Table of Contents
The Global Diffusion of Regulatory Instruments: The Making of a New International Environmental Regime
Per-Olof Busch, Helge Jörgens, Kerstin Tews
The End of the ECSC
Benedetta Ubertazzi
Explaining Variations in Implementation of EU Directives
Esther Versluis
Treaty-Making in the European Union: Bargaining, Issue Linkages, and Efficiency
Andreas Dür, Gemma Mateo
Europeanisation: Solution or problem?
Claudio M. Radaelli
Explaining British Policy on the Euro
David Howarth
Beyond the Community Method: Why the Open Method of Coordination Was Introduced to EU Policy-making
Armin Schäfer
Sovereignty in Conflict
Samantha Besson
Draft constitution and the decision-making rule for the Council of Ministers of the EU – Looking for alternative solution
Bela Plechanovovà Bela
The EC in the WTO: The three-level game of decision-making. What multilateralism can learn from regionalism
Rafael Leal-Arcas
European and National Identities in EU's Old and New Member States: Ethnic, Civic, Instrumental and Symbolic Components
Antonia M. Ruiz Jiménez, Jaroslaw Jósef Górniak, Ankica Kosic, Paszkal Kiss, Maren Kandulla
Behind the Copenhagen façade. The meaning and structure of the Copenhagen political criterion of democracy and the rule of law
Dimitry Kochenov
The paradoxical effects of institutional change for the legitimacy of European governance: the case of EU Social Policy
Frank Wendler
Chasing Maastricht: The Impact of the EMU on the Fiscal Performance of Member States
Marius R. Busemeyer
The Europeanization of Public Policies – Understanding Idiosyncratic Mechanisms and Contingent Results
Annette Elisabeth Töller
Traditions, Identity and Security: the Legacy of Neutrality in Finnish and Swedish Security Policies in Light of European Integration
Johan Eliasson
The European Union benchmarking experience. From euphoria to fatigue?
Michael Zängle
International Executives: Transformative Bureaucracies or Westphalian Orders?
Jarle Trondal, Martin Marcussen, Frode Veggeland
A more coherent European wide legal language
Viola Heutger
The Militarily Non-Allied States in the CFSP of the 1990´s
Laura C. Ferreira-Pereira
The EC in GATT/WTO negotiations: From Rome to Nice – Have EC Trade Policy Reforms Been Good Enough for a Coherent EC Trade Policy in the WTO?
Rafael Leal-Arcas
European Integration online Papers | ISSN 1027-5193
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