EIoP Archives

257 papers were retrieved from the ERPA database.

# date of publ. author title
1 04.02.2015 Kiratli, Osman Sabri The role of identity in support for supranational integration in EU Foreign and Security Policies
2 19.01.2015 Marangoni, Anne-Claire and Sophie Vanhoonacker The consistency of EU external action post-Lisbon: Renewing appropriate measures against Zimbabwe in 2012
3 19.01.2015 Baltag, Dorina and Michael Smith EU and member states diplomacies in Moldova and Ukraine: Examining EU diplomatic performance post-Lisbon
4 19.01.2015 Selianko, Iulii and Andrea Lenschow Energy policy coherence from an intra-institutional perspective: Energy security and environmental policy coordination within the European Commission
5 19.01.2015 Vanhoonacker, Sophie and Christine Neuhold Dynamics of institutional cooperation in the European Union: Dimensions and effects. An Introduction
6 19.01.2015 De Somer, Marie and Maarten P. Vink "Precedent" and fundamental rights in the CJEU’s case law on family reunification immigration
7 19.01.2015 Mühlböck, Monika and Berthold Rittberger The Council, the European Parliament, and the paradox of inter-institutional cooperation
8 10.11.2014 Mergaert, Lut and Emanuela Lombardor Resistance to implementing gender mainstreaming in EU research policy
9 10.11.2014 Kantola, Johanna The paradoxical gendered consequences of the EU policy on multiple discrimination: The Nordic case
10 10.11.2014 Weiner, Elaine and Heather MacRae The persistent invisibility of gender in EU policy: Introduction
11 10.11.2014 Allwood, Gill Gender mainstreaming and EU climate change policy
12 10.11.2014 Debusscher, Petra Gender mainstreaming on the ground? The case of EU development aid towards Rwanda
13 09.05.2014 Chappell, Laura and Petar Petrov The European Union's crisis management operations: Strategic culture in action?
14 14.02.2014 Blom, Tannelie and Valentina Carraro An information processing approach to public organizations: The case of the European Union Fundamental Rights Agency
15 20.08.2013 Bürgin, Alexander Salience, path dependency and the coalition between the European Commission and the Danish Council Presidency: Why the EU opened a visa liberalisation process with Turkey
16 04.07.2013 Vandecasteele, Bruno, Bossuyt, Fabienne and Jan Orbie Unpacking the influence of the Council Presidency on European Union external policies: The Polish Council Presidency and the Eastern Partnership
17 04.07.2013 Brandsma, Gijs Jan Bending the rules: Arrangements for sharing technical and political information between the EU institutions
18 04.07.2013 Ripoll Servent, Ariadna and Amy Busby Introduction: Agency and influence inside the EU institutions
19 04.07.2013 Field, Mark The anatomy of EU policy-making: Appointing the experts
20 04.07.2013 Smeets, Sandrino How issues move or get stuck: Or how to be effective in the EU Council of Ministers
21 04.07.2013 Busby, Amy and Kheira, Belkacem Coping with the information overload': An exploration of assistants' backstage role in the everyday practice of European Parliament politics
22 28.06.2013 Sanchez Salgado, Rosa From ‘talking the talk’ to ‘walking the walk’: Implementing the EU guidelines on employment through the European Social Fund
23 23.05.2013 Raimundo, António The Europeanisation of foreign policy: An assessment of the EU impact on Portugal’s post-colonial relations in Sub-Saharan Africa
24 29.11.2012 Ciaian, Pavel; Pokrivcak, Jan and Katarina Szegenyova Do agricultural subsidies crowd out or stimulate rural credit market institutions? The case of EU Common Agricultural Policy
25 23.8.2012 Vieira, Alena Vysotskaya Guedes; Kajnc Lange, Sabina Beyond continuity: Analysis of the effects of the first Trio Presidency on Policy Coherence for Development
26 23.8.2012 Christiansen, Thomas; Dobbels, Mathias Comitology and delegated acts after Lisbon: How the European Parliament lost the implementation game
27 31.7.2012 Schukkink, Martijn; Niemann, Arne Portugal and the EU’s Eastern Enlargement: A logic of identity endorsement
28 11.5.2012 Toshkov, Dimiter and Anne Rasmussen Time to Decide: The effect of early agreements on legislative duration in the EU
29 25.04.2012 García Agustín, Óscar Transnational deliberative democracy in the context of the European Union: The institutionalisation of the European Integration Forum
