Although the EU is nearly omnipresent in our everyday lives, it is easy to sometimes feel we know little about its structure and procedures; for instance, which competences have truly been shifted to the EU from the member states? How does the decision-making really happen and who are actually the most relevant players? How well can it be argued that the EU is democratic, and how exactly can civil society participate?
If you are interested in all these questions and you would like to learn more about the potentials and difficulties of joint problem-solving, join the new program „European Integration and global multi-level governance“.
The aim of the Curriculum is to learn about the main features and current issues of political science, in the field of European Integration and global multi-level governance. To improve language skills and to guarantee optimal access to international students, all seminars will be presented in English.
The seminars are open to all students from the University of Vienna, except political science students.
Content and Structure:
The whole Erweiterungscurriculum “European Integration and global mutli-level governance” includes 15 ECTS-points. Students must complete three seminars (5 ECTS-points per seminar, 2 semester hours, continuous assessment).
The purpose of the three seminars is to gain an insight into how the EU functions and acts on a global level and to consider and reflect on these issues.
More information and registration