
David Gazsi, PhD MA MSc
Curriculum Vitae

Short biography

Dr David Gazsi is Research Fellow and Lecturer at the Centre for European Integration Research (EIF), Department of Political Science, University of Vienna. He is also Guest Lecturer at the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, Associate Fellow at the Centre for Britain and Europe, University of Surrey, and Editorial Assistant at East European Politics (Taylor & Francis).

David’s research and teaching are at the nexus of European studies, International Relations theory, critical social theory, and political psychology. His research has been published inter alia in the Journal of European Public Policy, JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, and Party Politics.

Prior to joining the EIF, David lectured at King’s College London as well as at the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Surrey, and as a Research Assistant at Queen Mary University of London. Outside of academia, he gained work experience with the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), the European Medicines Agency (EMA), the United Nations (UNODC), as well as in a European Commission funded research project.

David holds a PhD in Political science from King’s College London, an MA in Global History and Global Studies from the University of Vienna, and an MSc in Security and Defence Studies from the National University of Public Service in Hungary.