30 21.02.2012 Schunz, Simon Explaining the evolution of European Union foreign climate policy: A case of bounded adaptiveness
31 14.02.2012 Jean-Claude, Barbier and Fabrice Colomb EU Law as Janus bifrons, a sociological approach to 'Social Europe'
32 13.02.2012 Koukiadaki, Aristea EU governance and social services of general interest: When even the UK is concerned
33 13.02.2012 Cautrès, Bruno Multidimensionality of EU attitudes in France: An issue for the understanding of the politicization of attitudes towards the EU
34 13.02.2012 Hartlapp, Miriam Deconstructing EU old age policy: Assessing the potential of soft OMCs and hard EU law
35 13.02.2012 Marginson, Paul; Keune, Maarten European social dialogue as multi-level governance: Towards more autonomy and new dependencies
36 13.02.2012 Beaudonnet, Laurie and Danilo Di Mauro Support for Europe: Assessing the complexity of individual attitudes
37 13.02.2012 Arnold, Christine, Eliyahu V. Sapir and Galina Zapryanova Trust in the institutions of the European Union: A cross-country examination
38 30.01.2012 Bodenstein, Thilo and Achim Kemmerling Ripples in a rising tide: Why some EU regions receive more structural funds than others
39 21.12.2011 Wolf, Sebastian Euratom Before the Court: A Political Theory of Legal Non-Integration
40 23.11.2011 Schmitt, Sophie; Schulze, Kai Choosing environmental policy instruments: An assessment of the 'environmental dimension' of EU energy policy
41 23.11.2011 Dupont, Claire; Primova, Radostina Combating complexity: the integration of EU climate and energy policies
42 23.11.2011 Tosun, Jale; Solorio, Israel Exploring the Energy-Environment Relationship in the EU: Perspectives and Challenges for Theorizing and Empirical Analysis
43 19.10.2011 Niemann, Arne Conceptualising Commom Commercial Policy Treaty revision: explaining stagnancy and dynamics from the Amsterdam IGC to the Treaty of Lisbon
44 10.10.2011 Biesenbender, Jan The Dynamics of Treaty Change – Measuring the Distribution of Power in the European Union
45 21.9.2011 Vyprachticka, Terezie Could the Stability and Growth Pact be Substituted by the Financial Markets?
46 21.6.2011 Wagner, Wolfgang Negative and Positive Integration in EU Criminal Law Co-operation
47 19.4.2011 Orbie, Jan; De Ville, Ferdi The European Union's Trade Policy Response to the Crisis: Paradigm lost or reinforced?
48 21.2.2011 Dijkstra, Hylke EU External Representation in Conflict Resolution: When does the Presidency or the High Representative Speak for Europe?
49 30.11.2010 Kancs, d'Artis; Kielyte, Julda European Integration and Labour Migration
50 12.11.2010 Ipek, Pinar; Williams, Paul A. Firms’ strategic preferences, national institutions and the European Union’s Internal Energy Market: A challenge to European integration
51 22.10.2010 Niemann, Arne; de Wekker, Tessa Normative power Europe? EU relations with Moldova
52 16.08.2010 Petrov, Petar Early Institutionalisation of the ESDP Governance Arrangements: Insights From Operations Concordia and Artemis
53 16.08.2010 Mérand, Frédéric; Hofmann, Stephanie; Irondelle, Bastien Transgovernmental Networks in the European Security and Defense Policy
54 16.08.2010 Peters, Dirk; Wagner, Wolfgang; Deitelhoff, Nicole Parliaments and European security policy. Mapping the Parliamentary Field
55 16.08.2010 Mattelaer, Alexander The CSDP Mission Planning Process of the European Union: Innovations and Shortfalls
56 16.08.2010 Vanhoonacker, Sophie; Dijkstra, Hylke; Maurer Heidi Understanding the Role of Bureaucracy in the European Security and Defence Policy: The State of the Art
57 16.08.2010 Bátora, Jozef A Democratically Accountable External Action Service: Three Scenarios
58 16.08.2010 Justaert, Arnout; Keukeleire, Stephan The EU’s Security Sector Reform Policies in the Democratic Republic of Congo
59 16.08.2010 Juncos, Ana E.; Pomorska, Karolina Secretariat, Facilitator or Policy Entrepreneur? Role Perceptions of Officials of the Council Secretariat
60 16.08.2010 Stie, Anne Elizabeth Decision-making Void of Democratic Qualities? An Evaluation of the EU’s Second Pillar Decision-making Procedure
61 16.08.2010 Norheim-Martinsen, Per Martin Managing the Civil-Military Interface in the EU: Creating an Organisation Fit for Purpose
