Table of Contents
Decisiveness and Inclusiveness: Intergovernmental Choice of European Decision Rules
Thomas König, Thomas Bräuninger
The Market without the State? The 'Economic Constitution' of the European Community and the Rebirth of Regulatory Politics
Christian Joerges
States Without a Market? Comments on the German Constitutional Court's Maastricht-Judgement and a Plea for Interdisciplinary Discourses
Christian Joerges
The European Union: A Distinctive Model of Internationalisation?
Brigid Laffan
Assessing the Constructive Potential of Union Citizenship – A Socio-Historical Perspective
Antje Wiener
The European Union's Eastward Enlargement
Hanns-D. Jacobsen
What's So Special About Policy Networks? – An Exploration of the Concept and Its Usefulness in Studying European Governance
Tanja A. Börzel
The Treaty of Amsterdam: Towards a New Institutional Balance
Michael Nentwich, Gerda Falkner
Competing Policy Frames in EU Policy Making: The Rise of Free Market Ideas in EU Steel Policy 1985-1996
Geoffrey Dudley, Jeremy Richardson
Zur Glaubwürdigkeit des EWU-Stabilitätspaktes – Einfache Berechnungen und mehrfache Zweifel
Matthias Sutter
Corporatist Governance and Europeanisation: No Future in the Multi-level Game?
Gerda Falkner
The Economic Consequences of a Large EMU – Results of Macroeconomic Model Simulations
Fritz Breuss
Organized Interests in the EC and the European Parliament
Beate Kohler-Koch
European Anti-dumping Law and China
Piet Eeckhout
Serving 'Europe' – Political Orientations of Senior Commission Officials
Liesbet Hooghe
Old 'foundations' and new 'rules' - For an enlarged European Union
Philippe C. Schmitter, José I. Torreblanca
The Making of a Polity: The Struggle Over European Integration
Liesbet Hooghe, Gary Marks
Democracy and Governance in the European Union
Markus Jachtenfuchs
Citizenship Under Regime Competition: The Case of the „European Works Councils"
Wolfgang Streeck
European Citizenship: The IGC and Beyond
Jo Shaw
A New Kind of Legitimacy for a New Kind of Parliament – The Evolution of the European Parliament
Wolfgang Wessels, Udo Diedrichs
Opportunity Structures for Citizens' Participation: The Case of the European Union
Michael Nentwich
European Integration online Papers | ISSN 1027-5193
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