2018 Sept- Postdoc researcher at the Institut für europäische Integrationsforschung, University of Vienna. Project: “EU Border Management Interagency relations and their impact on fundamental rights” funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), headed by PD Dr. Peter Slominski.
2018- Associate Researcher at Institut de Recherche sur le Maghreb Contemporain (CNRS unity 3077/French MFA) Tunisia. Board member of Libya Working Group; Mentoring MA students on Libya and Migration; Organization of meetings and workshops, in collaboration with the French Embassy in Libya; EUNPACK H2020 Research Project.
2017 (May-Dec) Postdoc researcher CNRS France at Institut de Recherche sur le Maghreb Contemporain, Tunisia (CNRS/MFA). Horizon2020 Research Project “EUNPACK. A Conflict Sensitive Unpacking of the EU Comprehensive Approach to Conflict and Crisis Management”. Case of EU crisis response in Libya. www.eunpack.eu
2016-2017 Teaching Assistant. Course: Politics, Institutions and Cultures of the Middle East, Dr. Rosita Di Peri, University of Turin, Department of Cultures, Politics and Society.
2012 (Feb-Apr) Consultant for Paralleli EuroMediterranean Institute, Turin, Italy. Event organizer, International meeting “Libya After Gaddafi. A country in transition”. Newsletter contributor.
2013–2015 Doctoral thesis fieldwork, Tunisia, 12 months. ISTEUB-Université de Carthage; Institut de Recherche sur le Maghreb Contemporain.
2013 (Mar/Jun) Visiting fellow, School of Law and Government, Dublin City University, Ireland. Supervisor: Prof. Francesco Cavatorta.
2010 (Sep) Senegal, Louga-Dakar. 20-27 Sept. EU’s Youth in Action program, Action 3.2. Project: “Jeunes Reporters et Migrants”, Leading partners: NGO CISV, Paralleli EuroMediterranean Institute, Turin, Italy; FESFOP Louga.
2010 (Jun) MA Fieldwork, Tripoli Libya. National Archive Centre and Historical Studies; University al Fateh; Italian Cultural Institute.
2012–2016 Ph.D. Political Science and International Relations, University of Turin, Italy. Thesis: “Sweeping Too Much Dirt Under a Small Carpet. How Local Rubbish Collection Reforms Uncover the Destabilizing Force of Authoritarian Persistence in Tunisia”, University of Turin, Italy.
2007-2011 M.A. Cultural Anthropology, University of Turin, Italy. Summa cum laude. Thesis: “Narrating the Past. Ethnography of Colonial Memory between Italy and Libya”, University of Turin, Italy.
2003-2006 B.A. Musicology and Cultural Heritage, University of Milan, Italy. 109/110. Thesis: “The ‘Melodramma’ in Antonio Gramsci’s Political and Cultural Thought”, University of Milan, Italy.A more detailed CV can be found here: CV Loschi [pdf]