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date of
publ. |
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04.02.2015 |
Kiratli, Osman Sabri |
The role of identity in support for supranational integration in EU Foreign and Security Policies |
2 |
19.01.2015 |
Marangoni, Anne-Claire and Sophie Vanhoonacker |
The consistency of EU external action post-Lisbon: Renewing appropriate measures against Zimbabwe in 2012 |
3 |
19.01.2015 |
Baltag, Dorina and Michael Smith |
EU and member states diplomacies in Moldova and Ukraine: Examining EU diplomatic performance post-Lisbon |
4 |
19.01.2015 |
Selianko, Iulii and Andrea Lenschow |
Energy policy coherence from an intra-institutional perspective: Energy security and environmental policy coordination within the European Commission |
5 |
19.01.2015 |
Vanhoonacker, Sophie and Christine Neuhold |
Dynamics of institutional cooperation in the European Union: Dimensions and effects. An Introduction |
6 |
19.01.2015 |
De Somer, Marie and Maarten P. Vink |
"Precedent" and fundamental rights in the CJEU’s case law on family reunification immigration |
7 |
19.01.2015 |
Mühlböck, Monika and Berthold Rittberger |
The Council, the European Parliament, and the paradox of inter-institutional cooperation |
8 |
10.11.2014 |
Mergaert, Lut and Emanuela Lombardor |
Resistance to implementing gender mainstreaming in EU research policy |
9 |
10.11.2014 |
Kantola, Johanna |
The paradoxical gendered consequences of the EU policy on multiple discrimination: The Nordic case |
10 |
10.11.2014 |
Weiner, Elaine and Heather MacRae |
The persistent invisibility of gender in EU policy: Introduction |
11 |
10.11.2014 |
Allwood, Gill |
Gender mainstreaming and EU climate change policy |
12 |
10.11.2014 |
Debusscher, Petra |
Gender mainstreaming on the ground? The case of EU development aid towards Rwanda |
13 |
09.05.2014 |
Chappell, Laura and Petar Petrov |
The European Union's crisis management operations: Strategic culture in action? |
14 |
14.02.2014 |
Blom, Tannelie and Valentina Carraro |
An information processing approach to public organizations: The case of the European Union Fundamental Rights Agency |
15 |
20.08.2013 |
Bürgin, Alexander |
Salience, path dependency and the coalition between the European Commission and the Danish Council Presidency: Why the EU opened a visa liberalisation process with Turkey |
16 |
04.07.2013 |
Vandecasteele, Bruno, Bossuyt, Fabienne and Jan Orbie |
Unpacking the influence of the Council Presidency on European Union external policies: The Polish Council Presidency and the Eastern Partnership |
17 |
04.07.2013 |
Brandsma, Gijs Jan |
Bending the rules: Arrangements for sharing technical and political information between the EU institutions |
18 |
04.07.2013 |
Ripoll Servent, Ariadna and Amy Busby |
Introduction: Agency and influence inside the EU institutions |
19 |
04.07.2013 |
Field, Mark |
The anatomy of EU policy-making: Appointing the experts |
20 |
04.07.2013 |
Smeets, Sandrino |
How issues move or get stuck: Or how to be effective in the EU Council of Ministers |
21 |
04.07.2013 |
Busby, Amy and Kheira, Belkacem |
Coping with the information overload': An exploration of assistants' backstage role in the everyday practice of European Parliament politics |
22 |
28.06.2013 |
Sanchez Salgado, Rosa |
From ‘talking the talk’ to ‘walking the walk’: Implementing the EU guidelines on employment through the European Social Fund |
23 |
23.05.2013 |
Raimundo, António |
The Europeanisation of foreign policy: An assessment of the EU impact on Portugal’s post-colonial relations in Sub-Saharan Africa |
24 |
29.11.2012 |
Ciaian, Pavel; Pokrivcak, Jan and Katarina Szegenyova |
Do agricultural subsidies crowd out or stimulate rural credit market institutions? The case of EU Common Agricultural Policy |
25 |
23.8.2012 |
Vieira, Alena Vysotskaya Guedes; Kajnc Lange, Sabina |
Beyond continuity: Analysis of the effects of the first Trio Presidency on Policy Coherence for Development |
26 |
23.8.2012 |
Christiansen, Thomas; Dobbels, Mathias |
Comitology and delegated acts after Lisbon: How the European Parliament lost the implementation game |
27 |
31.7.2012 |
Schukkink, Martijn; Niemann, Arne |
Portugal and the EU’s Eastern Enlargement: A logic of identity endorsement |
28 |
11.5.2012 |
Toshkov, Dimiter and Anne Rasmussen |
Time to Decide: The effect of early agreements on legislative duration in the EU |
