Table of Contents
Comparing Europeanisation Effects: From Metaphor to Operationalisation
Gerda Falkner
Usage of European Integration – Europeanisation from a Sociological Perspective
Sophie Jacquot, Cornelia Woll
A Theoretical and Empirical Study of Corporate Lobbying in the European Parliament
Pieter Bouwen
The Role of the European Commission in Co-decision – A strategic facilitator operating in a situation of structural disadvantage
Anne Rasmussen
A Critical Analysis of the new Typology of Acts in the Draft Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe
Herwig C. H. Hofmann
On the Optimal Assignment of Competences in a Multi-Level Governed European Union
Fritz Breuss, Markus Eller
The Final Clauses of the Charter of Fundamental Rights – Stumbling Blocks for the First and Second Convention
Erich Vranes
The Treaty of Nice and the Distribution of Votes in the Council – Voting Power Consequences for the EU after the Oncoming Enlargement
Bela Plechanovová
How Nation-States ‘Hit’ Europe – Ambiguity and Representation in the European Union
Jan Beyers, Jarle Trondal
The monetary framework after accession – a political economy analysis of ERM2
Attila Fölsz
A Plea for a European Semi-Parliamentary and Semi-Consociational Democracy
Anne Peters
The Constitution Debate
Heinrich Schneider
Modes of Regulation in the Governance of the European Union: Towards a Comprehensive Evaluation
Christoph Knill, Andrea Lenschow
European Integration online Papers | ISSN 1027-5193
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