62 12.08.2010 Timus, Natalia The Impact of European Democracy Promotion on Party Financing in the East European Neighborhood
63 28.06.2010 Sprungk, Carina Ever more or ever better scrutiny? Analysing the conditions of effective national parliamentary involvement in EU affairs
64 30.04.2010 Littoz-Monnet, Annabelle Dynamic Multi-Level Governance – Bringing the Study of Multi-level Interactions into the Theorising of European Integration
65 28.12.2009 Haar, Beryl P. ter The growing potential integration capacity of the acquis of the European Social Model
66 28.12.2009 Yolles, Maurice I. Understanding the Dynamics of European Politics
67 22.12.2009 Haverland, Markus How leader states influence EU policy-making: Analysing the expert strategy
68 18.12.2009 Dimitrova, Antoaneta; Toshkov, Dimiter Post-accession compliance between administrative co-ordination and political bargaining
69 18.12.2009 Sedelmeier, Ulrich Post-accession compliance with EU gender equality legislation in post-communist new member states
70 18.12.2009 Trauner, Florian Post-accession compliance with EU law in Bulgaria and Romania: a comparative perspective
71 18.12.2009 Schwellnus, Guido; Balázs, Lilla; Mikalayeva, Liudmila It ain't over when it's over: The adoption and sustainability of minority protection rules in new EU member states
72 18.12.2009 Maniokas, Klaudijus Conditionality and compliance in Lithuania: the case of the best performer
73 18.12.2009 Knill, Christoph; Tosun, Jale Post-accession transposition of EU law in the new member states: a cross-country comparison
74 18.12.2009 Krizsan, Andrea From formal adoption to enforcement. Post-accession shifts in EU impact on Hungary in the equality policy field
75 18.11.2009 Kröger, Sandra The Open Method of Coordination: Underconceptualisation, overdetermination, de-politicisation and beyond
76 18.11.2009 Weishaupt, J. Timo Money, votes or 'good' ideas? Partisan politics and the effectiveness of the European Employment Strategy in Austria and Ireland
77 18.11.2009 Dawson, Mark EU law 'transformed'? Evaluating accountability and subsidiarity in the 'streamlined' OMC for Social Inclusion and Social Protection
78 18.11.2009 Hartlapp, Miriam Learning about policy learning. Reflections on the European Employment Strategy
79 18.11.2009 Flear, Mark The Open Method of Coordination on health care after the Lisbon Strategy II: Towards a neoliberal framing?
80 18.11.2009 Horvath, Anna What kind of consensus? Conflicting notions of effectiveness within the Social Protection Committee
81 18.11.2009 Vanhercke, Bart Against the odds. The Open Method of Coordination as a selective amplifier for reforming Belgian pension policies
82 18.11.2009 Pfister, Thomas Governing the knowledge society: Studying Lisbon as epistemic setting
83 18.11.2009 Büchs, Milena The Open Method of Coordination - Effectively preventing welfare state retrenchment?
84 18.11.2009 Niechoj, Torsten Does supranational coordination erode its national basis? The case of European labour market policy and German industrial relations
85 18.11.2009 Schäfer, Armin; Leiber, Simone The double voluntarism in EU social dialogue and employment policy
86 18.11.2009 López-Santana, Mariely Having a Say and Acting: Assessing the effectiveness of the European Employment Strategy as an intra-governmental coordinative instrument
87 18.11.2009 Radulova, Elissaveta The construction of EU's childcare policy through the Open Method of Coordination
88 18.8.2009 van de Steeg, Marianne Public Accountability in the European Union: Is the European Parliament able to hold the European Council accountable?
89 18.8.2009 Dragos, Dacian C.; Neamtu, Bogdana Reusing Public Sector Information - Policy Choices and Experiences in some of the Member States with an emphasis on the Case of Romania
90 7.7.2009 Casula Vifell, Åsa Speaking with forked tongues - Swedish public administration and the European employment strategy
91 25.2.2009 Renner, Stephan The Energy Community of Southeast Europe: A neo-functionalist project of regional integration
92 30.12.2008 Fischer, Robert European governance still technocratic? New modes of governance for food safety regulation in the European Union
93 17.12.2008 Elgström, Ole Images of the EU in EPA negotiations: Angel, demon - or just human?