29 |
25.04.2012 |
García Agustín, Óscar |
Transnational deliberative democracy in the context of the European Union: The institutionalisation of the European Integration Forum |
30 |
21.02.2012 |
Schunz, Simon |
Explaining the evolution of European Union foreign climate policy: A case of bounded adaptiveness |
31 |
14.02.2012 |
Jean-Claude, Barbier and Fabrice Colomb |
EU Law as Janus bifrons, a sociological approach to 'Social Europe' |
32 |
13.02.2012 |
Koukiadaki, Aristea |
EU governance and social services of general interest: When even the UK is concerned |
33 |
13.02.2012 |
Cautrès, Bruno |
Multidimensionality of EU attitudes in France: An issue for the understanding of the politicization of attitudes towards the EU |
34 |
13.02.2012 |
Hartlapp, Miriam |
Deconstructing EU old age policy: Assessing the potential of soft OMCs and hard EU law |
35 |
13.02.2012 |
Marginson, Paul; Keune, Maarten |
European social dialogue as multi-level governance: Towards more autonomy and new dependencies |
36 |
13.02.2012 |
Beaudonnet, Laurie and Danilo Di Mauro |
Support for Europe: Assessing the complexity of individual attitudes |
37 |
13.02.2012 |
Arnold, Christine, Eliyahu V. Sapir and Galina Zapryanova |
Trust in the institutions of the European Union: A cross-country examination |
38 |
30.01.2012 |
Bodenstein, Thilo and Achim Kemmerling |
Ripples in a rising tide: Why some EU regions receive more structural funds than others |
39 |
21.12.2011 |
Wolf, Sebastian |
Euratom Before the Court: A Political Theory of Legal Non-Integration |
40 |
23.11.2011 |
Schmitt, Sophie; Schulze, Kai |
Choosing environmental policy instruments: An assessment of the 'environmental dimension' of EU energy policy |
41 |
23.11.2011 |
Dupont, Claire; Primova, Radostina |
Combating complexity: the integration of EU climate and energy policies |
42 |
23.11.2011 |
Tosun, Jale; Solorio, Israel |
Exploring the Energy-Environment Relationship in the EU: Perspectives and Challenges for Theorizing and Empirical Analysis |
43 |
19.10.2011 |
Niemann, Arne |
Conceptualising Commom Commercial Policy Treaty revision: explaining stagnancy and dynamics from the Amsterdam IGC to the Treaty of Lisbon |
44 |
10.10.2011 |
Biesenbender, Jan |
The Dynamics of Treaty Change – Measuring the Distribution of Power in the European Union |
45 |
21.9.2011 |
Vyprachticka, Terezie |
Could the Stability and Growth Pact be Substituted by the Financial Markets? |
46 |
21.6.2011 |
Wagner, Wolfgang |
Negative and Positive Integration in EU Criminal Law Co-operation |
47 |
19.4.2011 |
Orbie, Jan; De Ville, Ferdi |
The European Union's Trade Policy Response to the Crisis: Paradigm lost or reinforced? |
48 |
21.2.2011 |
Dijkstra, Hylke |
EU External Representation in Conflict Resolution: When does the Presidency or the High Representative Speak for Europe? |
49 |
30.11.2010 |
Kancs, d'Artis; Kielyte, Julda |
European Integration and Labour Migration |
50 |
12.11.2010 |
Ipek, Pinar; Williams, Paul A. |
Firms’ strategic preferences, national institutions and the European Union’s Internal Energy Market: A challenge to European integration |
51 |
22.10.2010 |
Niemann, Arne; de Wekker, Tessa |
Normative power Europe? EU relations with Moldova |
52 |
16.08.2010 |
Petrov, Petar |
Early Institutionalisation of the ESDP Governance Arrangements: Insights From Operations Concordia and Artemis |
53 |
16.08.2010 |
Mérand, Frédéric; Hofmann, Stephanie; Irondelle, Bastien |
Transgovernmental Networks in the European Security and Defense Policy |
54 |
16.08.2010 |
Peters, Dirk; Wagner, Wolfgang; Deitelhoff, Nicole |
Parliaments and European security policy. Mapping the Parliamentary Field |
55 |
16.08.2010 |
Mattelaer, Alexander |
The CSDP Mission Planning Process of the European Union: Innovations and Shortfalls |
56 |
16.08.2010 |
Vanhoonacker, Sophie; Dijkstra, Hylke; Maurer Heidi |
Understanding the Role of Bureaucracy in the European Security and Defence Policy: The State of the Art |
57 |
16.08.2010 |
Bátora, Jozef |
A Democratically Accountable External Action Service: Three Scenarios |
58 |
16.08.2010 |
Justaert, Arnout; Keukeleire, Stephan |
The EU’s Security Sector Reform Policies in the Democratic Republic of Congo |
59 |
16.08.2010 |
Juncos, Ana E.; Pomorska, Karolina |
Secretariat, Facilitator or Policy Entrepreneur? Role Perceptions of Officials of the Council Secretariat |
