Table of Contents
Experts, Citizens, and Eurocrats – Towards a Policy Shift in the Governance of Biopolitics in the EU
Gabriele Abels
A new concept of deepening European integration? – The European Research Area and the emerging role of policy coordination in a multi-level governance system
Robert Kaiser, Heiko Prange
The Standard of Review in WTO Law: An Analysis of Law, Legitimacy and the Distribution of Legal and Political Authority
Stefan Zleptnig
Europeanization and Domestic Parliamentary Adaptation – A Comparative Analysis of the Bundestag and the House of Commons
Troels B. Hansen, Bruno Scholl
Theorizing party interaction within EPFs and their effects on the EU policy-making process
Erol Kulahci
The resignation of the Santer-Commission: the impact of 'trust' and 'reputation'
Angelina Topan
Negative and Positive Integration in European Immigration Policies
Maarten P. Vink
The Europeanisation of Research and Higher Educational Policies – Some Reflections
Jarle Trondal
Parliamentary participation in EU affairs in Austria, Finland and Sweden: Newcomers with different approaches
Hans Hegeland, Christine Neuhold
The Many Faces of the Trade-Environment Conflict: Some Lessons for the Constitutionalization Project
Oren Perez
Did Accession to the EU Affect Small and Large Firms Differently? The Case of the Austrian Retail and Wholesale Sector
Gerhard Fink, Wolfgang Koller
Reforming the European Commission – A (missed?) Academic Opportunity
Michael W. Bauer
On the 'Net Impact' of Europeanization. The EU's telecoms and electricity regimes between the global and the national
David Levi-Faur
Theorising the New Modes of European Union Governance
Burkard Eberlein, Dieter Kerwer
European Networks and Ideas: Changing National Policies?
Beate Kohler-Koch
Formal and Informal Institutions under Codecision: Continuous Constitution Building in Europe
Henry Farrell, Adrienne Héritier
Why Do MEPs Defect? An Analysis of Party Group Cohesion in the 5 th European Parliament
Thorsten Faas
Judicial review of the management of assistance provided by the European Social Fund for the promotion of employment
Dimitrios V. Skiadas
European Integration online Papers | ISSN 1027-5193
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