94 14.11.2008 Urrutia, Iñigo; Lasagabaster, Iñaki Language Rights and Community Law
95 8.7.2008 Nedergaard, Peter Coordination Processes in International Organisations: The EU at the International Labour Conference in 2005
96 17.4.2008 Oppermann, Kai; Viehrig, Henrike Issue Salience and the Domestic Legitimacy Demands of European Integration. The Cases of Britain and Germany
97 3.4.2008 Neuhold, Christine Taming the ‘Trojan Horse’ of Comitology? Accountability issues of Comitology and the Role of the European Parliament
98 30.12.2007 Braams, Beate Equal Opportunities between Men and Women and Gender Mainstreaming under the European Employment Strategy (EES) and the Open Method of Coordination (OMC) – A New Policy Approach to Combat Gender Discrimination?
99 22.6.2007 Steunenberg, Bernard; Dimitrova, Antoaneta Compliance in the EU enlargement process: The limits of conditionality
100 25.5.2007 Brandsma, Gijs Jan Accountability deficits in European ‘Comitology’ decision-making
101 25.5.2007 McGowan, Lee Theorising European Integration: revisiting neo-functionalism and testing its suitability for explaining the development of EC competition policy?
102 27.3.2007 Pitrová, Markéta Populism in the first European elections in the Czech Republic
103 27.3.2007 Borrás, Susana The European Commission as Network Broker
104 8.9.2006 Onay, Ceylan A Co-integration Analysis Approach to European Union Integration: The Case of Acceding and Candidate Countries
105 8.9.2006 Seifert, Franz Synchronised national publics as functional equivalent of an integrated European public. The case of biotechnology
106 8.9.2006 Juncos, Ana E.; Pomorska, Karolina Playing the Brussels game: Strategic socialisation in the CFSP Council Working Groups
107 8.9.2006 Toens, Katrin Lobbying for Justice? Organized Welfare in Germany under the Impact of Europeanization
108 8.9.2006 Bendiek, Annegret Cross-Pillar Security Regime Building in the European Union: Effects of the European Security Strategy of December 2003
109 21.7.2006 Aus, Jonathan P. Eurodac: A Solution Looking for a Problem?
110 4.7.2006 Rostek, Karolina; Davies, Gareth The impact of Union citizenship on national citizenship policies
111 13.6.2006 Trondal, Jarle An Institutional Perspective on Representation. Ambiguous representation in the European Commission
112 31.5.2006 Kröger, Sandra When learning hits politics or: Social policy coordination left to the administrations and the NGOs?
113 9.5.2006 Krapohl, Sebastian; Zurek, Karolina The Perils of Committee Governance: Intergovernmental Bargaining during the BSE Scandal in the European Union
114 27.1.2006 Obydenkova, Anastassia Democratization, Europeanization and Regionalization beyond the European Union: Search for Empirical Evidence
115 5.12.2005 Kombos, Constantinos The Recent Case Law on Locus Standi of Private Applicants under Art. 230 (4) EC: A Missed Opportunity or A Velvet Revolution?
116 24.11.2005 Dimitrova, Antoaneta; Rhinard, Mark The power of norms in the transposition of EU directives
117 19.10.2005 Howarth, David J. Making and Breaking the Rules: French policy on EU 'gouvernement économique' and the Stability and Growth Pact
118 14.10.2005 Larsson, Torbjorn; Trondal, Jarle After Hierarchy? Domestic Executive Governance and the Differentiated Impact of the European Commission and the Council of Ministers
119 14.10.2005 Friedrichs, Jörg; Mihov, Jordan; Popova, Maria Synergies and Tradeoffs in International Cooperation: Broadening, Widening, and Deepening
120 14.10.2005 Breuss, Fritz Economic Integration, EU-US Trade Conflicts and WTO Dispute Settlement
121 12.8.2005 Abromeit, Heidrun; Wolf, Sebastian Will the Constitutional Treaty Contribute to the Legitimacy of the European Union?
122 20.7.2005 Jordana, Jacint; Levi-Faur, David; Puig, Imma The Limits of Europeanization: Regulatory Reforms in the Spanish and Portuguese Telecommunications and Electricity Sectors
123 10.7.2005 Raunio, Tapio Much Ado About Nothing? National Legislatures in the EU Constitutional Treaty
124 28.6.2005 Schmidt, Vivian A. The Role of Public Discourse in European Social Democratic Reform Projects
125 14.6.2005 Hartlapp, Miriam Two Variations on a Theme: Different Logics of Implementation Management in the EU and the ILO
126 14.4.2005 Kochenov, Dimitry EU Enlargement Law: History and Recent Developments: Treaty – Custom Concubinage?