60 |
16.08.2010 |
Stie, Anne Elizabeth |
Decision-making Void of Democratic Qualities? An Evaluation of the EU’s Second Pillar Decision-making Procedure |
61 |
16.08.2010 |
Norheim-Martinsen, Per Martin |
Managing the Civil-Military Interface in the EU: Creating an Organisation Fit for Purpose |
62 |
12.08.2010 |
Timus, Natalia |
The Impact of European Democracy Promotion on Party Financing in the East European Neighborhood |
63 |
28.06.2010 |
Sprungk, Carina |
Ever more or ever better scrutiny? Analysing the conditions of effective national parliamentary involvement in EU affairs |
64 |
30.04.2010 |
Littoz-Monnet, Annabelle |
Dynamic Multi-Level Governance – Bringing the Study of Multi-level Interactions into the Theorising of European Integration |
65 |
28.12.2009 |
Haar, Beryl P. ter |
The growing potential integration capacity of the acquis of the European Social Model |
66 |
28.12.2009 |
Yolles, Maurice I. |
Understanding the Dynamics of European Politics |
67 |
22.12.2009 |
Haverland, Markus |
How leader states influence EU policy-making: Analysing the expert strategy |
68 |
18.12.2009 |
Dimitrova, Antoaneta; Toshkov, Dimiter |
Post-accession compliance between administrative co-ordination and political bargaining |
69 |
18.12.2009 |
Sedelmeier, Ulrich |
Post-accession compliance with EU gender equality legislation in post-communist new member states |
70 |
18.12.2009 |
Trauner, Florian |
Post-accession compliance with EU law in Bulgaria and Romania: a comparative perspective |
71 |
18.12.2009 |
Schwellnus, Guido; Balázs, Lilla; Mikalayeva, Liudmila |
It ain't over when it's over: The adoption and sustainability of minority protection rules in new EU member states |
72 |
18.12.2009 |
Maniokas, Klaudijus |
Conditionality and compliance in Lithuania: the case of the best performer |
73 |
18.12.2009 |
Knill, Christoph; Tosun, Jale |
Post-accession transposition of EU law in the new member states: a cross-country comparison |
74 |
18.12.2009 |
Krizsan, Andrea |
From formal adoption to enforcement. Post-accession shifts in EU impact on Hungary in the equality policy field |
75 |
18.11.2009 |
Kröger, Sandra |
The Open Method of Coordination: Underconceptualisation, overdetermination, de-politicisation and beyond |
76 |
18.11.2009 |
Weishaupt, J. Timo |
Money, votes or 'good' ideas? Partisan politics and the effectiveness of the European Employment Strategy in Austria and Ireland |
77 |
18.11.2009 |
Dawson, Mark |
EU law 'transformed'? Evaluating accountability and subsidiarity in the 'streamlined' OMC for Social Inclusion and Social Protection |
78 |
18.11.2009 |
Hartlapp, Miriam |
Learning about policy learning. Reflections on the European Employment Strategy |
79 |
18.11.2009 |
Flear, Mark |
The Open Method of Coordination on health care after the Lisbon Strategy II: Towards a neoliberal framing? |
80 |
18.11.2009 |
Horvath, Anna |
What kind of consensus? Conflicting notions of effectiveness within the Social Protection Committee |
81 |
18.11.2009 |
Vanhercke, Bart |
Against the odds. The Open Method of Coordination as a selective amplifier for reforming Belgian pension policies |
82 |
18.11.2009 |
Pfister, Thomas |
Governing the knowledge society: Studying Lisbon as epistemic setting |
83 |
18.11.2009 |
Büchs, Milena |
The Open Method of Coordination - Effectively preventing welfare state retrenchment? |
84 |
18.11.2009 |
Niechoj, Torsten |
Does supranational coordination erode its national basis? The case of European labour market policy and German industrial relations |
85 |
18.11.2009 |
Schäfer, Armin; Leiber, Simone |
The double voluntarism in EU social dialogue and employment policy |
86 |
18.11.2009 |
López-Santana, Mariely |
Having a Say and Acting: Assessing the effectiveness of the European Employment Strategy as an intra-governmental coordinative instrument |
87 |
18.11.2009 |
Radulova, Elissaveta |
The construction of EU's childcare policy through the Open Method of Coordination |
88 |
18.8.2009 |
van de Steeg, Marianne |
Public Accountability in the European Union: Is the European Parliament able to hold the European Council accountable? |
89 |
18.8.2009 |
Dragos, Dacian C.; Neamtu, Bogdana |
Reusing Public Sector Information - Policy Choices and Experiences in some of the Member States with an emphasis on the Case of Romania |
90 |
7.7.2009 |
Casula Vifell, Åsa |
