 832-849.
2016: "Democratizing EU External Relations: The European Parliament’s Informal Role in the SWIFT, ACTA, and TTIP Negotiations" In: European Foreign Affairs Review, vol. 21(2): 269-288
2016: "A Case of Failed Interregionalism? Analyzing the EU ASEAN free trade agreement negotiations" In: Asia Europe Journal, vol. 14(3): 319-336
2016: "Interregionalism Re-loaded: assessing the EU-MERCOSUR Negotiations" In: St Antony’s International Review, vol. 11(2): 95-121
2015: "Has interregionalism failed? Examining the EU ASEAN free trade negotiations" In: Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals, Special Issue vol. 110-111: 17-42
2014: "Regional Powers as Leaders or Rambos? The Ambivalent Behavior of Brazil and South Africa in Regional Economic Integration" With Sebastian Krapohl and Johannes Muntschick in: Journal of Common Market Studies, 52(4): 879-895.
Book chapters
2022: "Handelspolitik" In: Werner Weidenfeld, Wolfgang Wessels and Funda Tekin (eds.): Europa von A bis Z. Springer, 1-6, 2. Auflage.
2022: "Handelspolitik" In: Werner Weidenfeld, Wolfgang Wessels and Funda Tekin (eds.): Europa von A bis Z. Springer, 1-6, 1. Auflage.
2022: "The European Approach to Multilateral Sanctions: Are EU sanctions 'replacing' UN sanctions?" In: Andrea Charron and Clara Portela (eds.): Multilateral Sanctions Revisited: Lessons Learned from Margaret Doxey. McGill Queen's University Press (with Clara Portela)
2022: "EU-Singapore Trade Relations" In: Evgeny Postnikov and Johan Adriaensen (eds.): A Geo-Economic Turn in Trade Policy? EU Agreements in the Asia-Pacific. Palgrave Macmillan, 273-295 (with Lachlan McKenzie)
2021: "Cohesion, (non-)domination, and regional organizations: the case of the EU-SADC EPA negotiations." In: Peter Hilpold, Andreas Raffeiner and Walter Steinmair (eds.): Rechtsstaatlichkeit, Grundrechte und Solidarität in Österreich und Europa: Festgabe zum 85. Geburtstag von Professor Heinrich Neisser, einem europäischen Humanisten. Facultas, 457-479
2021: "Exploring Interaction between National Parliaments and the European Parliament in EU Trade Policy" In: Diane Fromage and Anna Herranz-Surrallés (eds.): Executive-Legislative (Im)Balance in the European Union. Hart Publishing, 195-208 (with Guri Rosén)
2020: "Bilateralism in an Interregional World? From EU Negotiations with MERCOSUR to a Bilateral Strategic Partnership with Brazil" In: Julien Chaisse (ed.): Sixty Years of European Integration and Global Power Shifts: Perceptions, Interactions and Lessons. Hart Publishing, 269-287
2019: "Rising despite the polycrisis? The European Parliament’s strategies of self-empowerment after Lisbon" In: Jonathan Zeitlin and Francesco Nicoli (eds.): The European Union beyond the Polycrisis?: Integration and politicization in an age of shifting cleavages. Routledge (with Magnus G. Schoeller)
2019: "The EU and world regions: Multilateralism, bilateralism, and commercial realism" In: San Bilal and Bernard Hoekman (eds.): Perspectives on the Soft Power of EU Trade Policy. VoxEU, chapter 3
2018: "Regional security in the twenty-first century’s South America: Economic, energy, and political security in MERCOSUR and UNASUR" In: Pawel Frankowski and Artur Gruszczak (eds.): Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Regional and Global Security. Palgrave Macmillan, 61-85
“The EU and Brazil Going Strategic: A Qualitative Analysis of the EU-Brazil Strategic Partnership against the Background of the EU-MERCOSUR Negotiations” In: Jesús Baigorri, Jürgen Elvert and Enrique Moradiellos (eds.): Historia, memoria e integración europea desde el punto de vista de las relaciones transatlánticas de la UE / History, Memory and European Integration from the Point of View of EU Transatlantic Relations. Peter Lang, Cuadernos de Yuste (2018)