127 1.3.2005 Dutzler, Barbara; Hable, Angelika The European Court of Justice and the Stability and Growth Pact - Just the Beginning?
128 1.3.2005 Melchior, Josef National and European Understandings of Democracy: The Case of Austria and the EU
129 14.1.2005 Haverland, Markus Does the EU cause domestic developments? The problem of case selection in Europeanization research
130 14.1.2005 Trondal, Jarle Two Worlds of Europeanisation – Unpacking Models of Government Innovation and Transgovernmental Imitation
131 14.1.2005 Piedrafita Tremosa, Sonia The EU Eastern enlargement: Policy choices of the Spanish government
132 20.12.2004 Busch, Per-Olof; Jörgens, Helge; Tews, Kerstin The Global Diffusion of Regulatory Instruments: The Making of a New International Environmental Regime
133 10.12.2004 Ubertazzi, Benedetta The End of the ECSC
134 26.11.2004 Versluis, Esther Explaining Variations in Implementation of EU Directives
135 12.10.2004 Dür, Andreas; Mateo, Gemma Treaty-Making in the European Union: Bargaining, Issue Linkages, and Efficiency
136 6.10.2004 Radaelli, Claudio M. Europeanisation: Solution or problem?
137 6.10.2004 Howarth, David Explaining British Policy on the Euro
138 23.9.2004 Schäfer, Armin Beyond the Community Method: Why the Open Method of Coordination Was Introduced to EU Policy-making
139 23.9.2004 Besson, Samantha Sovereignty in Conflict
140 23.9.2004 Plechanovová, Bela Draft constitution and the decision-making rule for the Council of Ministers of the EU – Looking for alternative solution
141 23.9.2004 Leal-Arcas, Rafael The EC in the WTO: The three-level game of decision-making. What multilateralism can learn from regionalism
142 29.7.2004 Ruiz Jiménez, Antonia M.; Górniak, Jaroslaw Jósef; Kosic, Ankica; Kiss, Paszkal; Kandulla, Maren European and National Identities in EU's Old and New Member States: Ethnic, Civic, Instrumental and Symbolic Components
143 12.7.2004 Kochenov, Dimitry Behind the Copenhagen façade. The meaning and structure of the Copenhagen political criterion of democracy and the rule of law
144 6.7.2004 Wendler, Frank The paradoxical effects of institutional change for the legitimacy of European governance: the case of EU Social Policy
145 6.7.2004 Busemeyer, Marius R. Chasing Maastricht: The Impact of the EMU on the Fiscal Performance of Member States
146 6.7.2004 Töller, Annette Elisabeth The Europeanization of Public Policies – Understanding Idiosyncratic Mechanisms and Contingent Results
147 21.6.2004 Eliasson, Johan Traditions, Identity and Security: the Legacy of Neutrality in Finnish and Swedish Security Policies in Light of European Integration
148 12.6.2004 Zängle, Michael The European Union benchmarking experience. From euphoria to fatigue?
149 2.4.2004 Trondal, Jarle; Marcussen, Martin; Veggeland, Frode International Executives: Transformative Bureaucracies or Westphalian Orders?
150 23.3.2004 Heutger, Viola A more coherent European wide legal language
151 23.3.2004 Ferreira-Pereira, Laura C. The Militarily Non-Allied States in the CFSP of the 1990´s
152 23.3.2004 Leal-Arcas, Rafael The EC in GATT/WTO negotiations: From Rome to Nice – Have EC Trade Policy Reforms Been Good Enough for a Coherent EC Trade Policy in the WTO?