Speaking with forked tongues - Swedish public administration and the European employment strategy |
91 |
25.2.2009 |
Renner, Stephan |
The Energy Community of Southeast Europe: A neo-functionalist project of regional integration |
92 |
30.12.2008 |
Fischer, Robert |
European governance still technocratic? New modes of governance for food safety regulation in the European Union |
93 |
17.12.2008 |
Elgström, Ole |
Images of the EU in EPA negotiations: Angel, demon - or just human? |
94 |
14.11.2008 |
Urrutia, Iñigo; Lasagabaster, Iñaki |
Language Rights and Community Law |
95 |
8.7.2008 |
Nedergaard, Peter |
Coordination Processes in International Organisations: The EU at the International Labour Conference in 2005 |
96 |
17.4.2008 |
Oppermann, Kai; Viehrig, Henrike |
Issue Salience and the Domestic Legitimacy Demands of European Integration. The Cases of Britain and Germany |
97 |
3.4.2008 |
Neuhold, Christine |
Taming the ‘Trojan Horse’ of Comitology? Accountability issues of Comitology and the Role of the European Parliament |
98 |
30.12.2007 |
Braams, Beate |
Equal Opportunities between Men and Women and Gender Mainstreaming under the European Employment Strategy (EES) and the Open Method of Coordination (OMC) – A New Policy Approach to Combat Gender Discrimination? |
99 |
22.6.2007 |
Steunenberg, Bernard; Dimitrova, Antoaneta |
Compliance in the EU enlargement process: The limits of conditionality |
100 |
25.5.2007 |
Brandsma, Gijs Jan |
Accountability deficits in European ‘Comitology’ decision-making |
101 |
25.5.2007 |
McGowan, Lee |
Theorising European Integration: revisiting neo-functionalism and testing its suitability for explaining the development of EC competition policy? |
102 |
27.3.2007 |
Pitrová, Markéta |
Populism in the first European elections in the Czech Republic |
103 |
27.3.2007 |
Borrás, Susana |
The European Commission as Network Broker |
104 |
8.9.2006 |
Onay, Ceylan |
A Co-integration Analysis Approach to European Union Integration: The Case of Acceding and Candidate Countries |
105 |
8.9.2006 |
Seifert, Franz |
Synchronised national publics as functional equivalent of an integrated European public. The case of biotechnology |
106 |
8.9.2006 |
Juncos, Ana E.; Pomorska, Karolina |
Playing the Brussels game: Strategic socialisation in the CFSP Council Working Groups |
107 |
8.9.2006 |
Toens, Katrin |
Lobbying for Justice? Organized Welfare in Germany under the Impact of Europeanization |
108 |
8.9.2006 |
Bendiek, Annegret |
Cross-Pillar Security Regime Building in the European Union: Effects of the European Security Strategy of December 2003 |
109 |
21.7.2006 |
Aus, Jonathan P. |
Eurodac: A Solution Looking for a Problem? |
110 |
4.7.2006 |
Rostek, Karolina; Davies, Gareth |
The impact of Union citizenship on national citizenship policies |
111 |
13.6.2006 |
Trondal, Jarle |
An Institutional Perspective on Representation. Ambiguous representation in the European Commission |
112 |
31.5.2006 |
Kröger, Sandra |
When learning hits politics or: Social policy coordination left to the administrations and the NGOs? |
113 |
9.5.2006 |
Krapohl, Sebastian; Zurek, Karolina |
The Perils of Committee Governance: Intergovernmental Bargaining during the BSE Scandal in the European Union |
114 |
27.1.2006 |
Obydenkova, Anastassia |
Democratization, Europeanization and Regionalization beyond the European Union: Search for Empirical Evidence |
115 |
5.12.2005 |
Kombos, Constantinos |
The Recent Case Law on Locus Standi of Private Applicants under Art. 230 (4) EC: A Missed Opportunity or A Velvet Revolution? |
116 |
24.11.2005 |
Dimitrova, Antoaneta; Rhinard, Mark |
The power of norms in the transposition of EU directives |
117 |
19.10.2005 |
Howarth, David J. |
Making and Breaking the Rules: French policy on EU 'gouvernement économique' and the Stability and Growth Pact |
118 |
14.10.2005 |
Larsson, Torbjorn; Trondal, Jarle |
After Hierarchy? Domestic Executive Governance and the Differentiated Impact of the European Commission and the Council of Ministers |
119 |
14.10.2005 |
Friedrichs, Jörg; Mihov, Jordan; Popova, Maria |
Synergies and Tradeoffs in International Cooperation: Broadening, Widening, and Deepening |
120 |
14.10.2005 |
Breuss, Fritz |
Economic Integration, EU-US Trade Conflicts and WTO Dispute Settlement |
121 |
12.8.2005 |
Abromeit, Heidrun; Wolf, Sebastian |
Will the Constitutional Treaty Contribute to the Legitimacy of the European Union? |