MERCOSUR: The Ups and Downs of Regional Integration in South America. In: Sebastian Krapohl (ed.): Regional Integration in the Global South: External Influence on Cooperation in ASEAN, MERCOSUR and SADC, Palgrave Macmillan: 147-179 (2017)
Working and policy papers
2021: "The European Parliament and the Investiture of the Commission: A first-mover in European integration?" With Magnus G. Schoeller and Catherine Moury, EIF Working Paper 2021/03, Vienna
2020: "The EU as an (in-)coherent security actor? assessing the revised dual-use regulation" With Kevin Urbanski, EUI RSCAS Policy Paper 2020/05, Florence
2020: "Overlapping negotiations, conflicting interests? EU-Singapore negotiations" With Lachlan McKenzie, EUI RSCAS Working Paper 2020/67, Florence
2020: "Cohesion, (non-)domination, and regional organizations in the EU-SADC EPA negotiations" GLOBUS Working Paper 2020/6, Oslo
2016: Das Innen- und Außenleben des MERCOSUR. Wie sich die internen Asymmetrien auf die Außenhandelspolitik des Blocks auswirken, connosco (ed.): Lateinamerika und der Freihandel. Interessen, Bilanz, Ausblick, Cologne
The time has come to look at Brazil: The EU’s shift from interregional negotiations with MERCOSUR to a bilateral Strategic Partnership with Brazil, RSCAS Working Paper 2015/37, Florence (2015)
The European Parliament as a driving force of Constitutionalisation, With Adrienne Héritier, Catherine Moury, Magnus Schoeller, and Isabel Mota, Study for the Directorate General Internal Policies, Directorate C of the European Parliament (2015)
Unlocking the Potential of Interregionalism: Mutual Perceptions and Interests in EU-ASEAN Relations, with Imke Pente, Nelly Stratieva, and Boonwara Sumano, IFAIR Impact Group "EU-ASEAN Perspectives" Policy Paper, Berlin (2014)
Edited Work
2022: Reaching beyond foreign policy? EU sanctions at the intersection of development, trade and Common Foreign and Security Policy With Clara Portela. Special Issue of Politics and Governance, vol. 10(1)
Beiträge zur Tagung "Entgrenzte Räume? Konstruktion und Relevanz von Grenzen im Wandel" an der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg vom 14. bis 15. Januar 2011, with Andreas Christ, Madlen Reimer, Agatha Rudnik, Lukas Werther, Jana Wolf , Bamberg University Press, 2012
Media contributions
2022: EU economic sanctions: a powerful tool in a ruthless world?, Baltic Rim Economies Review 10/2022
2022: TV Interview, Wirken die Sanktionen gegen Russland?, ORF III Aktuell, 23/08/2022
2022: EU economic sanctions: a powerful tool in a ruthless world? In: Politikwissenschaftsblog
2022: TV Interview on EU sanctions against Russia, Puls 24 Abendnachrichten, 21/03/2022
2022: "Die Forschung ist pessimistisch, was die Wirkung von Sanktionen angeht", Interview with Scilog about the effect of sanctions
2020: "How to Sanction Troublemakers: The EU and Sanction Design" In: ECPR blog The Loop 10/2020
2020: "The European Parliament: A tough trade negotiator?" In: Baltic Rim Economies Review 2/2020
2019: "Wahlen zum Europäischen Parlament" In: DemokratieWEBstatt Österreichische Parlamentsdirektion
2018: "Die große Umfrage: Brexit" In: report-plus
2018: "EU-Wahl 2019: Wie mächtig ist Europas Volksvertretung?" With Magnus G. Schoeller. In: Politikwissenschaftsblog
2018: "Scrutinizing Brexit in Europe’s Parliaments" In: DCU Brexit Institute Blog
The EU and the Asian Tiger: Assessing the EU Singapore FTA, Diplomatic Magazine, 2014
A practical way forward for EU-ASEAN relations, with Imke Pente, Nelly Stratieva, and Boonwara Sumano, Euractive, 2014
Data Sets
2023: "The transformation and design of EU restrictive measures against Russia". With Chiara Graziani in: AUSSDA, doi: 10.11587/Y0SMXO
2023: "How to sanction international wrongdoing? The design of EU restrictive measures." In: Review of International Organizations, vol. 18(1): 61-85