153 30.12.2003 Falkner, Gerda Comparing Europeanisation Effects: From Metaphor to Operationalisation
154 30.12.2003 Jacquot, Sophie; Woll, Cornelia Usage of European Integration – Europeanisation from a Sociological Perspective
155 2.12.2003 Bouwen, Pieter A Theoretical and Empirical Study of Corporate Lobbying in the European Parliament
156 24.10.2003 Rasmussen, Anne The Role of the European Commission in Co-decision – A strategic facilitator operating in a situation of structural disadvantage
157 30.9.2003 Hofmann, Herwig C. H. A Critical Analysis of the new Typology of Acts in the Draft Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe
158 11.9.2003 Breuss, Fritz; Eller, Markus On the Optimal Assignment of Competences in a Multi-Level Governed European Union
159 17.6.2003 Vranes, Erich The Final Clauses of the Charter of Fundamental Rights – Stumbling Blocks for the First and Second Convention
160 6.5.2003 Plechanovová, Bela The Treaty of Nice and the Distribution of Votes in the Council – Voting Power Consequences for the EU after the Oncoming Enlargement
161 11.4.2003 Beyers, Jan; Trondal, Jarle How Nation-States ‘Hit’ Europe – Ambiguity and Representation in the European Union
162 31.3.2003 Fölsz, Attila The monetary framework after accession – a political economy analysis of ERM2
163 31.3.2003 Peters, Anne A Plea for a European Semi-Parliamentary and Semi-Consociational Democracy
164 31.3.2003 Schneider, Heinrich The Constitution Debate
165 12.2.2003 Knill, Christoph; Lenschow, Andrea Modes of Regulation in the Governance of the European Union: Towards a Comprehensive Evaluation
166 3.12.2002 Abels, Gabriele Experts, Citizens, and Eurocrats – Towards a Policy Shift in the Governance of Biopolitics in the EU
167 24.10.2002 Kaiser, Robert; Prange, Heiko A new concept of deepening European integration? – The European Research Area and the emerging role of policy coordination in a multi-level governance system
168 24.10.2002 Zleptnig, Stefan The Standard of Review in WTO Law: An Analysis of Law, Legitimacy and the Distribution of Legal and Political Authority
169 30.9.2002 Hansen, Troels B.; Scholl, Bruno Europeanization and Domestic Parliamentary Adaptation – A Comparative Analysis of the Bundestag and the House of Commons
170 30.9.2002 Kulahci, Erol Theorizing party interaction within EPFs and their effects on the EU policy-making process
171 30.9.2002 Topan, Angelina The resignation of the Santer-Commission: the impact of 'trust' and 'reputation'
172 22.8.2002 Vink, Maarten P. Negative and Positive Integration in European Immigration Policies
173 7.8.2002 Trondal, Jarle The Europeanisation of Research and Higher Educational Policies – Some Reflections
174 26.7.2002 Hegeland, Hans; Neuhold, Christine Parliamentary participation in EU affairs in Austria, Finland and Sweden: Newcomers with different approaches
175 26.7.2002 Perez, Oren The Many Faces of the Trade-Environment Conflict: Some Lessons for the Constitutionalization Project
176 26.7.2002 Fink, Gerhard; Koller, Wolfgang Did Accession to the EU Affect Small and Large Firms Differently? The Case of the Austrian Retail and Wholesale Sector
177 1.7.2002 Bauer, Michael W. Reforming the European Commission – A (missed?) Academic Opportunity
178 22.4.2002 Levi-Faur, David On the 'Net Impact' of Europeanization. The EU's telecoms and electricity regimes between the global and the national
179 16.4.2002 Eberlein, Burkard; Kerwer, Dieter Theorising the New Modes of European Union Governance
180 16.4.2002 Kohler-Koch, Beate European Networks and Ideas: Changing National Policies?