122 |
20.7.2005 |
Jordana, Jacint; Levi-Faur, David; Puig, Imma |
The Limits of Europeanization: Regulatory Reforms in the Spanish and Portuguese Telecommunications and Electricity Sectors |
123 |
10.7.2005 |
Raunio, Tapio |
Much Ado About Nothing? National Legislatures in the EU Constitutional Treaty |
124 |
28.6.2005 |
Schmidt, Vivian A. |
The Role of Public Discourse in European Social Democratic Reform Projects |
125 |
14.6.2005 |
Hartlapp, Miriam |
Two Variations on a Theme: Different Logics of Implementation Management in the EU and the ILO |
126 |
14.4.2005 |
Kochenov, Dimitry |
EU Enlargement Law: History and Recent Developments: Treaty – Custom Concubinage? |
127 |
1.3.2005 |
Dutzler, Barbara; Hable, Angelika |
The European Court of Justice and the Stability and Growth Pact - Just the Beginning? |
128 |
1.3.2005 |
Melchior, Josef |
National and European Understandings of Democracy: The Case of Austria and the EU |
129 |
14.1.2005 |
Haverland, Markus |
Does the EU cause domestic developments? The problem of case selection in Europeanization research |
130 |
14.1.2005 |
Trondal, Jarle |
Two Worlds of Europeanisation – Unpacking Models of Government Innovation and Transgovernmental Imitation |
131 |
14.1.2005 |
Piedrafita Tremosa, Sonia |
The EU Eastern enlargement: Policy choices of the Spanish government |
132 |
20.12.2004 |
Busch, Per-Olof; Jörgens, Helge; Tews, Kerstin |
The Global Diffusion of Regulatory Instruments: The Making of a New International Environmental Regime |
133 |
10.12.2004 |
Ubertazzi, Benedetta |
The End of the ECSC |
134 |
26.11.2004 |
Versluis, Esther |
Explaining Variations in Implementation of EU Directives |
135 |
12.10.2004 |
Dür, Andreas; Mateo, Gemma |
Treaty-Making in the European Union: Bargaining, Issue Linkages, and Efficiency |
136 |
6.10.2004 |
Radaelli, Claudio M. |
Europeanisation: Solution or problem? |
137 |
6.10.2004 |
Howarth, David |
Explaining British Policy on the Euro |
138 |
23.9.2004 |
Schäfer, Armin |
Beyond the Community Method: Why the Open Method of Coordination Was Introduced to EU Policy-making |
139 |
23.9.2004 |
Besson, Samantha |
Sovereignty in Conflict |
140 |
23.9.2004 |
Plechanovová, Bela |
Draft constitution and the decision-making rule for the Council of Ministers of the EU – Looking for alternative solution |
141 |
23.9.2004 |
Leal-Arcas, Rafael |
The EC in the WTO: The three-level game of decision-making. What multilateralism can learn from regionalism |
142 |
29.7.2004 |
Ruiz Jiménez, Antonia M.; Górniak, Jaroslaw Jósef; Kosic, Ankica; Kiss, Paszkal; Kandulla, Maren |
European and National Identities in EU's Old and New Member States: Ethnic, Civic, Instrumental and Symbolic Components |
143 |
12.7.2004 |
Kochenov, Dimitry |
Behind the Copenhagen façade. The meaning and structure of the Copenhagen political criterion of democracy and the rule of law |
144 |
6.7.2004 |
Wendler, Frank |
The paradoxical effects of institutional change for the legitimacy of European governance: the case of EU Social Policy |
145 |
6.7.2004 |
Busemeyer, Marius R. |
Chasing Maastricht: The Impact of the EMU on the Fiscal Performance of Member States |
146 |
6.7.2004 |
Töller, Annette Elisabeth |
The Europeanization of Public Policies – Understanding Idiosyncratic Mechanisms and Contingent Results |
147 |
21.6.2004 |
Eliasson, Johan |
Traditions, Identity and Security: the Legacy of Neutrality in Finnish and Swedish Security Policies in Light of European Integration |
148 |
12.6.2004 |
Zängle, Michael |
The European Union benchmarking experience. From euphoria to fatigue? |
149 |
2.4.2004 |
Trondal, Jarle; Marcussen, Martin; Veggeland, Frode |
International Executives: Transformative Bureaucracies or Westphalian Orders? |
150 |
23.3.2004 |
Heutger, Viola |
A more coherent European wide legal language |
151 |
23.3.2004 |
Ferreira-Pereira, Laura C. |
The Militarily Non-Allied States in the CFSP of the 1990´s |
152 |
23.3.2004 |
Leal-Arcas, Rafael |
The EC in GATT/WTO negotiations: From Rome to Nice – Have EC Trade Policy Reforms Been Good Enough for a Coherent EC Trade Policy in the WTO? |
153 |
30.12.2003 |
Falkner, Gerda |
Comparing Europeanisation Effects: From Metaphor to Operationalisation |
154 |
30.12.2003 |
Jacquot, Sophie; Woll, Cornelia |
Usage of European Integration – Europeanisation from a Sociological Perspective |
155 |
2.12.2003 |
Bouwen, Pieter |
A Theoretical and Empirical Study of Corporate Lobbying in the European Parliament |
156 |
24.10.2003 |
Rasmussen, Anne |
The Role of the European Commission in Co-decision – A strategic facilitator operating in a situation of structural disadvantage |
157 |
30.9.2003 |
Hofmann, Herwig C. H. |
A Critical Analysis of the new Typology of Acts in the Draft Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe |
158 |
11.9.2003 |
Breuss, Fritz; Eller, Markus |
On the Optimal Assignment of Competences in a Multi-Level Governed European Union |
159 |
17.6.2003 |
Vranes, Erich |
The Final Clauses of the Charter of Fundamental Rights – Stumbling Blocks for the First and Second Convention |
160 |
6.5.2003 |
Plechanovová, Bela |
The Treaty of Nice and the Distribution of Votes in the Council – Voting Power Consequences for the EU after the Oncoming Enlargement |
161 |
11.4.2003 |
Beyers, Jan; Trondal, Jarle |
How Nation-States ‘Hit’ Europe – Ambiguity and Representation in the European Union |
162 |
31.3.2003 |
Fölsz, Attila |
The monetary framework after accession – a political economy analysis of ERM2 |
163 |
31.3.2003 |
Peters, Anne |
A Plea for a European Semi-Parliamentary and Semi-Consociational Democracy |
164 |
31.3.2003 |
Schneider, Heinrich |
The Constitution Debate |
165 |
12.2.2003 |
Knill, Christoph; Lenschow, Andrea |
Modes of Regulation in the Governance of the European Union: Towards a Comprehensive Evaluation |
166 |
3.12.2002 |
Abels, Gabriele |
Experts, Citizens, and Eurocrats – Towards a Policy Shift in the Governance of Biopolitics in the EU |
167 |
24.10.2002 |
Kaiser, Robert; Prange, Heiko |
A new concept of deepening European integration? – The European Research Area and the emerging role of policy coordination in a multi-level governance system |
168 |
24.10.2002 |
Zleptnig, Stefan |
The Standard of Review in WTO Law: An Analysis of Law, Legitimacy and the Distribution of Legal and Political Authority |
169 |
30.9.2002 |
Hansen, Troels B.; Scholl, Bruno |
Europeanization and Domestic Parliamentary Adaptation – A Comparative Analysis of the Bundestag and the House of Commons |
170 |
30.9.2002 |
Kulahci, Erol |
Theorizing party interaction within EPFs and their effects on the EU policy-making process |
171 |
30.9.2002 |
Topan, Angelina |
The resignation of the Santer-Commission: the impact of 'trust' and 'reputation' |
172 |
22.8.2002 |
Vink, Maarten P. |
Negative and Positive Integration in European Immigration Policies |
173 |
7.8.2002 |
Trondal, Jarle |
The Europeanisation of Research and Higher Educational Policies – Some Reflections |
174 |
26.7.2002 |
Hegeland, Hans; Neuhold, Christine |
Parliamentary participation in EU affairs in Austria, Finland and Sweden: Newcomers with different approaches |
175 |
26.7.2002 |
Perez, Oren |
The Many Faces of the Trade-Environment Conflict: Some Lessons for the Constitutionalization Project |
176 |
26.7.2002 |
Fink, Gerhard; Koller, Wolfgang |
Did Accession to the EU Affect Small and Large Firms Differently? The Case of the Austrian Retail and Wholesale Sector |
177 |
1.7.2002 |
Bauer, Michael W. |
Reforming the European Commission – A (missed?) Academic Opportunity |
178 |
22.4.2002 |
Levi-Faur, David |
On the 'Net Impact' of Europeanization. The EU's telecoms and electricity regimes between the global and the national |
179 |
16.4.2002 |
Eberlein, Burkard; Kerwer, Dieter |
Theorising the New Modes of European Union Governance |
180 |
16.4.2002 |
Kohler-Koch, Beate |
European Networks and Ideas: Changing National Policies? |
181 |
12.3.2002 |
Kulahci, Erol |
Explaining the Absence of a Genuine European Social-Democrat Consensus: the Case of 'Une Stratégie pour la Solidarité' |
182 |
12.3.2002 |
Farrell, Henry; Héritier, Adrienne |
Formal and Informal Institutions under Codecision: Continuous Constitution Building in Europe |
183 |
12.3.2002 |
Faas, Thorsten |
Why Do MEPs Defect? An Analysis of Party Group Cohesion in the 5 th European Parliament |
184 |
29.1.2002 |
Skiadas, Dimitrios V. |
Judicial review of the management of assistance provided by the European Social Fund for the promotion of employment |
185 |
20.12.2001 |
Falkner, Gerda |
The Europeanisation of Austria: Misfit, Adaptation and Controversies |
186 |
12.10.2001 |
Buonanno, Laurie; Zablotney, Sharon; Keefer, Richard |
Politics versus Science in the Making of a New Regulatory Regime for Food in Europe |
187 |