181 12.3.2002 Kulahci, Erol Explaining the Absence of a Genuine European Social-Democrat Consensus: the Case of 'Une Stratégie pour la Solidarité'
182 12.3.2002 Farrell, Henry; Héritier, Adrienne Formal and Informal Institutions under Codecision: Continuous Constitution Building in Europe
183 12.3.2002 Faas, Thorsten Why Do MEPs Defect? An Analysis of Party Group Cohesion in the 5 th European Parliament
184 29.1.2002 Skiadas, Dimitrios V. Judicial review of the management of assistance provided by the European Social Fund for the promotion of employment
185 20.12.2001 Falkner, Gerda The Europeanisation of Austria: Misfit, Adaptation and Controversies
186 12.10.2001 Buonanno, Laurie; Zablotney, Sharon; Keefer, Richard Politics versus Science in the Making of a New Regulatory Regime for Food in Europe
187 12.10.2001 Hooghe, Liesbet; Marks, Gary Types of Multi-Level Governance
188 21.8.2001 Neuhold, Christine The "Legislative Backbone" keeping the Institution upright? The Role of European Parliament Committees in the EU Policy-Making Process
189 27.7.2001 Sousa, Pedro A. B. de Independent and Accountable Central Banks and the European Central Bank
190 4.7.2001 Joerges, Christian 'Deliberative Supranationalism' – A Defence
191 25.6.2001 Werle, Raymund Internet @ Europe: Overcoming institutional fragmentation and policy failure
192 6.6.2001 Schmidt, Vivien A. Europeanization and the Mechanics of Economic Policy Adjustment
193 17.5.2001 Ucarer, Emek M. From the Sidelines to Center Stage: Sidekick No More? The European Commission in Justice and Home Affairs
194 17.5.2001 Piazolo, Daniel Multilateral and European Responses to E-Commerce
195 19.4.2001 Somek, Alexander On Supranationality
196 30.3.2001 Kyvelidis, Ioannis Measuring Post-materialism in Post-Socialist Societies
197 9.3.2001 Dutzler, Barbara OLAF or the Question of Applicability of Secondary Community Law to the ECB
198 21.12.2000 Webster, Ruth What drives interest group collaboration at the EU level? Evidence from the European environmental interest groups
199 5.12.2000 Toggenburg, Gabriel A Rough Orientation Through a Delicate Relationship: The European Union`s Endeavours for (its) Minorities
200 29.11.2000 Börzel, Tanja A.; Risse, Thomas When Europe Hits Home: Europeanization and Domestic Change
201 23.11.2000 Lehmkuhl, Dirk Under Stress: Europeanisation and Trade Associations in the Members States
202 11.10.2000 Bär, Stefani; Gehring, Thomas; von Homeyer, Ingemar; Kraemer, R. Andreas; Mazurek, Anne-Gabrielle; Klasing, Anneke; Tarasofky, Richard G. Closer Co-operation, a new instrument for European Environmental Policy?
203 19.9.2000 Kaleda, Saulius Lukas Extension of the preliminary rulings procedure outside the scope of Community law: ‘The Dzodzi line of cases’
204 19.9.2000 Smismans, Stijn The European Economic and Social Committee: towards deliberative democracy via a functional assembly
205 17.7.2000 Kay, Adrian Towards a Theory of the Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy
206 17.7.2000 Weinrichter, Norbert The World Monetary System and External Relations of the EMU – Fasten your safety belts!
207 17.7.2000 Radealli, Claudio M. Whither Europeanization? Concept stretching and substantive change
208 19.6.2000 Skiadas, Dimitrios V. Judicial Review of the Budgetary Authority during the enactment of the European Union’s Budget
209 18.5.2000 Neyer, Jürgen The Regulation of Risks and the Power of the People: Lessons from the BSE Crisis
210 18.5.2000 Muntean, Andrei M. The European Parliament’s Political Legitimacy and the Commission’s “Misleading Management”: Towards a “Parliamentarian” European Union?
211 10.3.2000 Pacheco, Luís Miguel Fiscal Federalism, EMU and Shock Absorption Mechanisms: A Guide to the Literature
212 14.2.2000 Greenwood, Justin; Webster, Ruth Are EU Business Associations Governable?
213 2.2.2000 Kyvelidis, Ioannis State Isomorphism in the Post-Socialist Transition
214 18.1.2000 Rasmussen, Anders Institutional Games Rational Actors Play – The empowering of the European Parliament
215 11.10.1999 Weinrichter, Norbert Perspectives on the changing spirit of GATT
216 29.9.1999 Wessels, Berhard Political Representation and Political Integration in Europe: Is it possible to square the circle?
217 27.7.1999 Davis, Roy W. Public access to community documents: a fundamental human right?
218 15.6.1999 Knill, Christoph; Lehmkuhl, Dirk How Europe Matters. Different Mechanisms of Europeanization
219 29.4.1999 Pollack, Mark A. Delegation, Agency and Agenda Setting in the Treaty of Amsterdam
220 29.4.1999 Jorgensen, Knud Erik The Social Construction of the Acquis Communautaire: A Cornerstone of the European Edifice
221 14.4.1999 Trondal, Jarle Integration Through Participation – Introductory Notes to the Study of Administrative Integration
222 4.3.1999 Knodt, Michèle; Staeck, Nicola Shifting paradigms: Reflecting Germany’s European policy
223 27.1.1999 Franchino, Fabio The Determinants of Control of Commission’s Executive Functions
224 15.1.1999 Christiansen, Thomas; Jorgensen, Knud Erik The Amsterdam Process: A Structurationist Perspective on EU Treaty Reform
225 15.12.1998 Favell, Adrian The Europeanisation of immigration politics
226 13.11.1998 Beyers, Jan Where does supranationalism come from? Ideas floating through the working groups of the Council of the European Union
227 28.10.1998 Öberg, Ulf Public Access to Documents after the entry into force of the Amsterdam Treaty: Much Ado About Nothing?