12.10.2001 |
Hooghe, Liesbet; Marks, Gary |
Types of Multi-Level Governance |
188 |
21.8.2001 |
Neuhold, Christine |
The "Legislative Backbone" keeping the Institution upright? The Role of European Parliament Committees in the EU Policy-Making Process |
189 |
27.7.2001 |
Sousa, Pedro A. B. de |
Independent and Accountable Central Banks and the European Central Bank |
190 |
4.7.2001 |
Joerges, Christian |
'Deliberative Supranationalism' – A Defence |
191 |
25.6.2001 |
Werle, Raymund |
Internet @ Europe: Overcoming institutional fragmentation and policy failure |
192 |
6.6.2001 |
Schmidt, Vivien A. |
Europeanization and the Mechanics of Economic Policy Adjustment |
193 |
17.5.2001 |
Ucarer, Emek M. |
From the Sidelines to Center Stage: Sidekick No More? The European Commission in Justice and Home Affairs |
194 |
17.5.2001 |
Piazolo, Daniel |
Multilateral and European Responses to E-Commerce |
195 |
19.4.2001 |
Somek, Alexander |
On Supranationality |
196 |
30.3.2001 |
Kyvelidis, Ioannis |
Measuring Post-materialism in Post-Socialist Societies |
197 |
9.3.2001 |
Dutzler, Barbara |
OLAF or the Question of Applicability of Secondary Community Law to the ECB |
198 |
21.12.2000 |
Webster, Ruth |
What drives interest group collaboration at the EU level? Evidence from the European environmental interest groups |
199 |
5.12.2000 |
Toggenburg, Gabriel |
A Rough Orientation Through a Delicate Relationship: The European Union`s Endeavours for (its) Minorities |
200 |
29.11.2000 |
Börzel, Tanja A.; Risse, Thomas |
When Europe Hits Home: Europeanization and Domestic Change |
201 |
23.11.2000 |
Lehmkuhl, Dirk |
Under Stress: Europeanisation and Trade Associations in the Members States |
202 |
11.10.2000 |
Bär, Stefani; Gehring, Thomas; von Homeyer, Ingemar; Kraemer, R. Andreas; Mazurek, Anne-Gabrielle; Klasing, Anneke; Tarasofky, Richard G. |
Closer Co-operation, a new instrument for European Environmental Policy? |
203 |
19.9.2000 |
Kaleda, Saulius Lukas |
Extension of the preliminary rulings procedure outside the scope of Community law: ‘The Dzodzi line of cases’ |
204 |
19.9.2000 |
Smismans, Stijn |
The European Economic and Social Committee: towards deliberative democracy via a functional assembly |
205 |
17.7.2000 |
Kay, Adrian |
Towards a Theory of the Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy |
206 |
17.7.2000 |
Weinrichter, Norbert |
The World Monetary System and External Relations of the EMU – Fasten your safety belts! |
207 |
17.7.2000 |
Radealli, Claudio M. |
Whither Europeanization? Concept stretching and substantive change |
208 |
19.6.2000 |
Skiadas, Dimitrios V. |
Judicial Review of the Budgetary Authority during the enactment of the European Union’s Budget |
209 |
18.5.2000 |
Neyer, Jürgen |
The Regulation of Risks and the Power of the People: Lessons from the BSE Crisis |
210 |
18.5.2000 |
Muntean, Andrei M. |
The European Parliament’s Political Legitimacy and the Commission’s “Misleading Management”: Towards a “Parliamentarian” European Union? |
211 |
10.3.2000 |
Pacheco, Luís Miguel |
Fiscal Federalism, EMU and Shock Absorption Mechanisms: A Guide to the Literature |
212 |
14.2.2000 |
Greenwood, Justin; Webster, Ruth |
Are EU Business Associations Governable? |
213 |
2.2.2000 |
Kyvelidis, Ioannis |
State Isomorphism in the Post-Socialist Transition |
214 |
18.1.2000 |
Rasmussen, Anders |
Institutional Games Rational Actors Play – The empowering of the European Parliament |
215 |
11.10.1999 |
Weinrichter, Norbert |
Perspectives on the changing spirit of GATT |
216 |
29.9.1999 |
Wessels, Berhard |
Political Representation and Political Integration in Europe: Is it possible to square the circle? |
217 |
27.7.1999 |
Davis, Roy W. |
Public access to community documents: a fundamental human right? |
218 |
15.6.1999 |
Knill, Christoph; Lehmkuhl, Dirk |
How Europe Matters. Different Mechanisms of Europeanization |
219 |
29.4.1999 |
Pollack, Mark A. |
Delegation, Agency and Agenda Setting in the Treaty of Amsterdam |
220 |
29.4.1999 |
Jorgensen, Knud Erik |
The Social Construction of the Acquis Communautaire: A Cornerstone of the European Edifice |
221 |
14.4.1999 |
Trondal, Jarle |
Integration Through Participation – Introductory Notes to the Study of Administrative Integration |
222 |
4.3.1999 |
Knodt, Michèle; Staeck, Nicola |
Shifting paradigms: Reflecting Germany’s European policy |
223 |
27.1.1999 |
Franchino, Fabio |
The Determinants of Control of Commission’s Executive Functions |
224 |
15.1.1999 |
Christiansen, Thomas; Jorgensen, Knud Erik |
The Amsterdam Process: A Structurationist Perspective on EU Treaty Reform |
225 |
15.12.1998 |
Favell, Adrian |
The Europeanisation of immigration politics |
226 |
13.11.1998 |
Beyers, Jan |
Where does supranationalism come from? Ideas floating through the working groups of the Council of the European Union |
227 |
28.10.1998 |
Öberg, Ulf |
Public Access to Documents after the entry into force of the Amsterdam Treaty: Much Ado About Nothing? |
228 |
10.10.1998 |
Friis, Lykke |
'The End of the Beginning' of Eastern Enlargement – Luxembourg Summit and Agenda-setting |
229 |
24.7.1998 |
Franchino, Fabio |
Institutionalism and Commission’s Executive Discretion: an Empirical Analysis |
230 |
17.7.1998 |
Reising, Uwe K.H. |
Domestic and supranational political opportunities: European protest in selected countries 1980-1995 |
231 |
10.6.1998 |
Conzelmann, Thomas |
‘Europeanisation’ of Regional Development Policies? Linking the Multi-Level Governance Approach with Theories of Policy Learning and Policy Change |
232 |
29.5.1998 |
Knill, Christoph; Lehmkuhl, Dirk |
An Alternative Route of Legal Integration: The Community's Railways Policy |
233 |
13.5.1998 |
Sarfati, Gilberto |
European industrial policy as a non-tariff barrier |
234 |
10.4.1998 |
Knill, Christoph; Lenschow, Andrea |
Change as "Appropriate Adaptation": Administrative Adjustment to European Environmental Policy in Britain and Germany |
235 |
4.12.1997 |
König, Thomas; Bräuninger, Thomas |
Decisiveness and Inclusiveness: Intergovernmental Choice of European Decision Rules |
236 |
14.11.1997 |
Hix, Simon |
Executive Selection in the European Union: Does the Commission President Investiture Procedure Reduce the Democratic Deficit? |
237 |
14.11.1997 |
Joerges, Christian |
The Market without the State? The 'Economic Constitution' of the European Community and the Rebirth of Regulatory Politics |
238 |
14.11.1997 |
Joerges, Christian |
States Without a Market? Comments on the German Constitutional Court's Maastricht-Judgement and a Plea for Interdisciplinary Discourses |
239 |
26.10.1997 |
Laffan, Brigid |
The European Union: A Distinctive Model of Internationalisation? |
240 |
23.9.1997 |
Wiener, Antje |
Assessing the Constructive Potential of Union Citizenship – A Socio-Historical Perspective |
241 |
25.8.1997 |
Jacobsen, Hanns-D. |
The European Union's Eastward Enlargement |
242 |
25.8.1997 |
Börzel, Tanja A. |
What's So Special About Policy Networks? – An Exploration of the Concept and Its Usefulness in Studying European Governance |
243 |
25.8.1997 |
Nentwich, Michael; Falkner, Gerda |
The Treaty of Amsterdam: Towards a New Institutional Balance |
244 |
24.7.1997 |
Dudley, Geoffrey; Richardson, Jeremy |
Competing Policy Frames in EU Policy Making: The Rise of Free Market Ideas in EU Steel Policy 1985-1996 |
245 |
24.7.1997 |
Sutter, Matthias |
Zur Glaubwürdigkeit des EWU-Stabilitätspaktes – Einfache Berechnungen und mehrfache Zweifel |
246 |
17.6.1997 |
Falkner, Gerda |
Corporatist Governance and Europeanisation: No Future in the Multi-level Game? |
247 |
20.5.1997 |
Breuss, Fritz |
The Economic Consequences of a Large EMU – Results of Macroeconomic Model Simulations |
248 |
10.5.1997 |
Kohler-Koch, Beate |
Organized Interests in the EC and the European Parliament |
249 |
24.4.1997 |
Eeckhout, Piet |
European Anti-dumping Law and China |
250 |
24.4.1997 |
Hooghe, Liesbet |
Serving 'Europe' – Political Orientations of Senior Commission Officials |
251 |
10.4.1997 |
Schmitter, Phillipe C.; Torreblanca, José I. |
Old 'foundations' and new 'rules' - For an enlarged European Union |
252 |
10.4.1997 |
Hooghe, Liesbet; Marks, Gary |
The Making of a Polity: The Struggle Over European Integration |
253 |
10.4.1997 |
Jachtenfuchs, Markus |
Democracy and Governance in the European Union |
254 |
10.4.1997 |
Streeck, Wolfgang |
Citizenship Under Regime Competition: The Case of the „European Works Councils" |
255 |
10.4.1997 |
Shaw, Jo |
European Citizenship: The IGC and Beyond |
256 |
10.4.1997 |
Wessels, Wolfgang; Diedrichs, Udo |
A New Kind of Legitimacy for a New Kind of Parliament – The Evolution of the European Parliament |
257 |
5.11.1996 |
Nentwich, Michael |
Opportunity Structures for Citizens' Participation: The Case of the European Union |