228 10.10.1998 Friis, Lykke 'The End of the Beginning' of Eastern Enlargement – Luxembourg Summit and Agenda-setting
229 24.7.1998 Franchino, Fabio Institutionalism and Commission’s Executive Discretion: an Empirical Analysis
230 17.7.1998 Reising, Uwe K.H. Domestic and supranational political opportunities: European protest in selected countries 1980-1995
231 10.6.1998 Conzelmann, Thomas ‘Europeanisation’ of Regional Development Policies? Linking the Multi-Level Governance Approach with Theories of Policy Learning and Policy Change
232 29.5.1998 Knill, Christoph; Lehmkuhl, Dirk An Alternative Route of Legal Integration: The Community's Railways Policy
233 13.5.1998 Sarfati, Gilberto European industrial policy as a non-tariff barrier
234 10.4.1998 Knill, Christoph; Lenschow, Andrea Change as "Appropriate Adaptation": Administrative Adjustment to European Environmental Policy in Britain and Germany
235 4.12.1997 König, Thomas; Bräuninger, Thomas Decisiveness and Inclusiveness: Intergovernmental Choice of European Decision Rules
236 14.11.1997 Hix, Simon Executive Selection in the European Union: Does the Commission President Investiture Procedure Reduce the Democratic Deficit?
237 14.11.1997 Joerges, Christian The Market without the State? The 'Economic Constitution' of the European Community and the Rebirth of Regulatory Politics
238 14.11.1997 Joerges, Christian States Without a Market? Comments on the German Constitutional Court's Maastricht-Judgement and a Plea for Interdisciplinary Discourses
239 26.10.1997 Laffan, Brigid The European Union: A Distinctive Model of Internationalisation?
240 23.9.1997 Wiener, Antje Assessing the Constructive Potential of Union Citizenship – A Socio-Historical Perspective
241 25.8.1997 Jacobsen, Hanns-D. The European Union's Eastward Enlargement
242 25.8.1997 Börzel, Tanja A. What's So Special About Policy Networks? – An Exploration of the Concept and Its Usefulness in Studying European Governance
243 25.8.1997 Nentwich, Michael; Falkner, Gerda The Treaty of Amsterdam: Towards a New Institutional Balance
244 24.7.1997 Dudley, Geoffrey; Richardson, Jeremy Competing Policy Frames in EU Policy Making: The Rise of Free Market Ideas in EU Steel Policy 1985-1996
245 24.7.1997 Sutter, Matthias Zur Glaubwürdigkeit des EWU-Stabilitätspaktes – Einfache Berechnungen und mehrfache Zweifel
246 17.6.1997 Falkner, Gerda Corporatist Governance and Europeanisation: No Future in the Multi-level Game?
247 20.5.1997 Breuss, Fritz The Economic Consequences of a Large EMU – Results of Macroeconomic Model Simulations
248 10.5.1997 Kohler-Koch, Beate Organized Interests in the EC and the European Parliament
249 24.4.1997 Eeckhout, Piet European Anti-dumping Law and China
250 24.4.1997 Hooghe, Liesbet Serving 'Europe' – Political Orientations of Senior Commission Officials
251 10.4.1997 Schmitter, Phillipe C.; Torreblanca, José I. Old 'foundations' and new 'rules' - For an enlarged European Union
252 10.4.1997 Hooghe, Liesbet; Marks, Gary The Making of a Polity: The Struggle Over European Integration
253 10.4.1997 Jachtenfuchs, Markus Democracy and Governance in the European Union
254 10.4.1997 Streeck, Wolfgang Citizenship Under Regime Competition: The Case of the „European Works Councils"
255 10.4.1997 Shaw, Jo European Citizenship: The IGC and Beyond
256 10.4.1997 Wessels, Wolfgang; Diedrichs, Udo A New Kind of Legitimacy for a New Kind of Parliament – The Evolution of the European Parliament
257 5.11.1996 Nentwich, Michael Opportunity Structures for Citizens' Participation: The Case of the European Union

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